Gameplay Rewind feature in Gran Turismo?

  • Thread starter turbomp301

Do you want a gameplay rewind feature in GT?

  • Total voters
You can keep saying this and you will be objectively wrong every time. Even ignoring the poor wording of the question itself, if in actuality more people don't care than those who don't want rewind, than those that do not want rewind are no longer the majority.

ok, Toro you are right. you can move on now.
Umm... if you read thorugh this thread, there are people who specifically say "I don't care but voted no".

Maybe YOU wouldn't vote... but some people did... and the point is, when given only a yes or no choice, often people will feel they have to choose one of the two.

I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be basiclaly some classic textbook case study on how to skew results with wording.

how any people do you think "some people" is?
Again that isnt fact because nobody was forced to vote. They may not care, but when it comes down to it, they ultimately would rather it not be in the game and that was their own choice. If they didnt care, why didnt they just say yes then? You can take the results and let them soak in however you want to.

I keep trying to explain it to you and you keep ignoring it, i said it plain and clear:

You can't say yes if you don't care becuase yes is caring, it is saying I do want it.

No is the only option for you if you don't care because the question is do you want rewind?

Well if you don't care, you don't WANT it.

Why is that so hard to grasp?
Umm... if you read thorugh this thread, there are people who specifically say "I don't care but voted no".

Maybe YOU wouldn't vote... but some people did... and the point is, when given only a yes or no choice, often people will feel they have to choose one of the two.

I wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be basiclaly some classic textbook case study on how to skew results with wording.

Well if people feel that they had a virtual gun pointed to their head and were forced to vote, I don't know what to say to that.
I keep trying to explain it to you and you keep ignoring it, i said it plain and clear:

You can't say yes if you don't care becuase yes is caring, it is saying I do want it.

No is the only option for you if you don't care because the question is do you want rewind?

Well if you don't care, you don't WANT it.

Why is that so hard to grasp?

I yes vote would be "not minding" the addition. Obviously, the few people on the fence "minded" it being in the game.

I would like to know how many people fell in that category, the numbers of voters in the other poll will help us guage that.

If we could see the screen names of who voted for what on the other poll, this would be easier.
how any people do you think "some people" is?

I have no idea... but the fact that anyone said they did certainly does mean that soe people did (so you can't argue that no one voted when they didn't care).

That's why a skewed poll is useless, you can't take any info from it becauaes you have no idea how bad the data is.

This is all still disregarding that so far the no's have failed to put up a logciallly sound reason for the no...
I yes vote would be "not minding" the addition. Obviously, the few people on the fence "minded" it being in the game.

Seriously I have written it out step by step... the question is not "do you not mind rewind " the question is "do you WANT rewind".

If you don't care, you cannot accurate vote YES because YES means you acutually DO want it.

In a yes no poll that only leaves you no... and guess what? No does accurately cover the group who don't care becuase do they WANT rewind? No... they don't... they don't care... so No is the answer that they fit into.

It's not obvious that people on the fence minded the game... if you totally don't care, not at all either way one iota, is this answer still technically accurate:

Do you want rewind in GT? No.

No is an absolutely accurate answer... you don't have to mind it at all, you don't have to have any feeling about it at all to fit into the no category the way the question is asked.

But then look what the data is taken to mean... it's taken to mean 90% of people are against rewind... when that's not true, some part of that 90% just doesn't care.

Let's try it this way, think of something you really don't care about at all either way, I don't know what but literally something that you have no opion of at all and that doesn't effect you like the price of cinamon in tibet or something.

You don't care about it at all, not one iota whatever it is, ok?

Now let me ask you this:

Yes or no, do you want the price of cinamon in tibet to go up?
Dev, it might not sit well with the mods, but you should do your own poll on this.

Really take some time and word everything properly.

Maybe wait a couple days for the other poll to fizzle out and then do a eriously definitive poll on the subject.

I think your the right man for the job.
Dev, it might not sit well with the mods, but you should do your own poll on this.

Really take some time and word everything properly.

Maybe wait a couple days for the other poll to fizzle out and then do seriously definitive poll on the subject.

I think your th rght man for the job.

Even I don't want another poll on this...
I don't want the rewind option! so i voted NO !

I had , as you all, many races on the previous GT's and i think
that this option will reduce the meaning of Gran Turismo
to a standard game.. nothing more nothing less ...

One day in a lan party of GT4 some friends of mine made a
endurance race in team (200 ASpec race).. i remember that
the guy that was driving the last stint .. 200 metres before the and
lost the control of the car ..
Now We (the group of persons of that day) all have something
funny to remember ...:scared: ..except the driver :grumpy::ouch: :dopey:

Seriously I have written it out step by step... the question is not "do you not mind rewind " the question is "do you WANT rewind".

If you don't care, you cannot accurate vote YES because YES means you acutually DO want it.

In a yes no poll that only leaves you no... and guess what? No does accurately cover the group who don't care becuase do they WANT rewind? No... they don't... they don't care... so No is the answer that they fit into.

It's not obvious that people on the fence minded the game... if you totally don't care, not at all either way one iota, is this answer still technically accurate:

Do you want rewind in GT? No.

No is an absolutely accurate answer... you don't have to mind it at all, you don't have to have any feeling about it at all to fit into the no category the way the question is asked.

But then look what the data is taken to mean... it's taken to mean 90% of people are against rewind... when that's not true, some part of that 90% just doesn't care.

The poll said "Do you want rewind in GT?". It didn't say "YOU MUST VOTE!! MUST CHOOSE 1: DO YOU WANT REWIND?"

If the part of the 90% didn't care yet still voted, then they are dumb enough not to be counted as a vote.
I don't want the rewind option! so i voted NO !

I had , as you all, many races on the previous GT's and i think
that this option will reduce the meaning of Gran Turismo
to a standard game.. nothing more nothing less ...

One day in a lan party of GT4 some friends of mine made a
endurance race in team (200 ASpec race).. i remember that
the guy that was driving the last stint .. 200 metres before the and
lost the control of the car ..
Now We (the group of persons of that day) all have something
funny to remember ...:scared: ..except the driver :grumpy::ouch: :dopey:


The funny thing is, that would never be effected by rewind... rewind is a single player only thing.

So you know what, the closest you could come to having rewind in that situation is if only one person was running an enduro... and he spun out at the last 200 meters... THEN he could use rewind...

And the ironic thing... the only one with nothing positive from that sitation (thus nothing to loose by undoing it) was that driver... who would be the only one who would be effected by rewind.

I know that's a tangled on to wrap your noode around but try it...
The funny thing is, that would never be effected by rewind... rewind is a single player only thing.

So you know what, the closest you could come to having rewind in that situation is if only one person was running an enduro... and he spun out at the last 200 meters... THEN he could use rewind...

And the ironic thing... the only one with nothing positive from that sitation (thus nothing to loose by undoing it) was that driver... who would be the only one who would be effected by rewind.

I know that's a tangled on to wrap your noode around but try it...

Dev, different opinions aren't going to effect you if you dont want them too, yet you constantly fight them. Then you try and tell people rewinding isnt going to effect them and they should stop fighting against it.

just an observation

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