Gamespot Kaz interview on Saturday.

  • Thread starter J99roberts
Let's hope the interviewer's use their time wisely & not get caught up on asking silly questions, like what is Kaz's favorite color or can you use GT as a simulator for driving test. With few precious moments to ask questions, example focus on clarification of the posted features list, specifically what is meant by locations, variations, etc.,. I don't expect getting a track & car list, but to clear up this cloud of confusion.

Hopefully Gamespot will use the questions ask by gamers who are familiar to GT.

Don't be fooled...



Translator guy is now the real star of PD, he should be on the cover or at least at the back:tup:
There wasn't much in there I don't think...did they even mention weather, night/day, or anything else? Also, the release date is not even guaranteed...we may have to wait clear into next fall if the game is truly only 65% complete. How are they going to make 35% more of the game in only MONTHS when it took 65% YEARS to make?
I thought they were going to ask him questions that people posted on the site?, everything in that article is nothing new. If anything it sounds worse because lots of the online community features KY intended to implement won't now be in the game.
There wasn't much in there I don't think...did they even mention weather, night/day, or anything else? Also, the release date is not even guaranteed...we may have to wait clear into next fall if the game is truly only 65% complete. How are they going to make 35% more of the game in only MONTHS when it took 65% YEARS to make?

It did not take them 5 years of GT5 development to reach 65%, nor is the next 35% will be be done at the same rate as the first 65%. The 35% left, according to Yamauchi is to increase the experience for GT5. Development is NEVER a linear process.
Bravo Gamespot.

Honestly, if you've got the job and you still know nothing about the game you're writing a huge story about, how much work do you have to do to at least understand the top few issues fans are talking about? 10 - 30 mins surfing the net, and then ten minutes preparing some questions to get a few facts.

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