Gaming Rig: What you guys think?

  • Thread starter Kryz11
If you want pure performance, I'd go with what was previously suggested and build around the i7-930 from Microcenter, and do your shopping there.
You would probably pay about the same, or maybe 50-$100 more for the i7 Microcenter system than the one I'm about to show below from Newegg


This is the way I would go if you're thinking about AMD. Go with the 1090 and be sure and get a good motherboard like this one. It's got USB 3.0 and dual PCIe 2.0 x16 slots, which means you can get the most out of crossfire in the future if you want to go that route. I included 8GB of memory, although that's a bit overkill right now IMO. Also, since the extra memory is included, you may have a hard time finding an aftermarket CPU cooler that won't block the memory slots--although I wouldn't recommend overclocking that chip anyway. So, I didn't include a CPU cooler on the list. The case is a mid-level Cooler Master that gets great reviews, will keep your stuff cool, and have enough room to fit all your components with ease and allow for some expansion in the future. You can spend more on a case, but there's really no need to with a case that good.

I'd prefer a modular power supply but the PC Power and Cooling PSU I listed is an awesome deal and 750 watts is plenty, believe me, unless you plan on crossfiring in the future. And, the 5870 is a great video card that when paired with the 6 core AMD chip should max out just about any game you play.

EDIT: I think this would be a pretty good deal, but you're probably better waiting until Black Friday to buy a system. You could probably save a couple hundred dollars easily, maybe a bit more.
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Man, that's a great deal on the i7-930. I wish I had a Microcenter close by.
Closest one is a 3 hour drive for me :/
OK guys. Me and my brother visited Micro Center today and wow they have many great deals! Much stuff we need will be at the store. Also the guy who help us knows a lot on PCs, and lowered our price of the motherboard cheaper then newegg.

So far we got this.
Asus Rampage III extreme edition

Zalman CPU Cooler


Intel i7 950 (3.06)

The case we already have, will use an older one we had form previous build.

Power Supply will buy either 750 or 850 W

we need some ideas on SLi Graphics cards. Any suggestions guys?
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This might help you decide.

A 460 1gb is $200
A 6850 is $180
Its a toss up to me. Don't look at those rebates to decide. Sometimes they work and other times they just don't send the check. I had to post on the EVGA forums to get my rebate check and it took like 6 months. Samsung is another company that's slow to return money. They asked me to resubmit all the info 6 months after I sent in the paperwork. I always make copies just for this reason. That one took a year to finish.

One thing to consider is watching for open box items.
When I bought my 2 4870's I bought them for $109 each. Non open box cards were going for $180 at the time. I saved a nice amount and the cards have worked great.
Thanks. Very interesting. I was looking over different reviews and comparisons of the 460 . Without the rebates its 20 bucks more for the 460, and 10 FPS more. 10 FPS is huge differences. What if I play a game that is around 30FPS, the 5-10 FPS could be huge difference. Some games run better on Ati, some games run better on Nvidia, I know Battlefield games run smoother in nvidia, and I know we will be playing BF3 all the time once it comes out.
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This is more of what he would want to see.

I would still get the 460 over the 6850 for BFBC2. The game loads faster for Nvidia cards.
Drives me nuts.
1920 x 1200
Might also buy another monitor for web browsing, or to watch Neflix while web browsing on another. Also some games support second monitor like Company of Heroes, but I hear the second screen for that games takes very little power since its only used for map.

Any good 2.1 Speakers ? Not too expensive. Ive seen some speakers on display in Best Buy, but no demo worked, are Logitech Speakers great?