Gay Marriage

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
"Marriage" is a state of being. "Laws" offer incentives for individuals to enter into this state of being, which they would, and do, enter into without. So homosexuals feel jipped for net being offered the incentives. But I say take the incentives away from everybody. Marriage and love are not government domain.

Going back and forth over whether gay marriage is illegal, moral, a choice, bla bla bla, has proven itself to be a pointless, purely academic excercise.

I agree with all that is said here except for the part about the gay marriage discussion being academic. Since the first paragraph is not going to happen, the discussion is fairly important.

There are lots of discussion on this topic. Further debate in this area would be redundant.

I haven't seen anyone address my most recent argument.

The 14th ammendment of the constitution requires that the states not discriminate based on arbitrary physical properties. Offering a government benefit to one group and not another based on arbitrary physical properties violates equal protection and therefore is unconstitutional.

I have seen no one address this point yet. This is not a case of going around in circles, or not listening to points of view... this is a case of this argument being completely ignored.
My father is going to photograph his first gay marriage in June. I think it's cool to the max. I'm interested to see how different its going to be compared to your run-of-the-mill heterosexual marriage.

Cool beans. 👍

I have to say I completely agree with milefile that all financial incentives given by the government should be removed from marriage.

I'll let the rest of you blokes get back to bickering over this issue.
Gay marriage (why I'm against it)

#1: Being born gay. Yes it may true, that most gay people are born that way, but it doesn’t mean it’s normal. Some people are born with illnesses and birth defects, being gay is just another defect. We are categorized as the “heterosexuals” and the “homosexuals”. No, it’s more like the normal and the abnormal.

#2: Anatomically incorrect. You can’t plug a plug into a plug, or an outlet into an outlet. Yes, gay couples have found ways around the traditional ways of having sex, but if you need a body part that is not meant for sex, then it’s not true intercourse. Using fingers or anadement objects for the women, and using one sexual organ and one body part used for disposing waste for men is not natural. Human nature is meant for procreation. That’s why women have what they have, and men have what they have. Every living thing is programmed to mate and continue the cycle of life. That’s what marriage is for. For falling in love, and continuing lifes cycle. Infertility aside, if you don’t have the right equipment with your partner, you shouldn’t be able to wed. If it is anatomically impossible for you to procreate with your chosen partner simply because you have the wrong equipment, you shouldn’t be able to wed. Marriage should be about love, but that’s not all its for. Marriage has been desecrated enough, why desecrate it any further?

#3: If gays can marry, then almost anyone can marry. What’s next, minors with people over 18? Or how about marrying your sibling? (if you’re into that kind of thing) If you really love them you should be able to marry them no matter what or else its discrimination, right? (sarcasm)

#4: Discrimination is if a black man and a white woman go into a court room to wed and are turned away. Discrimination is not being able to sit where you want on a bus. Discrimination is having to go to segregated schools, and use segregated bathrooms. Discrimination is NOT the inability of two people of the same sex to get married. An alternate kind of lifestyle that is absolutely unnatural is no reason to redefine marriage, and certainly is not discrimination.

I never cared if someone was gay or not, I still dont although I dont agree with it. But I am strongly against gay marriage and Im surprised that people who are not gay dont understand why people think its wrong. BTW, I am NOT christian.
Gay marriage (why I'm against it)

#1: Being born gay. Yes it may true, that most gay people are born that way, but it doesn’t mean it’s normal. Some people are born with illnesses and birth defects, being gay is just another defect. We are categorized as the “heterosexuals” and the “homosexuals”. No, it’s more like the normal and the abnormal.
It's not normal for people to have two different color eyes. My college roomate had one green and one blue. Should he be forced to wear a contact to cover his "abnormality"? Should he perhaps have it surgically "corrected"?

#2: Anatomically incorrect. You can’t plug a plug into a plug, or an outlet into an outlet. Yes, gay couples have found ways around the traditional ways of having sex, but if you need a body part that is not meant for sex, then it’s not true intercourse. Using fingers or anadement objects for the women, and using one sexual organ and one body part used for disposing waste for men is not natural. Human nature is meant for procreation. That’s why women have what they have, and men have what they have. Every living thing is programmed to mate and continue the cycle of life. That’s what marriage is for. For falling in love, and continuing lifes cycle. Infertility aside, if you don’t have the right equipment with your partner, you shouldn’t be able to wed. If it is anatomically impossible for you to procreate with your chosen partner simply because you have the wrong equipment, you shouldn’t be able to wed. Marriage should be about love, but that’s not all its for. Marriage has been desecrated enough, why desecrate it any further?
So you're only ever planning on having missionary-position sex, for the sole purpose of conceiving children, then? Ever, I mean.

And why does everyone think gay men have so much anal sex? Of the gay people I know, and am comfortable enough with to discuss such things, none of them have ever had it or perhaps tried it and didn't like it. I know heterosexuals who have had anal sex and enjoyed it. What about them? Is it only wrong when gay people do it?

Personally I think it's disgusting, but that's totally a hygiene issue, not a sexual-preference one.
#3: If gays can marry, then almost anyone can marry. What’s next, minors with people over 18? Or how about marrying your sibling? (if you’re into that kind of thing) If you really love them you should be able to marry them no matter what or else its discrimination, right? (sarcasm)
Are gay people not mentally competent? They cannot make an adult's decision over who they wish to marry? That's the reason why marriage to minors is prohibited.

You've already ruled out the possibility of conception... which is the reason siblings or blood relations are not allowed to marry. So that reason falls apart, too.
#4: Discrimination is if a black man and a white woman go into a court room to wed and are turned away. Discrimination is not being able to sit where you want on a bus. Discrimination is having to go to segregated schools, and use segregated bathrooms. Discrimination is NOT the inability of two people of the same sex to get married. An alternate kind of lifestyle that is absolutely unnatural is no reason to redefine marriage, and certainly is not discrimination.
How can you logically say this in any way?
I never cared if someone was gay or not, I still dont although I dont agree with it. But I am strongly against gay marriage and Im surprised that people who are not gay dont understand why people think its wrong. BTW, I am NOT christian.
I'm not gay, and personally, i can't understand why people think it's any of their damn business if gay people want to marry each other or not.
Our country was based on freedom, and the separation of Church and State. How free are gay people? Not very, if they can't marry. Should we ban them from voting too? Should we start not counting their votes? Gay people are seen only as wrong from under a religious light. This light, blinded people and made them accept the silly idea that gay marriage, and relationships, are wrong.

This entire idea that being born gay is a birth defect is just plain stupid. Is someone who writes left-handed a "birth defect" too? What makes you decide that being gay is a "birth defect?" Oh, let me guess. Because you're not gay, right?

Only intolerant idiots have a problem with gay people getting married. If you ask me, you sound like the "birth defect!"
Boy this discussion is long and pointless.

I don't think homos should get married, but it's not because I'm a religious zealot, I'm just an asshole 👍. I don't like gay men almost as a whole with the exception of about 2, and it's not because of procreation or any of that other gibberish...

I firmly believe that any gay male is mentally incapacitated, and therefore should not be able to get married. My reasoning? If you don't love the female body, you're obviously ****ing nuts. End of story.

what is "unnatural"?! i find something that is very common throughout the whole range of animals and human beings perfectly natural.

ghost c,

whats wrong with the male body!? do you shower in your underwear? :rolleyes:

solid and neon, good posts. 👍
Ghost C
Boy this discussion is long and pointless.

I don't think homos should get married, but it's not because I'm a religious zealot, I'm just an asshole 👍. I don't like gay men almost as a whole with the exception of about 2, and it's not because of procreation or any of that other gibberish...

I firmly believe that any gay male is mentally incapacitated, and therefore should not be able to get married. My reasoning? If you don't love the female body, you're obviously ****ing nuts. End of story.

Yaay, intolerance! :dopey: At least you admitted you're an asshole.
So far i've not seen any rational arguements against same sex marriages. Why do you suppose that is? - because there aren't any.

Prove us wrong - without mentioning the words 'religion' or 'un-natural'
How about masturbation then?

What's a straight guy usually thinking about when he masturbates? Point proven!

whats wrong with the male body!? do you shower in your underwear?

What's taking a shower got to do with being gay? Nothing.

Yaay, intolerance! At least you admitted you're an asshole.

I'm not intolerant, I just think gay men are complete and total idiots.

So far i've not seen any rational arguements against same sex marriages.

Uh, my argument. It's rational.
Ghost C
I'm not intolerant, I just think gay men are complete and total idiots.
So if I say "I think all Asian people are complete and total idiots", I'm being not intolerant?

Uh, my argument. It's rational.
So just because you said it, it's suddenly rational?

Get your head out of your ass before you hurt somebody.
Ghost C
Wow, I didn't think anyone would take me more than half seriously.

vb4 will definitely need sarcasm tags.
Well, it has been a while since you've been here... Did you get out early for "good behavior?" :lol:
Soooo, your point is?

The point is, too many people take themselves entirely too seriously. Lighten up, because honestly, unless you're gay...Does it matter? I mean damn, it's ok to be for it or against it, but why make it a bigger issue than it really is?

That's why my statement still stands, "I firmly believe that any gay male is mentally incapacitated, and therefore should not be able to get married. My reasoning? If you don't love the female body, you're obviously ****ing nuts. End of story.", and will continue to stand so people who go over the top on this issue can whine about my intolerance or having my head up my ass or whatever you guys come up with next.

Solid Lifters
Well, it has been a while since you've been here... Did you get out early for "good behavior?" :lol:

Forced move to North Carolina, just got my computer set up.
"I firmly believe that any gay male is mentally incapacitated, and therefore should not be able to get married. My reasoning? If you don't love the female body, you're obviously ****ing nuts. End of story.",

What do you mean by ****ing nuts? Mentally incapacitated? Like as in not able to function in society or legally enter in to contracts because they don't have the mental wherewithall (sp?) to be expected to be responsible for their actions?
Something to that effect.

Can you give me an example of a contract that they might sign (in their "mentally incapacitated" state) that might take advantage of their... dissability (would you classify it as that)?

... some reason why the gay man cannot take care of himself in this state of (what were your words?) "totally ****ing nuts".
Whoa whoa whoa, there someone goes taking me too seriously again.

What I said was a matter of opinion, it's just an opinion that most straight men agree with, I never declared it as fact, even though you would have to be mentally retarded to not love women.

There you go, give them the same benefits as retards. Problem solved.
I don't believe gay's are in any way mentally retarded, I don't think most straight men think they are either. I fail to understand how a gay man would want to be with anoth man more than a woman, I also dissagree with the practice of gay marriage and sex, but I would never, ever treat a gay as a lesser person, who am I to judge.
Ghost C
There you go, give them the same benefits as retards. Problem solved.
Well, I was going to retract my statement after you said it was sarcasm, but now it still stands. Have you no respect for other human beings?

You're entitled to an opinion, but it's worthless if it's made up of stereotypes, subjective opinion, little brain matter, and some putty. Open up your mind a bit – you might learn something.

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