Gay Marriage

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
Ok, easy solution to everything. Government, Fed, State, or Local, should not recognize ANY marriage. Marriage is a religious institution. Let the churches decide what marriage should be. Governments should cease and decist(sp?) with the issuing of ALL marriage licenses. Government should only recognize 'Legal Unions'. And Anyone should be able to get a Legal Union with anybody else (with some ristrictions, like gotta be 18+) for the sake of taxes and determining a kids parents and so forth. That's how it should be. You get a certificate to authorize your Legal Union with Sally, or Sam :yuck:, and that serves as your proof for whatever tax breaks and what not you'll apply for. Then you go to your church, or bar :cheers: or whatever and get "married". See, all fixed now.
Does anybody know of any current pieces of legislation in congress ATM that pertain to this subject in any way? Sorry for bringing back a somewhat old thread...
here is something, take away all institutions, rewrite the tax code, let people live how they want to live as long it is not directly killing other people, and everyone shut the hell up !

oh, and vote quimby
I am from SF and i do not understand why ppl are so against it. Why take away other people's happiness when they have done nothing to us or rather you. Frustrating.
Nobody is really gay its just psychological, even if it is deeply psychological in some cases.
I missed this the first time around. Care to offer the slightest shred of evidence for this profound scientific 'truth'?
2004 Poll results: Montana voted to only recognize opposite sex marriages, which I fully support.
Well.....eleven states so far seem to think so. which I am more disappointed than words can adequately express. I find it incredibly distressing that voters in 11 American states feel that their 'morality' is threatened by other people's consentual actions. I'm literally apalled at this.

Remember, we're not talking about forcing churches to perform same-sex marriages that go aginst their beliefs. We're talking about the allegedly-neutral state merely granting official status to consenting adult same-sex couples.
Is there any actual reason why it should be banned in a 'free' society?

This coming from somebody who'd be first to ban Gay Pride day.

Yes, because there is no secular document that says it is bad, so therefore it must be outlawd. Along with abortion at any time, and we'll throw in contraception as well. And, due to the new Bush Court that will be coming in within the next few months, it'll be sure to happen.
Wait a minute... weren't you a serious Catholic just a year ago? Or was your post not meant to be sarcastic...?
neon_duke which I am more disappointed than words can adequately express. I find it incredibly distressing that voters in 11 American states feel that their 'morality' is threatened by other people's consentual actions. I'm literally apalled at this.

Remember, we're not talking about forcing churches to perform same-sex marriages that go aginst their beliefs. We're talking about the allegedly-neutral state merely granting official status to consenting adult same-sex couples.

Marriage is ________________. The boundries that have been set in the past by morals and social norm have now been set by juditial definition.
Defining marriage as a union between a man and a women is not so bad BUT they went and did away with civil unions and have left no legal way for a loving couple to legaly share thier lives thats plain WRONG and wrong headed. legislating the morals of consenting adults is treading on dangerouse ground to begin with . This smacks of persecution, I want to reads more on the legislation but what I have seen SUCKS.
Montana wasn't one of those states.

The amendments in Mississippi, Montana and Oregon refer only to marriage, specifying that it should be limited to unions of one man and one woman. The measures in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma and Utah call for a ban on civil unions as well.
now this is funny, the election is settled, bush has won and now i find neon duke and ledhed defending gay rights here whereas i am defending the bush voters on various german-speaking forums. :D
They did legalize Medical use of marijuana though..... So to sum it up, we like our guns, we shoot to kill, we like to get stoned, but we don't like gays. Your basic redneck community with a bunch of old people that are in pain that want the kaya.

Back on topic though....I personally can't get past the thought of voting for something that I know is morally wrong. I think it IS that simple.
Back on topic though....I personally can't get past the thought of voting for something that I know is morally wrong. I think it IS that simple.
To "know" it's morally wrong would be to be able to back it up with facts and objective analysis – which I have never, ever seen, except for the Bible – and the Bible does not have a place in government (nor do I consider it fact, but that's an aside).
I think homosexuality is wrong. It is against my religion, and It is about the worst thing a person can do. allowing Gay marriage would be like hell on earth. That is why I'm glad that Bush was elected. With Bush I know there will be a consitutional ammendment banning Gay marriages. Maybe this is to do that I'm a homophobe, but I can't stand Gay people, and letting them marry would be the worst thing to ever happen in the U.S. This is strictly my opinion, please no flames.
I think homosexuality is wrong. It is against my religion, and It is about the worst thing a person can do. allowing Gay marriage would be like hell on earth. That is why I'm glad that Bush was elected. With Bush I know there will be a consitutional ammendment banning Gay marriages. Maybe this is to do that I'm a homophobe, but I can't stand Gay people, and letting them marry would be the worst thing to ever happen in the U.S. This is strictly my opinion, please no flames.
It sounds like you think banning gay marriage will somehow get rid of homosexuality.
Religion is the biggest farce in human history. Believe in God, not a book.
still, I would NEVER support gay marriage or gays for that matter. I think homosexuality should be banned too. It is wrong to me now, and will be forever.
Well, I have a little religion of my own. I like to call it "Live And Let Live." Anyone can join. You won't be asked any health questions, and no salesperson will visit. You're automatically approved.