You seriously need to justify those sentiments before continuing this line of dialogue.
And the only way to justify them is by agreeing with your line of thought
Their daughter is no better or worse off then if she would have been raised in the same manner by opposite sex parents.
Is the world still this backwards that we thing same sex parents are incapable of rearing a child?
So if your were raised by two of your fathers, or two of your mothers, your upbringing would have been just as good? Theres absolutely nothing that two different sexes could bring to a child? Its like how a man and a female compliment each other. A male and a female parent compliment each other in parenting. A father may let his children play too hard or get too dirty, but a mother would counter that and limit how dirty they get or how rough they play.
If you have alot of the same you get no where. It was interesting that a championship winning crew chief had his crew fill out a graph, a graph that had traits like patience, learning ability etc. All the graphs were different and he said his crew wouldn't work if they were the same.
Oh, of course you can have two men or two women raise a child. But is it the best case scenario for children? What I mentioned above says no.
I couldn't disagree more, children should be encouraged to think for their own, they shouldn't however have an opinion forced upon them.
Telling young children that gay marriage is wrong, is unproductive.
Telling young children that gay marriage is better than normal marriage is also unproductive.
What would be more productive, would be to tell children that gay marriage exists, as does normal marriage, and let formulate their own opinion of both over time.
When I was highschool I used to think that it was wrong to allow gay adoption because it was my opinion that the children of the gay family would be bullied considerably (this would have happened without doubt at my school), however its now my opinion, that is not the job of the government to decide who will and will not be bullied and ultimately who can and can't adopt children (abusive parents not included).
This is an example of an opinion that has changed over time, given time, children can make up their own mind too. Give them the facts, let them decide.
So you think a child doesnt benefit more from having a male and a female raising him?
Same sex parents are perfectly capable of raising a child. It doesn't mean they should be allowed. I will be hated for my views, which are closed-minded and blunt, but it's simply un-natural. A child should be raised, if possible, by a mother and father. There are plenty of straight couples out there deserving of a child. If 2 gay guys want to raise a child it makes me think, well sorry dude but you like males. A male and another male are physically incapable of reproduction because that's the way life is.
Earth, I'm straight but I think you can trust me on this. It is not a 'decision'.
Its not closed minded, in fact your are open minded. Who is pushing this idea of same sex marriage more then anyone? Hollywood and liberal media/politicians. Disagree and expect to be outcasted as close minded.
Notice how I disagreed with gay marriage and these people, who are suppose to be the open minded ones, haha, show their own closed mindedness by immediately dismissing me.
Just because you can do something doesnt mean its right or in the best interest of society as a whole.
You have people who want no restrictions or anything in their life. Fine, but when everything crumbles around you because of your limitless do anything lifestyle you have noone else but yourselves to blame.
EDIT: I know homosexuality may indeed be because of hormones or whatever, but because you want to do something doesnt always make it right. When a 35 year old school teacher is in love with a 13 year old student, is it right?
The fact of the matter is - the debate is over.
Homosexuality and gay marriage is a reality; to deny it is irresponsible, and to oppress it is an inherent violation of the rights of others.
To try and hide it from children is not only futile, but a denial of the reality in which those children must inevitably become a constructive part of.
Nice, try to run the "Everyone agrees your the only one give up" routine over me
Thats sooo funny. Im not trying to hide anything from children, homosexuality and gay marriage is something they'll have to deal with and tolerate in today's anything goes world. The problem I have is people like Rosie O'Donnel trying to tell 5 year olds that there is no advantage to having a mommy AND a daddy, like some think in this thread that two males or two females could do just as good of a job which is completely false.