Gay Marriage

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
Actually it is natural for a 'human' since we are different to animals but frankly some people want to behave in a 'non-human' manner. We are not animals, we don't just go around having sex with every female or male on the street.

The fact that Homosexuals are excepted in today's society proves how low we have become and that the government is doing their work just fine which is corrupting the society.

A fix will come one day.

Last time I checked I was an animal, as I (and you) belong to the Animalia Kingdom. We are just bipedal primates with the intelligence capable of producing civilisation.
People become gay because they are incapable of controlling their desires and about 100% of all gay relationships have nothing to do with true love but with fulfilling ones sexual desire.

Firstly, that's a statistic you have invented.

Secondly, its an oxymoron.
Actually it is natural for a 'human' since we are different to animals but frankly some people want to behave in a 'non-human' manner. We are not animals, we don't just go around having sex with every female or male on the street.

The fact that Homosexuals are excepted in today's society proves how low we have become and that the government is doing their work just fine which is corrupting the society.

A fix will come one day.

Likewise, I smell a troll, but this point is important to note. Marriage between a singular man and a singular woman is actually quite a new concept. Even the bible (which it sounds like you probably put some fair stock in) depicts some of its most 'praiseworthy' figures as engaged in bigamy on a massive scale - see Solomon for the most dramatic example.
Wow, is this SuperCobraJet's more bigotted, more ignorant brother?
Oh, I almost forgot...

Today's society itself is in ruins, the so called 'Free countries' aren't so free as you behave the way the government wants you to behave, you are nothing but 'consumers' and that's all. People buy in to all this over population and gay rights BS that the government and media feeds them because they're in a brainwashed state.

People become gay because they are incapable of controlling their desires and about 100% of all gay relationships have nothing to do with true love but with fulfilling ones sexual desire.

These people need help with their 'addiction' that YOU people are supporting because if no one's willing to wake up and provide help to these people then I see them as nothing but a threat to the human race and that's all they'll ever be until fixed.
Ok, I can see that religious people take offense if they allow it to be called "Marriage" (with the bible and all), but to me as an atheist, I couldn't care less.

The funny thing is... the very word "marriage" has Latin roots... and before Christianity took hold, Romans did have same-sex marriages.

Thus... to not have same-sex marriages, going by the Greco-Roman origins of the modern term, is actually... gasp... un-natural. :lol:

I'm not even bi-curious.

Personally... I've always felt like a lesbian in a man's body. I'm naturally sexually attracted to women, but I also feel the unnatural urge to comb their hair and talk to them about clothes and make-up. :lol:

People become gay sexually active because they are incapable of controlling their desires and about 100% of all gay relationships have nothing to do with true love but with fulfilling ones sexual desire.

Fixed. That works much better.

These people need help with their 'addiction' that YOU people are supporting because if no one's willing to wake up and provide help to these people then I see them as nothing but a threat to the human race and that's all they'll ever be until fixed.

Funny enough... homosexuality has been around much longer than you or I have, and the human race is still here. Big threat.

It's interesting to point out that there's a reasonable anthropological argument to be made for the case that marriage of any kind is unnatural.

A reasonable genetic argument too... non-monogamous individuals have a greater chance of spreading their seed. Which ties in well with the observation that individuals who seek power, prestige and wealth are more likely to be polygamous, even if they're married monogamously. Because on some level, the desire for power and prestige is linked to the desire to attract potential mates.
Today's society itself is in ruins, the so called 'Free countries' aren't so free as you behave the way the government wants you to behave, you are nothing but 'consumers' and that's all. People buy in to all this over population and gay rights BS that the government and media feeds them because they're in a brainwashed state.

People become gay because they are incapable of controlling their desires and about 100% of all gay relationships have nothing to do with true love but with fulfilling ones sexual desire.

These people need help with their 'addiction' that YOU people are supporting because if no one's willing to wake up and provide help to these people then I see them as nothing but a threat to the human race and that's all they'll ever be until fixed.

Next you'll be telling us that it was better when black people had no rights...

It's people like you who are responsible for the downfall of society. You're just too ignorant to realise it.
A problem with gay marriage is that it's not natural nor is it healthy, especially if the gay couple decide to adopt.
Actually it animals have documented to be in homosexual relationships. It's just not as common as heterosexuality.
Actually it is natural for a 'human' since we are different to animals but frankly some people want to behave in a 'non-human' manner. We are not animals, we don't just go around having sex with every female or male on the street.

The fact that Homosexuals are excepted in today's society proves how low we have become and that the government is doing their work just fine which is corrupting the society.

A fix will come one day.

wow, I thought all the fundamentalists had emigrated over here!
We are not animals, we don't just go around having sex with every female or male on the street.
Fixed. Google defines animal as:
Define: animal
A living organism characterized by voluntary movement
Seeing as you move voluntarily and can choose to either stay at point A or move to point B, you're an animal.
I think it's so arrogant to think that we are separate from animals and that we are "special". Yes, we can ask questions. Yes, we have free will. But don't give me that BS about man being specially created by God/Allah/Yahweh/the billions of Hindu gods just a little over 6,000 years ago.
A fix will come one day.
Congratulations, kid, you just aligned yourself with the far right, which is associated with the worst bastards to walk the face of Earth - Hitler, Mussolini, the KKK, the Westboro Baptist Church etc. What is this "fix"? A Final Solution for homosexuals? Putting in them in concentration camps and filming their misery and calling it funnier than anything man has even seen before?
Quite the opposite. A single parent (if straight) will raise a child like any other couple would, only by themselves. A gay couple raising a child, will screw up the child's mental ability to determine what he/she should, and should not be, attracted too.

I had 2 straight parents (or "normal" ones as you so delightfully put it) and I'm not exactly drooling over Jessica Alba. The same situation applies to about half a dozen other men I know. Not exactly scientific, but considering what I'm replying to I don't think that's a massive issue.

Could you imagine being raised by 2 gay men. At a young age, you would naturally think that how they acted was "normal".

By that logic, being raised by a single parent would mean that you're not going to be attracted to any gender. Anyone from a single parent background feel like backing up that theory? Nope?

The last place I looked to work out who I should be attracted to were my parents. I didn't think 'oh, so they're in a loving relationship and so logically I must be attracted to females and form one in much the same way'. In fact I probably thought 'that's dad, he plays trains with me' and 'that's mum, she puts me to bed'.

Of course by the time you went to kindergarten, everyone would seem irregular, and act strangely (to you). Growing up would be awful, especially once you hit your teens.

Yeah, that's where most solid relationships start, y'know - when you're 4.

I'm ok with gay marriage, but call it a union, not a marriage. I don't think gays truly love each other the same way straights do.

And you know this... how? Have you been in a homosexual relationship? Hell, have you been in a relationship? But no, I'm sure you're right. We probably just want to move in with someone to save on the heating bill.

The fact that Homosexuals are excepted in today's society proves how low we have become and that the government is doing their work just fine which is corrupting the society.

...Mr Griffin? Is that you?

Remind me never to enter Leicestershire.

A fix will come one day.

Oh ok, well let me know when it does. I'll be sure to hide under the bed. Or better yet, in the closet.
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A single parent (if straight) will raise a child like any other couple would, only by themselves.

And this is different from 2 females or 2 males raising a child how? In the dearth of an opposite sexual example, how is 1 single sex any more heterosexual than two?

A gay couple raising a child, will screw up the child's mental ability to determine what he/she should, and should not be, attracted too.

I think enough people have touched on the lunacy of this that I don't really have to comment. I will point out, however, that sniping opinions and retreating before rebuttal is highly disrespected in this community. (On a second note, saying what will and will not happen didn't work out very well for Nostradamus - or any prognosticator, for that matter.)

The problem I have is people like Rosie O'Donnel trying to tell 5 year olds that there is no advantage to having a mommy AND a daddy, like some think in this thread that two males or two females could do just as good of a job which is completely false.

That's not what she was saying; responsible parenting is responsible parenting regardless of orientation.

If the child turns out to be gay - so what? Is that what your point boils down to? That more kids could turn out to be gay?

If genetic indicators are anything - as they have been for the last 2 billion years - I would suspect homosexuality is not a threat or moral danger to mankind as you infer it to be.

hormones or whatever

Hormones are naturally occurring - and synthetically reproducable - chemicals within the human body. There is no established causal link between hormones and sexual orientation; sexuality, furthermore, is not a preference: There is no choice in the sex one is attracted to. Did you choose to be heterosexual?

Until you - and everyone else who doesn't get it - comes to understand that, the latent persecution of people will continue to provoke them to speak out and irk those who disagree.
if you guys are talking about freedom, then see this:

That mariage IS based on freedom. Proud?

I support freedom, but those things are just way off. What if someone tries to marry a dog? (remembering that gay is bat**** crazy by the '60s, let alone laptop marriage)

will you let those things gets common like how gay marriage gets more popular day by day?
Will that be the future of humanity?

if thats what freedom is getting to, then it FAILS.

and i think, thats why our mothers and fathers taught us about religion.
What exactly is your argument?

She isn't actually married to her laptop(it says so at the beginning of the video, not to mention it's not even legal), she probably just wanted to get on TV.

You also must be new here since a large majority of this forum is atheist.
if you guys are talking about freedom, then see this:

will you let those things gets common like how gay marriage gets more popular day by day?
Will that be the future of humanity?

A marriage is a contract between consenting parties. Can a laptop or a dog consent to being married?

No. Then a person cannot marry a dog or a laptop. Next (for want of a better word) point?

if thats what freedom is getting to, then it FAILS.

and i think, thats why our mothers and fathers taught us about religion.

What, freedom FAILS for allowing people to do what they want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else's rights?

And our mothers and fathers taught us about religion so we could repress what other people want to do?

I don't get what you're saying here.
okay whatever

That's all you have to defend your thinking? How about giving us some reasoned defense? Is it too much to ask that you have some analysis that has led you to the conclusions you've made?
if you guys are talking about freedom, then see this:

What does that have to do with anything at all? Yea there are going to be crazy people (if she's telling the truth) who think they have a relationship with their laptop, or a shoe, or a box of cereal. Do you want to make it illegal to be crazy?

It's not possible to get married to an inanimate object because marriage is a contract between consenting parties (like Duke said). So no, that's not what "freedom" prescribes. Moreover, it has nothing to do with gay couples.

The problem here (as has been stated before) is that the term "Marriage" is a legal AND religious term. I think we should use separate terms. I think the state should not recognize "marriage" between any parties. Individuals could sign a civil union under the law, and then QUITE SEPARATELY get married by their church. I think this simple concept would shut up about 99% of the confused religious people out there who seem to think that the government has any bearing on what their religion recognizes.
Fundamentally, marriage is a contract. You're getting a little off-track by saying that they should be able to prove that they love each other by entering into a government-sanctioned contract. All you have to do is say that human beings have a right to enter into contracts and you're done.

Unless that thing is an employer and an employee agreeing to a salary that's lower than you think it should be... amiright? Because the above statement says that minimum wage laws are wrong.

How the hell am I going "off track" when you say i could be talking about minimum wage and NOT gay marriage, when I am quite obviously talking about gay marriage and not minimum wage as i am posting IN A THREAD ABOUT GAY MARRIAGE!!! WTF!!!
I apologise, I should have said their "love life", I'll re-edit my quote for you. Their LOVE/PRIVATE life is their business and no-one else's.

And to answer your question about minimum wage anyway. YES, if an employer AND the employee agree to a wage and are both happy with it, then why on earth would it bother me? What people get paid has absolutely nothing to do with me nor should MY wage for the work I do affect anyone else. And if anyone asks me what i'm earning I tell them to BOG OFF!!

My views. don't get your knickers in a twist.
And to answer your question about minimum wage anyway. YES, if an employer AND the employee agree to a wage and are both happy with it, then why on earth would it bother me?

Good. I'm a little surprised you don't see how related the issues are, but I took a stab at guessing that you supported minimum wage laws. 99% of the time that guess is accurate, and I find it ironic that people so often find it none of their business when individuals enter into one kind of contract, and then turn around and poke their noses in when individuals enter into another kind of contract.

Carry on, no need to take offense.
Good. I'm a little surprised you don't see how related the issues are, but I took a stab at guessing that you supported minimum wage laws. 99% of the time that guess is accurate, and I find it ironic that people so often find it none of their business when individuals enter into one kind of contract, and then turn around and poke their noses in when individuals enter into another kind of contract.

Carry on, no need to take offense.

Well guess what, YOU GUESSED WRONG!!

I think YOU will find that to assume, generally makes an "ASS of U and ME".

And you were also inaccuate to GUESS that I was offended by what you said.

Now i'm off to eat a kebab and have a beer, which i do hope/guess/assume is not related to The minimum wage like Gay marriage is/was...whatever!