That's actually something my maths teacher says.I think YOU will find that to assume, generally makes an "ASS of U and ME".
Well guess what, YOU GUESSED WRONG!!
I think YOU will find that to assume, generally makes an "ASS of U and ME".
meUnless that thing is an employer and an employee agreeing to a salary that's lower than you think it should be... amiright?
C'mon, you are assuming you know what i'm thinking again, when really you don't. You couldn't possibly know how i'm acting OR what I am thinking.
You are just saying you do, in order to win a non-existent arguement, that you have been trying to start with various people in this thread for quite a while.
To say all my points are invalid now is also complete tosh, but i wouldn't expect anything else to be quite honest.
pentagramWill that be the future of humanity?
and your gay marriage is going to screw family life and society up even further.
I have women at work who tell me they would love to hang around gay men because of how they are portrayed as "cool"...
Sorry dear, must have been thrown off by the shouty capitals and multiple exclamation marks. Don't I feel silly
Don't particularly care what you're thinking to be honest - I'm not here to attempt to guess. It's generally your place to try to get that across via your posts themselves, which I tend to go off as I'm not given any further evidence on what's going on in your head. If you'd like to telephone me and read out your posts in a tone that I can be assured it was intended, then by all means do so. But until then I'll continue to base my logic on the style of your posts, which I believe is a perfectly acceptable thing to do on a website where it's the only foreseeable option. By posting in a way that implies you're upset (twice), you don't really have the right to be surprised or defensive when someone calls you out on it.
Have I? Oh right, nice to know.
I've argued (or 'debated') in this thread with people on the homosexual marriage basis; I don't recall doing so on the basis of post semantics. Until now, anyway. Feel free to link me to where I've done so up until this point.
As for the 'non-existent argument', I'd say that the act of replying to my particular post kinda turns it into one. But what do I know.
Don't recall saying that. In fact I think I said 'point' (singular), refering to the one that presumably underpinned the post you'd just written. Which I quoted. Where you were rather rude to Danoff for seemingly no reason.
It's also interesting that you've said 'I wouldn't have expected anything else', as it implies that you know me as a person, or at the very least a member on this forum. Which I'm fairly certain you do not, unless in the 2 years that you've been registered you've successfully read through each of my 5,000 posts, and have formed an opinion based on those - just in case an argument such as this may have cropped up with me. Which, frankly, would make me a little scared. But I'll go right ahead and assume you've tacked it on in the hope that it'll make you seem a little more wise.
This forum is fun.
I thought it was Danoff replying to me earlier and not you.
You know, when you make an assumption, you make an ass out of you and umption.![]()
Why even have marriage? Why should a father care about his kids if we're just animals? Why should partners be faithful to eachother? Why force a father to pay child support and take care of his child if we're just animals?
Tiger Woods wanted to have relations with females other then his wife, hows that a problem if we're just animals? What right does his wife have to not want him to fulfill his desire to be with other women as well as her? Why not let him have unlimited freedom? After all we're just animals, as some claim.
And if you cant see the fundamental difference between humans and animals I feel sorry for you. I really do.
You know lets just get rid of marriage all together. Let men and women, woman and woman, man and man stay together, have kids, adopt kids, raise them.
Lets see how that benefits society and helps the family arrangement. You want to bet that familes will be better then they are today with no family arrangement?
Go ahead, lie to yourself and say you haven't been affected in any way. Not knowing or simply ignoring the affect the mass media and mainstream has on you just makes you another drone. Wake up people! This crap has not been for decades, this is new!
Its at the point now where if you disagree your closed minded or a religious freak.
It takes 10x the courage to step up and speak out on what you believe when its extremely unpopular to do so. I'm going to step up and speak out, and I'm not apologizing.
In the end it doesn't really matter to me, though I feel terribly sorry for the kids who grow up same sex "marriages".
As I said this world has NO future. The constant break down of morals, the greed, and the breakdown of the economy has led to people like Joseph Stack.
Keep living your life and keep developing your society alienated from God and see which way that takes this country.
Go ahead, rip my post apart line by line, try to prove me wrong. Go ahead, waste your time. Nothing will change the fact that America and the whole world is in the toilet right now, and your gay marriage is going to screw family life and society up even further.
Its going to get to the point to where God intervenes, I'm sure that point is extremely close now, and when he does I pray I am on his side.
I don't see how gay marriage can screw it up anymore than what it already is. These days your family isn't normal if your parent's aren't divorced. I really think having a revolving door of step parents is more damaging than 2 moms/dads.
So when 2 dads are explaining sex to their child, they will say, its fine to have anal sex with a man, or vaginal sex with a woman. Its your choice.
Thats CRAP.
I want people to think, think and ponder for one moment about what this does to children for crying out loud. Try to think past the stupid freedoms argument. Think about what this means in the long run. Think about the children
Your running an uphill battle JoeyD
Find me one person who would rather or wouldn't mind being raised by two of the same sex
Thats your answer
Running an uphill battle? That doesn't make any sense.
You are making claims, I am asking for evidence for these claims. Please show me scientific evidence supporting your claim that same sex parents provide a worse environment then opposite sex parents do.
I would like to quote a 2005 study (which has been peer reviewed) by WebMD:
WebMDSame-Sex Parents Raise Well-Adjusted Kids
Children growing up in same-sex parental households do not necessarily have differences in self-esteem, gender identity, or emotional problems from children growing up in heterosexual parent homes.
"There are a lot of children with at least one gay or lesbian parent," says Ellen C. Perrin, MD, professor of pediatrics at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. She revealed the findings at the American Academy of Pediatrics Conference and Exhibition.
Between 1 million and 6 million children in the U.S. are being reared by committed lesbian or gay couples, she says. Children being raised by same-sex parents were either born to a heterosexual couple, adopted, or conceived through artificial insemination.
"The vast consensus of all the studies shows that children of same-sex parents do as well as children whose parents are heterosexual in every way," she tells WebMD. "In some ways children of same-sex parents actually may have advantages over other family structures."
You can read the rest of the study here: WebMD
Its going to get to the point to where God intervenes, I'm sure that point is extremely close now, and when he does I pray I am on his side.
DukeWoods signed a marriage contract (I assume) saying that he would be monogamously faithful to his wife, and (I assume) she did the same. The problem appears because he broke his avowed contract. It's got nothing to do with animality.
DukeAnd if you can't see the only meaningful difference is that we can use logic better than other animals, I feel sorry for you. I really do.
DukeOK! With heterosexual divorce rates at 50% or higher now, I can't see that it's going to make much of a difference.
What will make a difference is to promote the concept of personal responsibility. That's the fundamental issue. "Marriage" is a symptom, not a root cause.
DukeSo WE are media-perverted drones because we accept certain moral values. But somehow YOU are not a religion-perverted drone because you accept certain moral values?
Nice. Double standard much?
DukeAnd yet you can't see current tolerance and acceptance as the end result of generations of people like US having had the courage to step up and speak out on what we believe when it was extremely unpopular to do so... unbelievable. Double double standard much?
Ever heard of the civil rights movement? We're stepping up and speaking out too, and not apologizing either.
DukeWow. Just wow.
Oh lord.
Just FYI, I'm sure thousands of heterosexual parents have had the exact same discussion with their children. I've spoken to a number of people whose parents have said that to them, albeit in a less graphic detail.
homeforsummerGod can sod off then. I'm quite happy with my life and I certainly wouldn't appreciate him sticking his big beard into the matter just because a few politicians are corrupt and a few crims go around batting old ladies over the head. "Judgement day" apparently affects one and all which is rather unfair if you've lived your life perfectly well yet chosen not to accept religion.
But perhaps that's a subject for another thread.
He can keep his nose out of gay marriage issues too. The message of "love" is always preached, and yet it's apparently frowned upon if two same-sex partners love each other, which is wonderfully contradictory.
Earth, your points appear to be nothing but the rantings of a lunatic. You appear to be preaching a distorted version of right and wrong that's way more convoluted, contradictory and self-riteous than the politicians and citizens you claim are destroying our society.
It just amuses me that people like you never think to look to yourselves when you're pointing the finger of blame at society.
Well, screw marriage since its so binding.
Get rid of it!
try to stop 13 year old johnny from sneaking in at night and screwing your "son" but hey its just kids dealing wtih hormones! have at it boys!
My values have stayed the same, the media has changed hte values of countless millions. Thats the difference, one is every changing, one stays the same.
Now you may have had the same "values" for years, longer then even before I was born, but you cant tell me the way the media flaunts homosexuality around now as cool that hasnt changed the minds of millions.
How the hell is a child suppose to know if hes a male hes suppose to find a wife and procreate if hes got two dudes for parents. Its just scray to me thinking about what this could do.
So you developed your views completely on your own, not because your parents church or other surroundings.
Doubt it.
justinI have seen more "anti-gay" statements on TV than "pro-gay".
JustinWell, if they see a pic of a hot girl and gets a "funny" feeling I would guess he would realize what sex he likes more.
So when 2 dads are explaining sex to their child, they will say, its fine to have anal sex with a man, or vaginal sex with a woman. Its your choice.
Thats CRAP.
I want people to think, think and ponder for one moment about what this does to children for crying out loud. Try to think past the stupid freedoms argument. Think about what this means in the long run.
Think about the children
And if more having that conversation what is the reason behind it?
Again the media during these last 10-15 years which has slowly made homosexuality out to be this perfectly fine alternative life style.
Are you serious? Its unnatural.
Whats next, is sex ED at schools gonna teach boys how gay sex is accomplished?
If so I hope you dont mind your child seeing that! This is so unreal!
Public'sTwinHormones are naturally occurring - and synthetically reproducable - chemicals within the human body. There is no established causal link between hormones and sexual orientation; sexuality, furthermore, is not a preference: There is no choice in the sex one is attracted to. Did you choose to be heterosexual?
Until you - and everyone else who doesn't get it - comes to understand that, the latent persecution of people will continue to provoke them to speak out and irk those who disagree.
I notice, Earth, you have not replied to my answer despite having explicitly posted it on your profile wall.
Secondly, sarcasm and vague moralist rhetoric are not the foundations of a logically persuasive argument.
With all due respect, you are in no position to decide where peoples' opinions are formed.My values were developed at a young age. They have stayed the same because I have found them personally to be right, unlike the values of countless millions which are decided by media and the mainstream.
...and in no way is homosexuality anything new or recent.Was the sudden outbreak of the homosexual lifestyle/marriage in the last 10-15 years because suddenly the world was suddenly enlightened
There is no promotion of homosexuality. There is no product being sold, nobody telling you to be gay. You know why?I certainly can't remember. All I hear* is wanda sykes, rosie oddonnel or others promotiing it. You talk against homosexuality now and you get blasted.
So here we have the popular view of today, homosexuality is a choice.
It's not. Bona fide, yes; a choice, no.If it is a bonefied choice,
They teach reproduction here, not how to have sex - which has a whole slew of entirely different purposes, the least of which is to produce babies.then lets teach it in Sex ED. Why discriminate against gay students? Dont they need to know how to have safe gay sex?, kids? Please, elaborate on these consequences for me.I just dont think people are thinking of the consquences
Public'sTwinThat's not what she was saying; responsible parenting is responsible parenting regardless of orientation.
If the child turns out to be gay - so what? Is that what your point boils down to? That more kids could turn out to be gay?
If genetic indicators are anything - as they have been for the last 2 billion years - I would suspect homosexuality is not a threat or moral danger to mankind as you infer it to be.
You could have two chimps raise a child, but is it best for the baby?
Just because you DISAGREE, doesn't mean it's wrong!I'll say it again, just because you WANT to do something doesn't mean its right!
Much like you equates lesbians raising kids with them being raised by chimps, incest is legislated by law as inspired by religious understanding of genetics. Relatives = kids with deformities. However, while I personally disapprove of incest - on the basis that so often there is a power imbalance and it's most frequently a form of child abuse - I have no inherent disagreement with a brother and sister who are aware of the genetic implications of ratifying that love and act responsibly.Somebody may want to have sex with a sister, or cousin or whatever, does that make it right?
We already know you can't form a cohesive argument.The problem is I can spend alot of time and post these huge posts but you know what?
You are generalizing; you just lumped the group of people who always say you generalize with those who know and can break down the rest of your arguments.I'll have people pick them apart and just disagree with everything. I mean you got people who say I am generalizing because I say females tend to be more emotionally sensitive and caring then males. LMAO, you guys most be joking. Wheres the cameras?
EarthMy values were developed at a young age. They have stayed the same because I have found them personally to be right, unlike the values of countless millions which are decided by media and the mainstream. If I didnt belief strongly in my values I would be wishy washy as others are.
So here we have the popular view of today, homosexuality is a choice.
If it is a bonefied choice, then lets teach it in Sex ED. Why discriminate against gay students? Dont they need to know how to have safe gay sex?
Lets not forget the lesbians. Lets teach them how to have sex.
I just dont think people are thinking of the consquences
WHY? Why does that have to be crap for everybody just because you think so?
Why can't you explain to your kids that you think it's wrongto be homosexual, and most importantly WHY it's bad? Hint: you'll need to go into more detail than "It just is."
Why is everybody required to think just like you do?
I've got kids of my own that are your age at least. I've been pondering this question for 40 years myself and haven't found an issue with it. I'm teaching my kids that what others do is their own damn business as long as everybody involved in it consents.
I can't believe you actually wrote this with no apparent irony at all. Where's my Maude Flanders meme?
IF homosexuality is TRULY an alternative lifestyle, and not some type of taboo, then make sure its in every textbook at every level of school, at the elementary level, middle school and highschool. Have it right there when they talk about men and women how they procreate.
My values were developed at a young age. They have stayed the same because I have found them personally to be right, unlike the values of countless millions which are decided by media and the mainstream. If I didnt belief strongly in my values I would be wishy washy as others are.
EarthWas the sudden outbreak of the homosexual lifestyle/marriage in the last 10-15 years because suddenly the world was suddenly enlightened and ha a golden ray of sun shine down on their face or because hollywood, the media and the mainstream pushed it out there as a reasonable alternative lifestyle?
Really? I guess you never watch the Bravo channel, msnbc, a barrack obama speech, hillary clinton or virtually any liberal speech, or the magazines that unveil male actors as homsoexuals as somethiing to be celebrated. Whens the last time you saw a movie or a magazine be anti-gay? I certainly can't remember. All I here is wanda sykes, rosie oddonnel or others promotiing it. You talk against homosexuality now and you get blasted.
So here we have the popular view of today, homosexuality is a choice.
If it is a bonefied choice, then lets teach it in Sex ED. Why discriminate against gay students? Dont they need to know how to have safe gay sex?
Lets not forget the lesbians. Lets teach them how to have sex.
I just dont think people are thinking of the consquences
I'll say it again, just because you WANT to do something doesn't mean its right! Somebody may want to have sex with a sister, or cousin or whatever, does that make it right?
their unnatural lifestyle
Its unnatural.