General Bug/Glitch thread

  • Thread starter Eunos_Cosmo
B-spec, Extreme Series, NASCAR Series, Daytona:
With 1/2 lap left, all cars, including mine, let off accelerator and seemingly coasted until the winner crossed the line at under 40 mph.
This is probably the most unbelievably frustrating, race-costing glitch there is, so I'm sure it's been mentioned:

When you hit a wall, the car is straightened out so it's perpendicular to the wall. If you are touching a wall at a 45 degree angle or more and you apply throttle, you will be turned towards the wall to be perpendicular to it, even if your wheels are turned away. This makes Cote so frustrating, especially with the AI's "The car isn't there if it's sideways!" programming. Have fun with the Cote race in FGT, guys. That's all I have to say...
if you buy dirt tyres and install it and then buy snow tyres, but do not install it, they are not shown at the available tuning option of your car and you have to re-buy it and install it to get it to your car-parts.
This is probably the most unbelievably frustrating, race-costing glitch there is, so I'm sure it's been mentioned:

When you hit a wall, the car is straightened out so it's perpendicular to the wall. If you are touching a wall at a 45 degree angle or more and you apply throttle, you will be turned towards the wall to be perpendicular to it, even if your wheels are turned away. This makes Cote so frustrating, especially with the AI's "The car isn't there if it's sideways!" programming. Have fun with the Cote race in FGT, guys. That's all I have to say...
This issue annoys me, it's like the barriers are a magnet to the car, no matter what full lock in either direction the car goes nowhere. It's especially bad for me as i have a broken G25 reverse selector ( cheap design piece of crap), and the reverse button (triangle) does not function at all when the H shifter is in operation, so whenever i hit a wall i have pause the game change shift modes,restart game, reverse the car, pause the game, change shift modes, restart the game to carry on the race. How bad is that?

But as for the actual behaviour of the car i don't know how realistic that ia because of there is one thing i haven't done in real life is drive my car against a wall and then try and floor it out again while trying to go forwards using any steering lock possible.
This issue annoys me, it's like the barriers are a magnet to the car, no matter what full lock in either direction the car goes nowhere. It's especially bad for me as i have a broken G25 reverse selector ( cheap design piece of crap), and the reverse button (triangle) does not function at all when the H shifter is in operation, so whenever i hit a wall i have pause the game change shift modes,restart game, reverse the car, pause the game, change shift modes, restart the game to carry on the race. How bad is that?

But as for the actual behaviour of the car i don't know how realistic that ia because of there is one thing i haven't done in real life is drive my car against a wall and then try and floor it out again while trying to go forwards using any steering lock possible.
I have the G27, and triangle will work for reverse if I put the shifter in neutral.

I think GT4 had it best, and that's what I'm used to. If you floor it against the wall, while turning, you turn away from it slowly, as if you're scraping against the wall. Based on what I've seen in videos, this is the most realistic, and makes the most sense. Either way, GT5's method of pointing you straight at the wall if you touch it is definitely wrong.
Could anyone confirm if the pilot use the paddle shifters ?

I saw a youtube video where the pilot was driving a Ferrari F430 but instead of using the paddles he used an imaginary gear shift ....

The F430 does come in a full manual as well, paddle shift is an option.
couldnt scoure all 32 pages of posts so if its been reported aw well. my b-spec drivers xp isnt equal to that of the xp displayed at the top of my menu screen, to the point of he was lvl27 and wasnt allowed in the lvl 27 race because the menu screen said i was lvl26. made it soo annoying because i then had to do more races to get it to 27 in the menu.
gayness of the anus
if you buy dirt tyres and install it and then buy snow tyres, but do not install it, they are not shown at the available tuning option of your car and you have to re-buy it and install it to get it to your car-parts.

They go to your Items page. Go there then install them. If fell for it too!
Let me guess, yoiu were doing the GT Rally?
In the FGT race at Suzuka, it was raining, I set rain tires before the race. When the race started, they were still set to my dry tires, and even after pitting, all the crew would put on were my dry tires. After coming in last and losing the championship, I noticed in my garage, the FGT had the rain tires on! Anyone had anything like this?
Does the road at the end of Special Stage Route 7 look different to everyone else? The end by the tool booths looks really odd to me, occasionally it ends up getting all pink. Other sections of SSR7 get pink as well, like the top of the fences. Is this just from a bug or does it happen frequently? If I reinstall the game, do you think that would fix it?

Also had the game lock up twice in the same day while driving my Murcielago SV in the cockpit view, switched views and it hasn't frozen since. Was this because of the servers being crumby and causing it to freeze? It happened a while ago and I haven't had any problems like it since.
I was driving a newly-acquired Miura Prototype on my own personal track, I fishtailed out into a wall and bent some rear end. So as I'm looking at it, IT MORPHS BACK INTO ORIGINAL SHAPE. What gives?
Someone may have mentioned this already but on the Tsukuba 9 hour endurace race the B-spec driver will spin out almost every time in that last tight corner. And that with the Formula Gran Turismo. I haven't tried it with a different car but I remember that all AI drivers including the B-spec drivers would spin out in the chicane on Nurburing GP in Formula GT Championship too.
Anyone notice the strange/incorrect paddle shifting while driving a Nissan GT-R V Spec GT Academy car? The hands cometimes pass through the steering wheel. I'd hope that would get fixed in time for the GT Academy...
Does the road at the end of Special Stage Route 7 look different to everyone else? The end by the tool booths looks really odd to me, occasionally it ends up getting all pink. Other sections of SSR7 get pink as well, like the top of the fences.

I've noticed that too it's a glitch definately
When i play the advanced Kart race on Autumn ring, then i can drive a few rounds and then it freezes and its pretty annoying and it only happens when i drive that race? Someone know a solution?
Thread has gotten rather long so can't say these have been mentioned.

1. Any of the Tarmac Rally Stages have flickering black artifacts in cockpit view(assume it's something with the shadows tho they have no relation to any trackside objects). Doesn't seem to matter the vehicle.

2. Not so much a bug as an inconsistency. Some event's you can just press Start to activate them(the green flag) and some when you press start it just goes to the green flag and you have to press X.
1. Lights of any sort do not work for me on 'generated toscana tracks', not in arcade mode or in gt life practice, I've tried this with several cars.
2. The Silvia K's 90, the tach has a case of mistaken identity, it thinks its the speedometer.
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That's just reminded me... my game has frozen whilst it waits to download / update the thumbnail for a friend's custom track.

Another bug is, with my G25, going into the pit-lane backwards causes the car to be stuck (after being reset) in the pit exit. That's probably already been mentioned, though...
Before the latest update, the car would just stall in the pits (but that's been fixed) so it seems this is a left-over...
Does the road at the end of Special Stage Route 7 look different to everyone else? The end by the tool booths looks really odd to me, occasionally it ends up getting all pink. Other sections of SSR7 get pink as well, like the top of the fences. Is this just from a bug or does it happen frequently? If I reinstall the game, do you think that would fix it?

I never thought that odd piece of road was a glitch, think about it, it's meant to be a stretch of Tokyo highway but it's been blocked off to create a track. I always thought that kinda dirty red/pink road surface at one end was a temporary road surface (like roadworks) to connect the two slip roads and let you join the highway again on the other side. Not noticed any other weird pinkness but only just started to play with that track.

I've noticed a couple more bugs recently though, one is that I seem to have issues with my controller if it runs out of charge, I plug in the charger cable and it seems harder than usual to get it to work again, or it works then stops again and I have to press the PS button again. One time it wouldn't work at all so had to switch on my other controller.

Also whilst most of us are aware of occasional framerate dropouts, has anyone had where things seem to freeze momentarily, only for a split second but enough to be really distracting? I had it around the start/finish section of Le Sarthe a couple of times, I think in the Dream Car Championship.
Noticed lots of graphics tearing today, Grand Valley Speed Way as you enter the tunnel, also Autumn Ring where the crane is, screen tears aplenty on every lap.
My reply to the texture glitch at SSR7 just as the thread got closed:

"This happens to me also, sometimes but not always.

Sometimes all the textures (even at that 180 degree section) are all correct, the correct texture is some soft of shiny concrete with tyre marks that 'normally' have cars lining up for the toll booths, but other times the textures can be messed up and I get a variation of purples or blues.

If this always happens for you and you want to see what it looks like when the texture are correct then take a photomode picture of that spot, when the renders it always uses the correct textures. I am glad others are having this problem as I was becoming worried my PS3 on board graphics card was overheating (odd as it is a slim). "
I saw a thread about online participants not seeing each other. Usually this is the case with someone not having their NAT open or the right ports opened. In most games , at least on the 360, what would happen is one or more participants wouldn't be able to join the online session to begin with until they got their network issues sorted out. GT5 seems to allow all participants to join even if they don't see each other. What happens is people are racing online and may not actually be "racing" against other people even though they are all on the track at the same time. The best solution at the moment is to make sure everyone can see everyone else. If there's supposed to be ,say , 13 guys on the track, make sure that everyone has 13 people on their list. If someone says I only see 12 then you have an issue. Someone will need to open their NAT. So before you start a race make sure everyone can see everyone else.
I don't know if this has been mentioned before but when you drive the Takata dome nsx in cockpit vew the gear number is always one lower than the gear you're in. It goes up to fifth and shows 1st gear as neutral.
The biggest glitch is that GT5 burned out my FAT PS3 60GB last weekend, playing several hours the Lotus Elise Top Gear Event with no aids. I put skid recovery and got gold at first attempt.

Next day simply playing some B-Spec and then RLOD (red light of dead). Resurrected it with a hairdryer (youtube), and sent to my local store to get a cleaning an new thermic paste.

Hope it lasts!!