Capcom rumored to announce Marvel vs Capcom 3 Uncanny Edition at EVO.
-Four new characters: Mega Man,Cyclops, Servbot and Ant- Man
-Two new modes: Survival, Time Attack
-No Hud changes
-Features from the PS Vita version of Ultimate Marvel Versus Capcom 3
-New moves and outfits for certain characters
Ultimate Marvel Versus Capcom 3: Uncanny Edition will reportedly become available digitally only for around $15 next month with a disc based version arriving for $40 in September.
I announced Alex, P.Jack, Forest, Tiger & NEW stage Spain, France, Netherlands, Philippines. THX for hype. BUT I’ve MORE Characters & Stages Harada_Tekken
Of 3D fighters, Soul Calibur is my favorite series, followed by DOA, VF, Tekken, then SF. I was pretty decent at these games in my younger years.Oh actually, Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast may have been my favourite now that I think about it, but Tekken has better characters in my opinion. I don't recall actually liking anyone in SC, and that was more of a weapons-'em-up anyway.