General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
TTT2 Trailer

Erm, I don't know whether this game would fit this thread, but since it is some sort of Beat'em Up, I thought I'd just post in here :lol:

So, I recently stumpled across The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile while looking for a co-op game to play with a friend of mine. It doesn't feature a versus mode, which is a bit of a shame because the game is, otherwise, pretty neat (and full of gore).

Been busy with playing the story mode on the first two difficulties with one of the two main character and I've been loving it so far. Thanks to the RPG elements that are present in D:VS, there's some nice replayability to be had, in my opinion.

The game's only about 10 bucks (800 MS points) on Xbox Live Arcade and I'd say that it's way worth it.

Here's the video review from GameSpot if you're interested:

Kinda suprised that The Dishwasher didn't get any attention on GTP so far. I can't be the only one who's into that kind of game :lol:
Capcom rumored to announce Marvel vs Capcom 3 Uncanny Edition at EVO.

-Four new characters: Mega Man,Cyclops, Servbot and Ant- Man

-Two new modes: Survival, Time Attack

-No Hud changes

-Features from the PS Vita version of Ultimate Marvel Versus Capcom 3

-New moves and outfits for certain characters

Ultimate Marvel Versus Capcom 3: Uncanny Edition will reportedly become available digitally only for around $15 next month with a disc based version arriving for $40 in September.
Capcom rumored to announce Marvel vs Capcom 3 Uncanny Edition at EVO.

-Four new characters: Mega Man,Cyclops, Servbot and Ant- Man

-Two new modes: Survival, Time Attack

-No Hud changes

-Features from the PS Vita version of Ultimate Marvel Versus Capcom 3

-New moves and outfits for certain characters

Ultimate Marvel Versus Capcom 3: Uncanny Edition will reportedly become available digitally only for around $15 next month with a disc based version arriving for $40 in September.

I can believe Ant-Man but not really Servbot. Like some of the characters, I couldn't find some moves to see Servbot in it. I am hoping for Psylocke to bring back Team MSP! TEN MORE YEARS BABY! ITS MAHVEL BABY!
Also at Evo, there will be a new indie game that Fl0e will be playing. Also,
While I haven't found the song itself from that Tekken 2nd Pachinco Machine I mentioned a while ago(Have it to even get a response from the channel that posted the video), I did find the site here

I can kinda finally listen it without interruption :D
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Inevitably games at the moment are boring to watch..,. Semi finals is where its at.

That Tacoman player was so dumb. Was he just trolling around throwing mid-screen tatsus like that?
I don't get where any serious player gets the idea they should fall back on random tatsus. It's stupidly unsafe and can be crouched under.
I don't know a thing about Keno. All I heard was that he has a good record, but he bailed when WeirdoNeo shut his game down.

"you can hold my stick, James."

:lol: I'm such a sucker for immature jokes.
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Keno, -R-, PR. Rog were the Top Rog players back in Vanilla.

Keno loves to style though. He burned 3 meters with Rog's 1f link.
Holy crap:

Me Gusta

Edit: But wait, there's more according to Harada:

I announced Alex, P.Jack, Forest, Tiger & NEW stage Spain, France, Netherlands, Philippines. THX for hype. BUT I’ve MORE Characters & Stages Harada_Tekken

Now there needs to be a stage in Canada, just so I can destroy AOS's room in his house:P
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TTT2 might be the first fighting game I buy since that PSN version of Tekken: DR... I'm terrible at fighting games as a rule (I've never won an online match of DR out of the two I've played but I blame lag entirely) but if TTT2 has all (or a lot of) the old characters and feels anything like the original TTT or Tekken 3, which was by far my favourite game of the genre, then I'll pick it up. I played a bit of Tekken 6 and it was pretty good so I've got hope... Can't say that for many other genres these days (you can't see it but I'm glaring at Ghost Recon Future Soldier and MoH Warfighter in my mind right now).

Oh actually, Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast may have been my favourite now that I think about it, but Tekken has better characters in my opinion. I don't recall actually liking anyone in SC, and that was more of a weapons-'em-up anyway.
Playing Tekken Tag Tournament HD. Just noticed how the gameplay seems faster then the original, which was already a big improvement over Tekken 3. Its also come to my attention that Angel also had that awesome Devil punch. I thought it was just introduced for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 after doing it with Kazuya, but it looks like it was there in the first one as well. Makes for easy wins :D Another thing I noticed: Kunimitsu's bodysuit *Hnnnggg.jpg*
The AE2012 Semi-finals were so intense, every time Gamerbee gets a huge life lead on Daigo, he would always somehow make the biggest comeback and steal the win. 2-0'd Gamerbee in Losers.

Fuudo sent JWong home. Poongko misjudged the little health his opponent had and his last DP wasn't enough to chip his opponent causing him his loss in Losers.

The super tight match with Dieminion and Mago was spectacular because Dieminion shut Mago's game down entirely with his amazing reads.

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Oh actually, Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast may have been my favourite now that I think about it, but Tekken has better characters in my opinion. I don't recall actually liking anyone in SC, and that was more of a weapons-'em-up anyway.
Of 3D fighters, Soul Calibur is my favorite series, followed by DOA, VF, Tekken, then SF. I was pretty decent at these games in my younger years.