General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Not really, I just found it easier to learn block string rhythm and I usually have a feel when a person is going to throw or not. The only things I would be aware of is Kara-throwing.
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Don't buy Fight Night Champion if you're looking for a good boxing game, this one is awful. Picked it up cheap 2nd hand thinking it might be fun as I liked Fight Night Round 4, but :yuck: this game is horrible.

Movement is slow clunky and awkward.
The controls are frustrating. (right stick flick to punch, or use the buttons but suffer drastically reduced press detection)
One block button, no choice between head or body just have to hope the the game will block the right area when pressed/held.
Stamina that is depleted from a 5 punch combo leaving my fighter throwing his hands like he just downed a bottle of whiskey and is underwater even though I'm a "Pro Athlete".

Then there is the awful story mode that I gave up on after 5 fights that uses scripted events such as starting in the 2nd round with a broken hand and forcing you to win the fight in a certain way or it doesn't count. The story plot itself (from what I got to see before I gave up on it) is very cliche and borderline racist.

"Young black boxer wins Olympic amateur boxing gold medal and starts his pro career, chooses not to sign with the shady promoter and has a scuffle with an undercover cop working for said shady promoter, ends up serving 5 years in prison where he gets "tuff" fighting with the skinheads then upon release is persuaded into making a come back"

The only enjoyable thing about this game is headbutts and nutt punches :lol:

I love this new look. It deviates from the knight armor a lot, but I'm totally cool with it.
I bought today Persona 4 Arena and Arcana Heart 3.
Of course, Persona 4 Arena will be the game, that I will play more, but I know, I will have fun playing Arcana Heart 3, because I love lolis. :D
I bought today Persona 4 Arena and Arcana Heart 3.
Of course, Persona 4 Arena will be the game, that I will play more, but I know, I will have fun playing Arcana Heart 3, because I love lolis. :D


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P4: Arena exceeded my expectations. The OST is incredible, is maybe the best OST (Fighting game) I have ever listened.
All characters are great, but why Risette isn't a playable charcter? She's my favourite female character in P4.
Since the shadow characters are coming into play. I wonder if hers will be fighting.
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I am damn picky with my controllers now.

I don't know what people do to their joysticks, but I can't work those things without hitting jump every so often. I have the same joystick model and it doesn't do any of that. I like to assume they're just more rough and have logged more hours into it than I have on mine.

When I returned from a casual locals, the joystick already feels a different (or maybe it's just me). Funny thing is that everyone likes the feel of my controller. Guess that just means people mistreat theirs and it makes me not want to share my controller anymore.

Also finding I'm not liking the feel of pad all too much anymore. I think I've gotten over that learning curve of exceeding the comfort of pads for the comfort of joysticks.

Aside from controller preferences, I'm currently working on spacing and reads, but they're still struggling because I get too focused on one thing and forget the rest. Also, my patience has dropped a few notches unfortunately. I like to think I'm at my best when I play lame so my aggressive opposition can't overwhelm me as easily.
Am I the only one who uses the DS3 for fighters? Well, I got a DS4 but am yet to try it in a fighter.
No, I used a 360 controller to play you :lol:.
The 360 pad is a pain in the backside to play fighters with, mainly due to the fact that I use the d-pad in any fighter. The DS3 was more suited to me, even though I'm not the best at fighters.
Once you get use to it though. Its hard doing certain 1-frame links like Chun's cr.hp>legs or Rog's st.lp> sweep.
I never liked how the Xbox pad was engineered. You could shift the d-pad up and down while holding left or right. And because of its eight-way design, you could easily register an "up" input and that makes it extremely frustrating for me.
Still the same floaty piece of plastic like before it seems. Not hating, just saying that's barely a "redesign".

I'm not sure how much more different the dualshock's pad is compared to it but I notice the whole thing actually sinks in rather than (what feels like) a ball-joint.
IMO there's better reaction and adjusting on stick than compared to the dpads. Most characters would perform a bit better on joystick.

It's easier for me to flick my wrist just a lil along with maneuvering my fingers for something than to swivel my thumb around. You need precision hands to really do extremely well on pad too for some characters.
Huge plus on pad is switching from whatever you're doing to dashing. Something like FADC ultra, instant jump special or super jump cancel ultra is much easier on stick for me... basically anything that crunches a lot of d-pad inputs together in a short period of time.

Anyway, Ultra SFIV's confirmed for June and Disc release in August. wat!
EVO 2014 will be on AE'12 right?
Because I don't think, players will have enough time to train and adapt to the new version.