General Fighting Games Thread

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
F2P works better for FG's because people like playing their main character from sort of the series till they want to try another.
Good point, Tekken Revolution worked for me because my main was Lily (but would've sucked for all nine Ganryu fans)

sometimes clowns that host the servers would kick you for no apparent reason.
I've always gotten kicked for having a rubbish internet connection and winstreaks with Lily, some people can't stand losing.
More than likely that you were booted from the room by the server host. Nothing major, but sometimes clowns that host the servers would kick you for no apparent reason. It might be as simple as they want to keep the server private, but didn't know how, to as ****** as who is your mains. Pretty simple stuff once you think and figure it out.
I got booted once in AE for picking Balrog or Noel in BB :lol:. Then I got hate mail in TT2 because the guy can't roll on the ground.
Well, some times people will play a poor connection anyway because they got impatient from waiting... or they're willing to take a chance at it hoping it won't be so hope, but was let down anyway. It doesn't seem logical, but it happens.

Here's something I've been working on for the last 2-3 days. Most of it is scrap/leftover material and parts so call it a recycled joystick.
Is anyone getting the new KI? Wish I could. It looks awesome but if only it were on PS4.
Not me, though I tried the Evo build. It was very fun to play, even if I was getting beat. I love how the combos turn into some sort of musical beat.
That looks neat. Too bad Poison is a trap. :(


WTF Xbox!

It looks like a good fighter, but I think it will get boring very quickly. There are only six characters at the moment. I know that two more are coming, but seriously? Six characters? I'm sure the roster will continue to grow, but will it do so before people get bored and move onto something else? Perhaps the biggest problem the game has is the F2P version. IIRC, you can get the game for free and play as Jago. So in other words, even if you buy the full game or another character or two, you're going to be fighting against Jago constantly online. What a shame.
It looks like a good fighter, but I think it will get boring very quickly. There are only six characters at the moment. I know that two more are coming, but seriously? Six characters? I'm sure the roster will continue to grow, but will it do so before people get bored and move onto something else? Perhaps the biggest problem the game has is the F2P version. IIRC, you can get the game for free and play as Jago. So in other words, even if you buy the full game or another character or two, you're going to be fighting against Jago constantly online. What a shame.

Killer Instinct is boring? Six characters is too much? LoL
I know why you don't like KI:
1)You are a PSFanboy.
2) You probably suck playing Fighting games.
3) Killer Instinct is a Xbox One game.
Here we go...

Killer Instinct is boring? Six characters is too much? LoL
I know why you don't like KI:
1)You are a PSFanboy.
2) You probably suck playing Fighting games.
3) Killer Instinct is a Xbox One game.

I didn't say the game was boring. I specifically mentioned the fact that the majority of people you face online would be using one character would make things boring.

1. Not a fanboy. I chose PS4 for a number of reasons that I have already explained.
2. I do suck at fighting games, (just ask AOS) but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
3. No. I already said why Killer Instinct is a wasted opportunity (I never said I didn't like it). Given your posts in the PS4 thread coupled with the fact that you have to stoop to a personal level whenever someone criticizes a product on Xbox, It's quite clear that it is you who is the fanboy. Why don't you get lost and get a life? I can criticize a game regardless of what platform it's on.

Oh and Six characters is too much for a fighting game? Lol
Killer Instinct is boring? Six characters is too much? LoL
I know why you don't like KI:
1)You are a PSFanboy.
2) You probably suck playing Fighting games.
3) Killer Instinct is a Xbox One game.
That is some bases to start a flame war...especially the bolded, I am jealous that he gets to play GGxrd.
That's some silly new ultras. Rolento's Ultra 2 won't make sense in any other stage than the training room. Where are you going to find a hook in the sky? :lol:

@F1 fan, glad you remember those short matches we had.
Next time you try to fanboy skirmish, PT, I'm gonna sick Sabrewulf on your candy ass. ;)

Anyway, KI is cool because combos are dynamic and breakable. There is a counter meta game, which makes things awesome. See 3rd Strike.
What makes fighting game great is when people actually playing it. There must be large group of opponents to play with, i meant real people. Not computer.

I doubt anyone would play Killer Instinct, this game looks like it was transformed from old Nintendo when it belongs and given modern graphics. No wonder people play games like Tekken And Street Fighter these days.
On the contrary there are more than a handful of people who would play it if they haven't already got a copy.

Killer Instinct still has the hearts of many fans despite the drastic change made. Even I'm more open about it now.
What makes fighting game great is when people actually playing it. There must be large group of opponents to play with, i meant real people. Not computer.

I doubt anyone would play Killer Instinct, this game looks like it was transformed from old Nintendo when it belongs and given modern graphics. No wonder people play games like Tekken And Street Fighter these days.

This guy doesn't know about the group who still plays WindJammers, Vampire Savior, Super Turbo, Melty Blood,Melee and Breaker's Revenge.
IMO, the new KI changed to be pretty fun when I tried it. At Evo, I waited about 20 minutes just to play.If the FGC ( meaning game wise) went towards the X1, I will go towards the X1 and vice versa. It takes actual mechanics of the game to have a fan base. Here is a screen shot of KOF202 because SuperTurbo tends to have people bad language. Graphics does not have to deal with game play. I think it's why Dive kick became fun ( beside Jebailey/skeits promoting it). It is a simple but serious game.

USFIV changes:
(via Zhi [1, 2])

  • Now builds meter with every taunt
  • Full hits on Koryuken (623+P) FADC to Ultra 2
  • Dankukyaku (214+K) hitbox improved, now hits crouching opponents


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Got a chance to visit a local casuals last Friday and we did a novice 5-on-5 tourney, putting all the weaker players up first. I was the fourth on my team and 2-0'd him easily. Beginner Dhalsim players haven't developed the skill to mix up their own moves and reads with counter-reads so I had a comfortable time getting in.

Then I got to playing the scumbag of the group who 2-0'd me with Ryu. I still can't tech throws for beans. It's my biggest weakness still to this day. Later I played him again in casuals. This time he used Akuma, and the score was 13-9 when I decided to head home. His Akuma is nowhere as solid as his Ryu, and he also loves to mash
You thought I didn't know what teching is? :odd::indiff:

I'm slow on the throw attempts so I'm usually teching too late or I totally didn't see it coming at all. After that I go braindead and start mashing on tech without noticing and get blown up with frame traps.

Mild language warning
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Got a chance to visit a local casuals last Friday and we did a novice 5-on-5 tourney, putting all the weaker players up first. I was the fourth on my team and 2-0'd him easily. Beginner Dhalsim players haven't developed the skill to mix up their own moves and reads with counter-reads so I had a comfortable time getting in.

Then I got to playing the scumbag of the group who 2-0'd me with Ryu. I still can't tech throws for beans. It's my biggest weakness still to this day. Later I played him again in casuals. This time he used Akuma, and the score was 13-9 when I decided to head home. His Akuma is nowhere as solid as his Ryu, and he also loves to mash
My tip is, tech it in a rhythm with how attacks come out based on the sound. From that point, know that there's a few extra frames of leniency for throw teching so you can work in some delaying so you don't get baited by some uppercuts too often. This is easier to tech against offline and more reliable to be faithful and not get baited by uppercuts. Since they come up fast, and if you're teching slightly late, you will be in block stun and not be hit by having the tech OS throw out a low short.

In general, keep a good eye on the character spacing, I do it by looking a bit at the feet and reacting to walk speeds and push back distance. When people are jumping at you and jabbing you in block stun, it is easier to gauge the push back distance and not mash while they move further away and then you proceed from there.
There are more of us? Welcome!
Yeah lol I haven't been here because I haven't played GT5 in so long and I've been more invested with fighting games the past few years so there it goes. Just came back for the Forza 5 and GT 6 hype train and saw this thread so I'll be here a bit more often! :P