General San Andreas Discussion and Questions

The only place I've come across that Phoenix is the San Fierro street race that uses it. I haven't seen it anywhere else. I didn't notice that it was a Phoenix on that mission at Madd Dogg's mansion.

I notcied he used it on that mission. I assume there has to be one somewhere, I can't think where though. Possibly a girlfriend cfould have one and you get keys to it at 50% progress with her. Unlikely but it could be a reason why no-one has seen them outside of missions/races.
I notcied he used it on that mission. I assume there has to be one somewhere, I can't think where though. Possibly a girlfriend cfould have one and you get keys to it at 50% progress with her. Unlikely but it could be a reason why no-one has seen them outside of missions/races.

i know i have found at least 1 driving around... found my first turismo yesterday (never really looked for one before) they're fast and fun, but i'd rather have a bike or the hunter :)
The only place I've come across that Phoenix is the San Fierro street race that uses it. I haven't seen it anywhere else. I didn't notice that it was a Phoenix on that mission at Madd Dogg's mansion.

I'm fairly sure it was that car in the mission, though it could have been a Buffalo. Still, I'm thinking the only way to get it is by doing that mission and stealing it rather than blowing it up (which I did). Seems strange it can't be found anywhere else.

Oh, I think a few people have found glitches in the game (there's a fair few of them). But one interesting glitch I found was a NRG-500 with no engine and no fairing.Goes fine though. I found one in the car park near the stadium in Los Santos and again outside the Bike School in Las Venturas. Odd.
I've been searching for the Cheetah for a while now to finish up the 2nd export list without a sign of the damn thing. I don't think I've even seen one yet since I've started playing. I've tried every city in various cars without any luck. Any ideas?
It was definately a Phoenix that the guy at Madd Dogg's Mansion uses. So far, the only other place is in that Street Race that KM said.

No girlfriend has one either. We had a list of everything with girlfriends in another Thread, and at 50% they give you the keys to their cars. None of them have Phoenix's.
I've been searching for the Cheetah for a while now to finish up the 2nd export list without a sign of the damn thing. I don't think I've even seen one yet since I've started playing. I've tried every city in various cars without any luck. Any ideas?

I'm missing the cheetah and comet for my 2nd list and I saw both when on my first list--both in LV on or near the strip--- I've spent lots and lots of time looking for both without luck.

I'm missing the cheetah and comet for my 2nd list and I saw both when on my first list--both in LV on or near the strip--- I've spent lots and lots of time looking for both without luck.


i did this to find a couple of the cars but worked the best for the cheetah by far.. not sure how well it'll work for anyone else

i just followed the rr tracks from the I/E docks to las venturas.. as soon as i got there, a cheetah passed over the tracks.. if you dont see it right away, try driving around the area (i know i'm stating the obvious :)) anyway then you get a safe and easy route all the way to the I/E crane.. just be wary of the trains :)

also you should find comets in this area too..
There are a fair few Cheetahs that spawn in Pricle Pine, just drive around there for a few minutes.
I don't get Cheetahs very often, and I don't think there's any sort of 'trick' to it. It's just another wait-'til-it-spawns things.
I see them all the time in Prickle Pine, alot of supercars spawn there, so sooner or later you're likely to see one.
They seem to be a rare car with me. Others seem to have trouble with Feltzers, but they spawn a fair bit for me. So it's just luck, I guess. There's no tricks to spawning certain cars.
i agree, but some spots are luckier than others :)

Thats true. You certainly won't get any linerunners (big trucks) spawning at the strip in LV.

I still think that it does help to get in the right "class" of cars when you are looking for a certain model. For example, if you take a fast sports car, then you'll get a lot more sports cars spawning around you. Not only the model that you are in, but also different cars from the same class. You do need to keep in mind the area that you are in.

I'm currently dreading the mountain bike races down mount Chiliad. The mountain bike is a tad bit unpredictable and I tend to mess up atleast once during a race. Plus its a pain to restart because of the limited hours and the location on top of the mountain! (I usually take a heli up there)
What the hell is a Feltzer anyway? I need an Admiral and a Feltzer for I/E and I don't even know what I'm looking for.


Feltzer is a convertible I believe--I think the top is up sometimes-- Does it look like a Rolls Royce convertible--anybody wanna confirm this--I think I'm remembering correctly.


Here ya go

It reminds me of a cross between a Stinger, an Admiral and a Sentinel, for some strange reason.
I still think that it does help to get in the right "class" of cars when you are looking for a certain model. For example, if you take a fast sports car, then you'll get a lot more sports cars spawning around you. Not only the model that you are in, but also different cars from the same class. You do need to keep in mind the area that you are in.
I'm almost certain it doesn't, but I do agree that certain areas are better for certain classes of cars.
Some help real quick, plz?

Ok, I know you guys have seen the first trailer. Ok, so at the end, CJ is standing looking out over Los Santos from a house. Ok, which house is that, and when can I buy it? I thought it was Madd Dogg's but I heard you can't buy Madd Dogg's house.

So...some help plz?
You get given Madd Dogg's house and their is also a hourse accross the road from that that yuo can buy.

Also "classes" of cars help spawn other cars in that class, it has in every GTA game. And area's are coded only to allow certain classes of cars to spawn there and only certain %'s of that class of car.
You aren't actually given his house, but he lets you stay there--he complains cause there isn't enuf room--- he only has 17 bedrooms--either way there is a save point there.
There seem like more than 17 when you storm the place..Well maybe it is 17 and I was just getting sick of forgetting to check rooms and being shot a few times from people hiding behind doors.
I know the car deal. How do you think I got my Cheetah?

Mine went in steps though.
Anybody know what you get for finding all of the oysters? I've only got 4 left to find. Actually, if somebody does know a PM may be more suitable as some may not wish to have it spoiled for them.

Also, did anybody notice a change in the usual make up of the traffic after finishing Import/Export? I seem to be seeing a lot more of the hard to find cars (ie Mesa) just out on the street on a regular basis. Maybe it's just one of those, 'you find it when you're not looking' things.
Also, did anybody notice a change in the usual make up of the traffic after finishing Import/Export? I seem to be seeing a lot more of the hard to find cars (ie Mesa) just out on the street on a regular basis. Maybe it's just one of those, 'you find it when you're not looking' things.

yes... i see a lot more turismos now.. and i've seen a couple cars for the first time, like the hustler
I still haven't seen a Turismo ...just pics of it at a dealership in San Fiero

i always see them around las venturas... completing I/E may or may not have anything to do with it, but it seems like it does.
Anyone seen the Police brutality in the underground car park of the Los Santos Police HQ?
If you go down there in a Police bike or car (uniform won't work) you'll see in the far left corner a cop beating up a ped who has his/her hands in the air and another cop cheering him on! It changes everytime you go down there. Shame it's just the one really!

Oh and I found some thermal googles by the Big Ear along with the Sandking.
I still haven't seen a Turismo ...just pics of it at a dealership in San Fiero
Have you been in LV? They can be found there all the casinos are.
It look likes a Ferrari F50.

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