General San Andreas Discussion and Questions

Because it just doesn't happen. Go ahead and try it I seriously doubt that it will come up. It might not even if you drove a Bullet over there. But there is sure a much bigger chance of finding a Huntely with a rarer vehicle.
I see a lot of Huntleys outside the garage in SF. When I found mine I just loaded up my game and it was right there on the street. I've also seen a few around Rodeo in LS.
No it doesn't help--- I looked all over including on the roof. My bicycle skill was not maxxed (it is now though as I've been trying and retrying the 2nd Chilliad race)-- I think I'll buzz over and look to see if its there now.

Thanks anyway...spuds.

Nope max bicycle skill didn't make it spawn at Robois---maybe its a time of day thing. 💡

I did finish the 3rd Chilliad race-- that one kicked my butt.

Just a suggestion for those that need to do these and if you don't want to have to keep driving up there---for this method you will have to have access to the Hydra-- Put a way point mark on your map on Mt. Chilliad and save your game at the air field so that the time will be so the race is available --note it will take about 2 game hours (2 minutes) to get to Chilliad. Run out to the Hydra and get in-- don't mess with trying to hover in it, press your right analog stick forward and hold it till your jets are pointing straight back-- now taxi out and hang a right take off and head west a bit (so you don't get shot at) when you see the dam hang a left and head south--you will fly right over San Fiero (make sure you don't go over the naval base on your left)-- make sure you start gaining some altitude after you pass over SF-- I start climbing when I see Missionary hill....make sure your altitude is maxed and if you have poor visibilty jump out right over your dot---- and parachute to the bike--- I did this a bunch of times and got the time down to just over 2 minutes for all that (thats opening the chute at the last second)--- alot easier/faster then driving and/or flying other helicopters/planes up there (its mainly faster then other methods since your load point is so close to the plane).

I tried saving at SF and driving to the airport and using planes/helis there---not as fast. I also tried saving at Madd Doggs but the sparrow usually won't be there if you reload there unless you run up the road and come back--takes too much time. I never tried the beach heli on the beach in front of the Santa Maria beach save point-- but if I remember correctly, that ones is kind of slow. If anyone can think of a better suggestion then what I gave--- please post it.

Hang out around the spot ( like Beverly hills ) where the good stores are at . I find them there all the time after hanging out for awile. also the country club place in San Fierro, and at the Marina.
Cars usually spawn in certain areas. I am almost certain that using different cars doesn't spawn others. Using a car will spawn other cars of the exact type, but not different cars.

It's random. Nothing to it. I agree that you will probably find a Huntley driving around in the more expensive areas, but sometimes it can delve out into Doherty, etc.
What's the deal with Wheel Arch Racing in San Fierro? It's marked on the map as a car mod place, but it won't open to allow me to put any cars in it. Will it only accept certain cars or types of car or what? It won't even give me a message. It just won't open for me.

May not be 100% correct, its a little list I made:



Most other cars including the two taxis, but no bikes and emergency vehicles or larges vehicles like busses and trucks.
I found the Huntley. As soon as I entered San Fierro, on the outskirts of town I saw one driving. And you won't believe what I was driving. :lol:

I was determined so I saw a Blista Compact driving in Downtown Los Santos, and I grabbed it on my way to Didier Sachs. I kept it all the way to San Fierro. I wanted to take a screenshots but my Camera is fully dead (needs new batteries). :grumpy:

That also sucks because I need screenshots for a couple of races in the Record Book.

But I now have a Black one with Bass Boost. That's all. It's a beautiful SUV.
i like the huntly aka Range Rover. Jimmy at least you have a digi camera, if i dont borrow one soon you will shoot me. lol the big list i need to take pics of lol
Yes. Very. I am eagerly awaiting your screenshots.

By the way, the link in your signature for the Weekly Race Series doesn't work.
Spuds -- You recently said to someone who got the Gym glitch that you didn't know why they had to work out, because your Muscle goes up just doing things anyway. What specific things outside of working out at the Gym build up your muscle?
Not true... Running & Swimming Decreases your muscle... Riding a push bike however does Increase your muscle...

does swiming and runing decrease it, are you sure i was walking and my muscle went up. Swiming I do think decreases it but runing? Can someone verify this?
I'm always losing muscle for swimming and running... and the other day I was taking a stint on the bike and in increased... so I was quite happy about that...

I would have said that swimming should increase muscle as you use your arms... but running might decrease upper body strength cos you're using your legs?!?!

My CJ is quite skinny at the moment cos I've not been doing any muscular work for ages (He was full on muscle when I lost LS) and now I've got back to LS... but I thought that I would let him slim down so that I can date some of the ladies that like skinny guys.

I have Full Muscle, Respect and Stamina. I want full Lung Capacity.

Swimming definately decreases it. Also, I keep losing Muscle (not frequently) from walking/running around. So I would agree with yeti. I wouldn't know about the Bicycles as I hardly ride them at the moment.
well me and yeti can definetly confrim the bicycle as its happend to me many times in my 113km of bike riding
I've been messing around today with various cars giving them mod jobs in Wheel Arch Angels. It's fun and all, but don't you think Rockstar could have somehow allowed you to race your modded cars? I think limiting you to a particular car is a good idea because it gives a bit of variety and makes record books like the one we're running here a fairer and more varied challenge, but there's not much point in having somewhere that allows you to fit your cars for street races when you can't use them in street races.

They could have had races for different classes or model of car but allowed you to choose your own one if you had a modded one stored in a garage somewhere.

After taking over all of the gang territories in Los Santos, will they ever be attacked again? Or can I now ignore them and wander off to San Fierro with impugnity?
After taking over all of the gang territories in Los Santos, will they ever be attacked again? Or can I now ignore them and wander off to San Fierro with impugnity?

If you're sure you got them all, you're done. You got the little sliver of Ballas turf just south of Madd Dogg's?
yeah i have full muscle and full fat :).

If you have 54 gang territorys they wont bother you ever.