General San Andreas Discussion and Questions

I've been messing around today with various cars giving them mod jobs in Wheel Arch Angels. It's fun and all, but don't you think Rockstar could have somehow allowed you to race your modded cars? I think limiting you to a particular car is a good idea because it gives a bit of variety and makes record books like the one we're running here a fairer and more varied challenge, but there's not much point in having somewhere that allows you to fit your cars for street races when you can't use them in street races.

They could have had races for different classes or model of car but allowed you to choose your own one if you had a modded one stored in a garage somewhere.
I truly agree. It's disappointing that you can't bring your own car to at least some sort of race. Really annoys me. At least a few races. It just defies the point of installing Nitro in your car, etc.
After taking over all of the gang territories in Los Santos, will they ever be attacked again? Or can I now ignore them and wander off to San Fierro with impugnity?
Gangs won't attack you if they don't have a turf connected to your's. Say you have taken over the whole east side of Los Santos. If they have turf in Temple/Vinewood, etc, they won't attack you. If you have wiped the gang out for good, they certainly won't attack you.

I have the East Side and the Beaches taken over. I didn't want them completely annihilated.
Jimmy Enslashay
Spuds -- You recently said to someone who got the Gym glitch that you didn't know why they had to work out, because your Muscle goes up just doing things anyway. What specific things outside of working out at the Gym build up your muscle?

I don't have a specific answer to this-- all I know is that I maxxed out my muscle before I did much else in LS when I started the game-- I have occassionally had it drop a little from running out of fat (starving)-- and just playing the game after a while (I run a fair amount so maybe its the tapping the sprint) I'll get the little +muscle message--- and its maxxed again after a while.

I've never let my muscle decrease very much and I don' think I've ever had my fat over 40%.

Anyway, thats just my game--- I don't know if I can't work out as I never need to go to the gym--- the only thing not maxxed is my lung capacity and I've noticed it goes up when I'm doing alot of diving.

about the muslce thing, i used the gym at first but soon realized that if you have a little fat and dont starve yourself you're muslce will go up from normal activities (running, swimming, biking, etc) i usually eat between 5-10 meals when he starts getting hungry depending on how much fat you already have and my muslce stays maxed as long as i dont starve cj until all the fat's gone.. hope that helps
No, that's not right. That's strange. Glitch. Post that one in the Glitch thread.

Also, I read a couple of ways people have fixed the Gym glitch over at the IGN San Andreas Boards. One person simply changed the save slot and it got fixed. Another changed his move set.

1 guy told everyone to stop whinging and go ride a bicycle to get their muscle up.

I'll try all 3.
Anyone know how many cars fit in the hanger at the abondoned airfield? I wanna keep all my cars in one centralized location. For example, my monster truck, bikes, lowriders, etc.
Battle stage-- I'd like to introduce you to your friend; the Edit button-- your posts were 2 minutes apart, and no one posted after you-- its proper message board ediquette (I know probably spelled wrong) to edit your original post if no one posts after you.




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i think it holds 5, though im not positive. it could fit like 30 but unforntaltly you cant have that much
Battle stage-- I'd like to introduce you to your friend; the Edit button-- your posts were 2 minutes apart, and no one posted after you-- its proper message board ediquette (I know probably spelled wrong) to edit your original post if no one posts after you.




Anyway, I have 3 so far. I'll keep adding more tomorrow.
Battle stage-- I'd like to introduce you to your friend; the Edit button-- your posts were 2 minutes apart, and no one posted after you-- its proper message board ediquette (I know probably spelled wrong) to edit your original post if no one posts after you.


You shouldn't have made that so person specific, I know of at least 2 other people who commonly double post.
If you're sure you got them all, you're done. You got the little sliver of Ballas turf just south of Madd Dogg's?

Yep. 54/54, 100.00% territory controlled, Ballas and Vagos at 0.

So they'll never bother me again? :D

Jimmy - I wouldn't hit 100% in my mind if I didn't have 100% done...
Stupid Vigilante missions, After what happened the other day i decided to try again, got to lvl 80ish had to eat, come out and tryed to hop in cop car, locked, by this time i had 10 seconds to get into cop car with 3 stars, got shoot to death :( Getting high in Vig is gonna take stragy to get around the eating/ 1 min to return to cop car delema
I reckon you should try and eat a snack from a vending machine that is located outside... Isn't there one in the Train Station in SF...

Where else are they?

that would be helpfull, people post the locations of the vending machines/hot dog stands plz.

I think theres one outside bloodring and of course theres one at the end of the big jetty in LS
About the double-posting, what Spuds means is that it's okay to double post if it's after a certain amount of time. Yes, Spuds himself double-posts, but only because the first post has been read by a fair number of people, so editing would result in a fair few people not reading it. I also do this, too.

But double-posting after a few minutes is not right, and that's what Spuds meant.
Famine if you ever get the urge to have a gang war....YOU cant because you killed them all ! :) Now on them rainy British days when you are looking for a good gang - bang :crazy: There will be no one to murderate ! Leaving one terratory so that you can let the fools regenerate is the way to serial killer heaven ! no one says you have to pay attention to the flashing terratory under attack ...let them have it...and then when you get your brand new mini gun TAKE IT BACK ...hehehe throw grenades ! ...hehehehehee ...whip out the flame thrower and make them SCREAM......hehehehehehehehee rocket propeled GRENADES............heheheheheheehehe :crazy: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
you are looking for a good gang - bang

Actually, that's another thing... "Gang-bang" means something totally different over here...

I'll be doing more games in the future - I just want a pristine 100% game. No loose ends.
Gang-bang means both things here, but the mentality and maturity of people, makes you a sitting duck for sexual jokes. But anyway, I'll be doing a right-through 100% no-stopping game later on down the track. I just want to really enjoy the game for a while. I don't care how long it takes for me to even get 100% the first time.

I'm currently completing the Import/Export lists. 2 more to go on the first, but they're easy ones. That's all for me as well, not for 100% completion.

I just don't care that much. I've read through the instruction guide today. It does look like more fun to get towards 100%, I must admit.
He he... the funny thing is that Spuds himself double posted earlier on this page!!!


Only because my browser decided to hang up after my first post-- I backed up, reloaded the page-- it showed my post not there, so I reposted it to find that it was there in the first place-- I quickly removed my post (using the edit button) to fix this.

Sorry if I embarrased you Battle--- I'll PM people next time.

Cmon people, help me out and post locations of hotdog stands/ vending machines so i can get past lvl 129 on vigilante

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