General San Andreas Discussion and Questions

My main problem so far with gang territories was with a tiny little square territory not far north of CJ's house in Ganton. When I was doing stuff like getting tags or just messing around, I'd always get some annoying message about how I had a territory under attack.

No matter how many Vagos I killed in that territory, I just couldn't start a gang war. First of all it was impossible to find any Vagos there because it's so tiny they hardly ever spawn, secondly they usually spawned just off the territory so killing them didn't seem to start a gang war. But eventually I got those b*stards. So I've no Vagos left to get! Yay!

There's still some Ballas territory to the west of the city, but they're not touching any of my territory so they never attack me. I'll mop them up eventually. 100% first though.

Yeah I know that square, I passed it, I killed everybody, every gang, except the vagos, just one territory left, and the only it seems to be is the one I'm talking about, the marina. I never get any message of hoods under attack so it must be it.
I've got a problem with gang territories in North San Fierro. It's right where the "Golden gate bridge" is and it's Vagos territory. But my problem is that the Vagos rarely show up and when they're there, I can't start a gang war. Even when there is a bunch in a group. There is always guys wearing blue and I've tried to start a gang war with them, but nothing. This ever happen to anyone?
I had one Ballas territory in SF and one Vagos near the boat school--- had no problems starting a gangwar nor beating them--both only sent one wave.

I don't understand, I have 100% of territories, and I NEVER had to fight in San fierro, the boat school yes, but San fierro? Nah! I don't understand!
Whats to understand?? There was one Ballas territory, now its a grove street family territory.

The game must randomly generate them or something-- or you possibly didn't notice it.

Well, all I have left to do is the Firefighter mission. Has anyone got any useful advice?

I tried it twice in San Fierro but I gave up after 4 or 5 levels because I got confused. The indicator confused me just like it did in GTAIII, which gave me all sorts of out of the way and inaccurate info.

well you can just check your map everytime someone spawns, SF is the best place to do it as it has hardly any "hard to access" roads. once you get to lvl 4 or 5 it gets really easy, until then you have very little time so be quick.
SF is the best place to do it as it has hardly any "hard to access" roads
I found SF hard for Firefighter because it kept giving me either a burning car on the freeway or under the freeway and I couldn't tell which and when I found out where it was too late, it was a long twisty ride to either get on to the freeway or off the freeway,

Can anyone point me towards a firestation in either Los Santos or Las Venturas so I can at least experiment?

im not sure where the firestations are but just use your flamethrower out the front of woozies casino, a firetruck will be there in no time, i wouldnt reccomendt LS, its freeways are even harder to reach than SF.
How did everyone view zero's missions in san fierro? i tried supply lines like 40 times before i beat!

1st and 3rd ones weren't hard at all.. 2nd was tough.. 2 or 3 times i ran out of fuel about 10 feet from the finishing marker :ouch:

also, the extra mission in the backroom is pretty fun.. i think i got up to 25 topfun vans destroyed :)
the 1st mission was really easy once i found out that the planes show up on the minmap, and the 2nd i passed 2nd go and the 3rd i passed on my first try. all in all i think there wernt hard at all.
I had a bit of trouble with the second mission. I got it my twenty-first try. I actually had a friend try it and he beat it his 3rd or 4th try but I wanted to do it myself. I just kept running out of fuel. I got the first mission second go, and the third first try.
First took my about 10-12 tries or so-- I suck at this type of mission (reminds me of Phenom Penh 86 in VC)

2nd took me about 6 or 7 tries-- took me a while to figure out that your fuel runs out at the same rate whether you hold down the throttle or not--- I kept trying to go slow and conserve fuel and wasn't even close until I wised up.

3rd I thought was ez-- it took me 2 goes as I wasn't sure what to do (or what you can do) the first time
the phenom penh was the one you had to fly the seaplane to delever the porno's around? i only did the missions twice. and some only once. if it is that mission it wasnt that hard at all.

I dont see how zero's second mission was so hard, how can it be hard. though if you do think its hard you should go and gold the airplane school and get 4:44 in barnstorming.
he phenom penh was the one you had to fly the seaplane to delever the porno's around?
No. Phnom Penh '84 was the mission where you were flown over the house in Prawn Island by Lance Vance and you shot the guys on the houses, then you were lowered down and you took out the guys inside, retrieving a breifcase. I had no trouble with that mission. I did, however, have ALOT of trouble with Air Raid.

Just check the number of Planes & Helicopters Destroyed I have in the Record Book. That was my Record straight after doing that mission, and I would say about 750 of them were from that mission.

oh that mission, it wasnt too hard, you only had to shoot a few guys and once you landed they were easy to pick off, its hard to say, but i dont really have any hard gta missions, the hardest thing so far would be ngr-500 and bmx, but even now i can do them without much difficutly.
I did BMX on my first attempt yesterday...

Air Raid took me about 20 attempts. I've over 400 planes shot down because of it.

Supply Lines took 3 attempts. I figured out very quickly that you start off very near 2 of the couriers and you can get them both within a few seconds of the mission. After that I just caught up with the other couriers came down low and slow behind them and machine gunnned them.

Phnom Penh I found really easy in Vice City. I don't think I've ever failed that mission.

The RC Baron Race took me about 40 tries in a row and Four Iron gave me serious probolems as well.

I remember doing PCJ Playground about 25 times in a row and thinking I'd never get it right. But I now have the best time in the record book! I also had the best RC Baron time for a while. :dopey:

BMX is so easy if you have maxed Bike skills its not even funny as you can bunnyhop to reach the coronas.

The only time I thought Phnom Penh was a challenge was if you did it at night and there was heavy fog, then it turned it to a mini vietnam.
Jimmy Enslashay
No. Phnom Penh '84

Kill the heretic! Burn him!

Phnom Penh '86... :D

On that topic, anyone notice a small VC/SA missions correlation?

Phnom Penh - place in Vietnam.
Da Nang - place in Vietnam.
Phnom Penh '86 - Mission where you start off using a heavy machine gun in a helicopter to kill members of a gang. Then must continue on foot...
The Da Nang Thang - Mission where you start off using a heavy machine gun in a helicopter to kill members of a gang. Then must continue on foot...

Not to mention the Trojan Voodoo (use a car to get into and blow up a drugs factory)/Yay-Ka-Boom-Boom (use a car to get into and blow up a drugs factory - although this time the car is the explosive) link.