General San Andreas Discussion and Questions

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Hey guys, Ive started Import Export a bit, but where in god sake is the damm board where you see the list?
You know the crane where you delivered the cars for the last Wang Autos mission? It's just north of it on the pier. It's between the dry dock and ship that the crane is beside.

I'm a busy boy tonight!

The best rumours I've heard so far are that there's a mysterious phone booth in the desert somewhere that's ringing and that if you walk up to it and answer it, a zombie comes and attacks you and that if you're tuned to the right radio station at the right time near the Big Ear in the desert, that you can hear alien radio transmissions.

Speaking of zombies, anyone notice the zombie research facility in the middle of San Fierro? It's the place where you drop off Jizzy's girl then chase the reverend guy from... Didn't find anything there though, real shame. At least a corpse in the corner or something. But it's a clean building, middle of the city and all.

Has anyone witnessed the "ghost riders" in that one city? That was mentioned on the official site's tour of the city, so i assume it happens...
Speaking of zombies, anyone notice the zombie research facility in the middle of San Fierro? It's the place where you drop off Jizzy's girl then chase the reverend guy from... Didn't find anything there though, real shame. At least a corpse in the corner or something. But it's a clean building, middle of the city and all.

Has anyone witnessed the "ghost riders" in that one city? That was mentioned on the official site's tour of the city, so i assume it happens...

Yes - inside that Zombie Research lab is a MASSIVE sculpture of a DNA strand. Which may or may not be a Photo Op location... (he hinted)
I was bored tonight so I was curious about why that area in the Badlands was called "The Panopticon". Has anyone ever bothered checking out what Panopticon means? It's some sort of weird prison design by 19th century philosopher Jeremy Bentham.

Checkout the article at:

According to that article it's also the name of the citadel of the Time Lords alien race from Doctor Who.

Where the hell do Rockstar come up with these names?

I was bored tonight so I was curious about why that area in the Badlands was called "The Panopticon". Has anyone ever bothered checking out what Panopticon means? It's some sort of weird prison design by 19th century philosopher Jeremy Bentham.

Checkout the article at:

According to that article it's also the name of the citadel of the Time Lords alien race from Doctor Who.

Where the hell do Rockstar come up with these names?

It means, literally, "Place from where one can see all". Latin at school, eh? Marvellous!
Ive completed all missions/races/oysters/horseshoes/tags/import/export/R3 missions and still only got 90%. I own all gang territory in los santos and a little bit in the top left of the map, however there is no gang territory in the two other big cities, is this normal?
Yeah that's completely normal... You must have missed a couple of assets or R3 missions by the sounds of things...

Have you done the delivery missions, Quarry, Zero's, Freight Train, Taxi, Stadium missions & bought all the property?

Could anyone give a brief list of the benefits of the R3 subb-missions. I know the firefighting ones make you flameproof like the other games but do the ambulance & plod missions still give you 150 health and armour respectively (now it's a bar for health & armour so does it just get longer?). What about the pimping missions? I am sure this has already been unveiled somewhere but I am struggling to find it so a short list would be greatly appreciated...
Burglary = cash from burglaries
Firefighter = fireproof
Paramedic = 150 health bar
Pimping = when you entertain prostitutes they give you money
Taxi = Nitro on all taxis
Trucking = Cash, unlocks RS Haul which generates up to $2000
Vigilante = 150 body armour bar

Hope that was of some help

Burglary = cash from burglaries
Firefighter = fireproof
Paramedic = 150 health bar
Pimping = when you entertain prostitutes they give you money
Taxi = Nitro on all taxis
Trucking = Cash, unlocks RS Haul which generates up to $2000
Vigilante = 150 body armour bar

Hope that was of some help


Cheers! Best get cracking then!
Havent bought all property actually, ill do it now. Whats the delivery thing?

Are you referring to the asset missions-- 1 each in each city??? There are missions similar to "pizzaboy" in VC....where you get on a vehicle and deliver stuff.

If so there are 3-- Burgershot in LV, Hippyshopper in SF, and Robois foodmart in LS (the one just north of the hill with the observatory--not the one on Mulhulland--there are at least 2 Robois in LS.). There should be vehicle parked in front of each one--get on it to start the mission.

Yeah, it freaked me out the first time...its was the p51 mustang look alike right ? That plane is always crashing !


Is the Hydra really slow or something ? When i fly it, it seems to be a I doing anything wrong ?
Is the Hydra really slow or something ? When i fly it, it seems to be a I doing anything wrong ?
When you get it in the air, push the right analog stick forward for a few seconds, that will aim the thrusts backwards instead of down so you're no longer in hover mode. Also make sure to hit R3 to raise your landing gear, it slows you down a lot too.

Woah just had a wierd experience - i was messing about on Mt. Chiliad where a plane crashed right next to me! Has this happened to anyone else?

There was this one crash while I was doing the Santa Maria Triathlon that took out the entire starting field while we where running up the last hill. I lost about 90% life from the explosion so its not certain death.

I had same problem at first--

2 things:

1. push R3 (right analog stick) in to raise your landing gear (if you haven't done this yet).

2. Push forward on the right analog stick after you have some altitude---(hold it forward for about 10 seconds since its hard to see)-- this will rotate the jets so in stead of pointing straight down they will point straight behind you--makes a world of difference.



I'm too slow.... :yuck:
Thanks Ervyberdy...don't know what I would do without gtp....

well, I would get a lot more work done here at WORK...meh, what are you going to do ?
Revolution 909
There was this one crash while I was doing the Santa Maria Triathlon that took out the entire starting field while we where running up the last hill. I lost about 90% life from the explosion so its not certain death.

i have had random planes crash around me too, a couple times... i'll be running around and hear a big explosion then see a flaming plane fall next to me.. then look up and see a black spot on a building... one time i was swimming under a bridge and out of no where a freeway landed about 5 feet away from me
I heard a rumour that CJ's moms ghost is seen sometimes at Grove Street. Is there any proof of it or is it just a another sad mans game?
Another thing that's talked about a lot but I've yet to see proof so I think it's more BS.

Noone's verified this, and everybody has called it a fake, much like Big Foot. I don't believe it one bit. If any sort of rumour like this comes up, send it straight here for study.
On the subject of random stuff falling out of the sky... I was on a mission... I think to get some Cop Bikes (Cop Wheels) and A cop car was chasing me... I nipped round a corner... then all of a sudden the cop car came crashing down from way up high and landed in front of me... I swerved out of the way using my cat-like reactions and drove off... hearing it explode behind me!!

On the subject of Police Chases, I just saw Gone in 60 Seconds (the Original) and the Police Chase in that is spectacular. Guess what I'm going to be doing for a while now? :lol: