General San Andreas Discussion and Questions

Jumping in a Bullet Or Mustang type car and grabbing nitrous and going to the "man-made river" and using the nitrous and going really really really fast?! Oh wait.. that's the remade one. :P
Jimmy Enslashay
On the subject of Police Chases, I just saw Gone in 60 Seconds (the Original) and the Police Chase in that is spectacular. Guess what I'm going to be doing for a while now? :lol:

Eleannor :drool:

edit: does everyone elses 'total respect' keep going up long after its been maxed?
Must be just lacking practise...although, has anyone noticed the ballas come in much smaller groups that the hispanic they come in swarms... I found a fun way, you need the jet pack though.....they spawn and run towards you....all you do si place a couple of satchels on a side walk, jet back up on top of a house, l;et them gather around the base of the house, and then blamo !
I get a crap load of ballas run after me in the third waves! Problem is that they come from in front and behind you =/
If you have max health and armor you can usually take care of one of the groups by going in with all guns blazing which leaves you with fewer Ballas left.

Otherwise you can always try the following. If you keep running in a direction after you dispatch the second wave they all spawn behind you, which makes them easy to take care of if you have a M4.

My personal favorite is when AK47 armed Vagos all spawn in a firing squad directly beside you. Can you say instant death :P
As I've said before, the Vagos are much harder than the Ballas. First of all, the Vagos are smarter. They are also larger in groups, and tend to carry more of the better weapons. I don't recall seeing a Vagos guy with a Baseball Bat. But I've done them twice over. Once for me, once for Blake, although I haven't finished Blake's. Too lazy. :lol:
Jimmy Enslashay
As I've said before, the Vagos are much harder than the Ballas. First of all, the Vagos are smarter. They are also larger in groups, and tend to carry more of the better weapons. I don't recall seeing a Vagos guy with a Baseball Bat. But I've done them twice over. Once for me, once for Blake, although I haven't finished Blake's. Too lazy. :lol:

That's right the Vagos have better weapons and are smarter, have you noticed that there is health on the streets during a gang war with the Vagos but only after you survived the second wave there's armor? (I could be wrong though)

I also think that after you've recruited a couple of gang members you'll survive the Vagos attack much faster than when you're all alone.
See, I am different on that, I find I do way better with just myself...the other gang members sometimes run in front of my fire, get killed, or sometimes when I move to shoot in a different direction, I get hit with some stray friendly fire....
I've noticed that there's no health or armour until the first wave is finished. After the first wave, health appears and armor appears after the second wave.

the hunter is like an apache of the greatest things from any game ever !! You get to test it in the pilots license tests...missles, machine guns, and bad ass looks
you can't find the hunter in area 69?
I can't. I've found 2 Rhinos, a Patriot, 2 Hydras and a military chopper like the Leviathan, but no Hunter. Where abouts does it spawn in Area 69?

Also, is there any health or armour inside Area 69, I think I've found a good spot for killing. I just need to be able to regain health and armour every so often.

I can't. I've found 2 Rhinos, a Patriot, 2 Hydras and a military chopper like the Leviathan, but no Hunter. Where abouts does it spawn in Area 69?

Also, is there any health or armour inside Area 69, I think I've found a good spot for killing. I just need to be able to regain health and armour every so often.

hmm. i coulda sworn there was at least one in there.. have you tried blowing everything up, leaving and coming back? next chance i get to play i'll look..

not sure about the health and armor, dont think there are any, but i could be wrong