- 10,832
Originally posted by duo17
Is that true? Was ancient China a democracy? Was ancient Rome a Democracy? Civilization did advance more during democracy but only in certain aspects. Ancient China advanced much more in every respect than Athens did during its time. And while we're on the subject, you can't count Greece as a democracy because all of it wasn't it wasn't. Also you said that democracy was most powerful each time, that's far from the truth.
The whole point of democracy is to let people choose and to be fair. Forcing democracy on another group is the opposite of democracy. The people of Afganistan will choose it if they want it. That's why I was saying that its ironic that we want everyone to be democratic, even if they don't want to.
PS: If any of the things I type come off harsh, I'm sorry. A lot of times things I say come off as an insult, but I really don't mean it that way, so don't take it to heart.
You have identified one of the philosophical problems with democracy and you are right. I guess people can choose not to choose (he he - Rush, Free Will
Maybe the best thing about democracy that every nation should benefit from is that it tends to prevent totalitarianism and corruption (there will always be some corruption).
In terms of the third stage of democracy, I didn't consider China. I was talking about Greece, Rome, and America... sticking to Western Civilization.
Don't worry. I'm not taking anything personally.
I also want to add that I agree about humanity advancing only in certain aspects during democratic ages. I am saddened by the conspicuous lack of spiritual (mystical, sacred, philosophical) cohesion in democracy. I think of ancient Egypt and envy their cohesive culture of the sacred. But I deplore other things about it. But that is surmountable, in time. Our world's old, worn-out religions are about due to check out. The violence they make is evidence of their desperation. And not only Islam.