Give us better sounds - PLEASE !!

  • Thread starter steamcat
Yes exactly. For most cars in GT5, some simple editing of the sample volumes would fix the sound issues.

Most cars? I don't think so, many of the samples are just flat out wrong. No boost in dB or any sort of EQ is going to make a V6 sound like a V12.
The reason for the problems sounds GT.1) The obvious reason: in GT5 and GT6 a lot of standard cars.All standards are converted into premium impossible because many of them are stupid useless vehicles.

Therefore, the majority of the standards will have to get rid of in gt7 on PS4.And PD think that there is no point in writing the realistic sounds of engines for "standard cars"It's expensive for a long time and do not need to if the standards will go into the trash.

They could write a realistic sound for premium cars, but it would be silly if in gt5 or gt6 premium cars sounded realistic, but standard - is unrealistic. So Polyphony decided not to record realistic sound, saving money and time. They will record a realistic sound, just get rid of when standards

reason number 2 (non-obvious) Kazunori Yamauchi just like the sound of the engines come from the era of video games ps1
The reason for the problems sounds GT.1) The obvious reason: in GT5 and GT6 a lot of standard cars.All standards are converted into premium impossible because many of them are stupid useless vehicles.

Therefore, the majority of the standards will have to get rid of in gt7 on PS4.And PD think that there is no point in writing the realistic sounds of engines for "standard cars"It's expensive for a long time and do not need to if the standards will go into the trash.

They could write a realistic sound for premium cars, but it would be silly if in gt5 or gt6 premium cars sounded realistic, but standard - is unrealistic. So Polyphony decided not to record realistic sound, saving money and time. They will record a realistic sound, just get rid of when standards

reason number 2 (non-obvious) Kazunori Yamauchi just like the sound of the engines come from the era of video games ps1

That doesn't make much sense, the model and the sounds are unrelated. There is no reason a standard car shouldn't sound accurate just because it doesn't look that good. It still looks like the car it's meant to be, no reason the sound shouldn't be as it should be.

The standard 3D models may be going in the trash eventually but there is a high chance a large percentange of the actual vehicles will be re-modelled in premium quality, meaning a sound sample would be retained.
Do you fools know anything about the complications of making realistic sounds? Of course they sound digitised, they are! Would half of you even recognise a more realistic sound? it's not as simple as recording real sounds and then looping them and there will always be a loss in quality as sounds get edited and tweaked. I'd love to know what games you guys think that PD should emulate that actually have realistic car sounds.

My sound mod:

The video used:

Doesn't it sound better than GT5's triple rotor sound?
There was a video where someone messed around with an EQ and the sounds improved a whole lot. I read the description and the uploader thought that maybe the samples were too clean. I think it's either that, or some other elements (transmission, drivetrain) may have been neglected.
There was a video where someone messed around with an EQ and the sounds improved a whole lot. I read the description and the uploader thought that maybe the samples were too clean. I think it's either that, or some other elements (transmission, drivetrain) may have been neglected.

Yes if you live in the forest or in the desert with no neighbours close to you that´s really fine...I can turn up my 5.1 to the max as well and it will brake the windows...

But this is not the solution...rFactor 2 is doing great, iRacing is doing incredibly well, and SimBin is in other league with R3E sounds.

Hell if the RAM is an excuse for the unrealistic engine sounds, How is possible that Codemasters with Grid/Dirt games and F1 series can recreate sounds that at least are as close as you can get to the real deal?

SIX games and not a single change, we still have that digitalized sound (the vacuum cleaner one) over the engine sounds and that is the main problem not our sound systems or the equalizer or anything.

You can do realistic engine sounds with simple samples. Modders do it in the old rFactor, hell even in GTL a really old game they have incredible realistic sounds.

/Rant over...

Yet they fixed what to me is the most important part of the game...the PHYSICS! Thank god.

We have visuals and we need the SOUNDS, the SOULS of the CARS.

@Wankelhead: great job and that´s is how you do it!!! ;)
There was a video where someone messed around with an EQ and the sounds improved a whole lot. I read the description and the uploader thought that maybe the samples were too clean. I think it's either that, or some other elements (transmission, drivetrain) may have been neglected.

I was playing GT5 earlier and noticed exactly this. It seems that most of the sounds aren't that bad (before stoning me hang on let met explain) but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

For example the higher a car is revved the louder it gets, but this isn't properly brought over in GT5. It's as if the sounds at idle or 2000 rpm has the same "loudness" as those at 6000rpm or higher. The different cars also seem to have the same base volume for the most part, which is not the same, a Ferrari tearing around the racetrack is much louder than your average Nissan or Toyota.

Also we all know the way polyphony recorded the sounds(microphones in the exhaust or just outside them from what I remember), and a lot of that does not compensate for induction noises etc.

Does anyone know if the sounds were recorded on a dyno or while actually driving the car or just stationary revving of the vehicle? All of this could add to the problem. Someone posted a video of a 458 on a dyno and it seemed much closer to the GT5 sound than one on a track, of course acoustics and all that come into play in different environments, and Polyphony would need to take that into account.

But as has been pointed out before in this thread a lot of this would not require all of the car sounds to be re recorded, just some new sounds for stuff like tire squeals, induction, straight cut transmissions and turbo noises and adjusting the way the exhaust sounds are replicated in game. Some more variation in them would also add to the effect, at the moment most of the turbo noises seem the same from what I can tell.

The main thing missing is the "violence" of it all. Standing near a open pipe v8 is earth shattering, it shakes you to the bone when it passes by, and that needs to be adjusted in the game.

Just my 2c on the topic, hopefully Polyphony are working on it as we speak and the demo shown at silverstone does not replicate the sounds in the full game.
Yes if you live in the forest or in the desert with no neighbours close to you that´s really fine...I can turn up my 5.1 to the max as well and it will brake the windows...
An equalizer isn't just about turning up the volume... just saying. Ehm...
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How is it even possible to make empty posts? Site fail?

Hotlinking fail, actually. If you try to hotlink an image from a site that has hotlink protection depending on what system they have in place you'll either see nothing or a replacement image.
As long as PD doesn't provide options for:

- Adjusting sound balance depending on the intended listening volume (ie psychoacoustics)
- Adjusting sounds depending on the wanted dynamic range
- Adjusting sounds depending on the actual listening gear (for example, "2channel" is too generic. What about headphones? Monitor stereo speakers? Built-in TV speakers?)

Sounds in GT, regardless of the quality, are never going to be right.

To me it seems they are intended to be listened at a loud volumes, maximum dynamic range, with a high-end multispeaker set-up. Only then, they start sounding like the real thing. This is mainly because of the natural effect to the listener's ear of psychoacoustics at loud volumes. Adding all-around distortion to make them "closer to the real thing" is only going to compensate for low listening volumes. They need something more advanced than that.

Of course, before that, they should get the basic car sound dynamics right. Simply put, GT5 car sounds lack all the effects, detail, the meat, growl and rumble of actual sounds. They are too smooth, muddy, lacking fundamental layers like intake droning. Simulating the drivetrain properly would also increase realism without any additional work in the sound compartment.

There's so much work to do here I'm afraid that there won't be much change from GT5. They're doing it wrong, again.
An equalizer isn't just about turning up the volume... just saying. Ehm...

Oh my god, really? :dopey:

Look I am the biggest sound whore in the world...probably technically speaking I am not the "guru" but if you come to my place one day to look at how my sound system works, how I have different devices working exclusively for each dispositive (PS3, TV, and PC) you will be amazed. (I use Technics, Sennheiser, Kenwood and Sony which is the worst when you talk about fidelity)

Also I play the guitar and have a Roland amplifier and Zoom G7.1ut pedals. (not the best but not that bad since I am a total rookie)

Also my father is a radio aficionado (actually world champion a lot of times in different contests) and he knows about sound all the things that I don´t have a clue.

I tried his 260€ hand made Heil headphones with GT5 and some equalizer...results are still bad because samples are real bad.

I use the equalizer on my PC for each game with different pressets as well...please don´t tell me what is what. I know the difference.
Oh my god, really? :dopey:

That's fine, it's just the way you reacted on the other guys comment. Only replying "I can turn up my 5.1 to the max as well and it will brake the windows..." isn't really appropriate if it's about the use of equalizers.

If you had mentioned that you use different settings my reply wouldn't have happened.
That's fine, it's just the way you reacted on the other guys comment. Only replying "I can turn up my 5.1 to the max as well and it will brake the windows..." isn't really appropriate if it's about the use of equalizers.

If you had mentioned that you use different settings my reply wouldn't have happened.

I my not so perfect English as well...sometimes I want to say something and it "sounds" not as good as my real intention.

Sorry if my reply sounded mean. ;)

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