And that’s where you and I differ in opinion. I think governments are beginning to lift restrictions because the mandates aren’t working as hoped.
Demonstrably incorrect
And now the economic fallout is proving more harmful to society than the virus is at this moment. And one can make a valid argument that a lot of the social distancing policies contributed directly to the economic fallout and didn’t do a whole lot of long term good
Only as long as you base your 'opinion' on poor, cherry-picked data.
And the virus seems to be mutating into that of a common cold or flu. And we have no clue wether these mutations into less lethal strains happened because of the vaccine…or occurred naturally.
Once again you don't understand how this works, just because the current variant is less dangerous, doesn't mean that the next one will also be. Virus mutation isn't a downward trend of 'less dangerous', the existence of Covid-19 itself is demonstrable proof of that.
The epidemiologist that’s currently working with us right now even admits that variations can occur because of a vaccine.
Not because of a vaccine, even if you have had the vaccine and get Covid, it can still mutate. It's just a lot less likely to happen.
Because of the unique perspective I’ve had throughout this whole thing, I agree mostly with what you’ve said. But at any rate, we saw spikes and the ensuing downward trend of every variant as it moved through a specific region, community etc. the same spikes and downward trends happened before the vaccine was widely available. Just like any flu or cold that moves through a population.
Who said that wouldn't happen?
The fact is that had vaccines, and before that lockdowns and mask requirements not been in place those spikes would be a lot higher. That's the exact reason why those measures were put in place. And when you dig into the data behind those spikes, the majority of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths are always among those who ignored the science-based precautions that were in place.
The thing that gets me, is that there is room for both of our perspectives on this. I haven’t seen anyone in this thread that I would consider the Ill informed or completely off base, regardless of their opinion
I have seen it, a disturbing amount of members who are ill-informed and off base, and I include you among them.
First off, if you dress your factual claims up as opinion it doesn't make them an opinion if they are based on a factual inaccuracy. Secondly, if you do make such a claim and it is corrected, and you then go on to repeat the exact same claim then you are no longer posting an 'opinion' or 'perspective', you are deliberately and knowingly spreading misinformation.
This is not an area of two equal sides, and parts of the media (and the last administration) treating it as such has been hugely damaging and has cost lives, a lot of lives.
In the end, I’m sure we’ll all be a little right and a little wrong.
You are, for example, not a little bit right about how vaccines work, if the Covid vaccine is a vaccine, that vaccines mandates work. These are all well-proven, science-based, evidence-backed, peer-reviewed areas that you are wrong about.