Wow, i cant belive theres a thread about this. well after some thinking, here it goes, i warn you its gonna be long, and i havent bothered to look at all the posts so if im saying something already posted or if i offend some ppl, dont take personal, and jus deal with it.
Being forced into catholicism through the act of baptism, in which i had no say what so ever, we never do, i find my self caught between three walls, one being, all orginized religions, two being scientific fact, and three my personal belief in karma (yea i believe in it, and you do me wrong, youll be done wrong, if if karma takes its sweet time, ill do it myself, im very impatient)
all orginized religions to me are like political parties, they each think they are better than the other and compete for their cause, and have some sort internal agenda. (crusades, jihad, and what ever jews/hebrews do, im not that enlightend in that area.)
TWO: good ol science, cant prove the facts wrong, but you can distort them. the whole dinasour thing, come on, like ppl cared about digging for bones when they were busy spreading idealogy and conqoring nations. i would much rather take over nations that dig for bones, plus they wouldt have the technology to know what the big bones were. thats how mythologies probably got started, by accendently finding larger bones and not knowing where they came from.
karma works people, at least it has for me. but then again my life is full of ironies and coincidences that are too good to be true, but they are.
utimately i beleive there is a hiegher being that may be incontrol of things, or have some sort of influence, but you have to think about all the other things, the zodiac stuff (you know some of that stuff has happened to everyone when the readt thie horoscope), voodoo, time(i beleive this has happened before die too all my many countless accounts of deja vu) and free will.
i think everyone shouldnt worry about where we go when we die, if we really die at all.
if anyone wants to get in depth with me, fell free to email me or im me on AIM.
ps-what is the most riches organization in the world?