Race Specifics:
4 way race.
1st and 2nd place of the group progress to the Final.
Last 2 positions in the group is eliminated.
10 lap race.
Number of Races: 1 Race
If 10 laps are not possible, then the 60 second countdown will determine the end of the race.
If the 60 second countdown rule comes into play, the leading car at the end of the countdown will be deemed the winner.
All races will start from the grid slots 1, 2, 3 & 4 on the start / finish line.
You will start in the positions listed on the screen. First driver listed in the thread starts 1st, 2nd - 2nd, 3rd - 3rd, 4th - 4th.
Any interference by non participants (drivers taking part in the public race) during the race will sometimes be unavoidable and should therefore be considered as an unavoidable part of the game. Green run off areas are not part of the track.
To find the boundaries of track / run off area, please check the pictures in this thread.
Moving off the track:
When the race begins, it is important that you move off the racing line in a manner that doesn't interfere with those who are competing in the public race.
If you are placed on the left side of the grid, you must move off the track and onto the grass. If you are placed on the right side, you must pull over to the pitwall, positioned out the way.
This must be done while being careful not to impeded other drivers on track. Please practice steering off the racing line, to be sure you are comfortable with it prior to your actual race.
Race Start Time Rules:
The race will start exactly 30 seconds after the commencement of the public race.
All drivers are solely responsible for any delay in getting to their grid position. If any driver fails to get to their grid position in due time, then the other driver has the right to commence racing at the 30 second start time.
If both drivers fail to reach their designated grid positions before the 30 second start time, then the start time will begin at 40 seconds after the start of the public race.