Isn't the point of blue flags to help overtaking?
And yes, if STR breaks the rules, they'll be in trouble... so should all others (hint hint).
My bad, switching from talking about blue flags to yellow flags, mixed up.
Anyway, geezus would people just drop it and leave it alone. McLaren were punished, it's done...dusted...finished. McLaren HAVE been racing with their own car too y'know, whether it's 50% their car or 99% their car. Hamilton had done nothing but drive all season, he doesn't deserve to be thrown out. Alonso...debatable due to his part in things but he's still in and also stands a chance of winning it as does Kimi. You seem to be acting as if the punishment that "wasn't harsh enough"*** has decided the championship.
Don't make the mistake of thinking the car drives the driver, your car can be as good as you want but if the drivers crap it won't do anything but waste space. Hamilton has still put out his own talent and has taken this down to the last race on merit as has Kimi and Fernando.
***(yes I agree, they probably did get off lightly but if it were any lower level team...or dare I say even, Max Mosley's favorite pet poodles, wouldn't have been as high as that anyway)
The spy scandal is done with, it's now down to the drivers Championship between 3 drivers. The punishment is dealt with, all teams have accepted it including McLaren. Sure...Ferrari had their little whinge, but since when don't they whinge at anything. Heck, they got a constructors title out of it they should be half way's about time the fans got over it and stopped making wise cracks.
Sorry for getting touchy, but it's pathetic and it's really getting sad and old when people obsess over what is unchangeable.