GR.3 Saturday

  • Thread starter TexasJDC

This is something we hope will set us apart from any other race series. This idea was brought up by a current driver and we have to admit, we really like it. The wildcard will be selected by the lowest driver in points standings, designated as FULL-TIME, and lowest DNF %. The driver will pick a 1-make race that will keep with the ARL rules (BoP,Fuel consumption, Tire wear, Damage, ect.) the choices for the wildcard race are as followed. The lowest driver can only have 1 wildcard selection per season if the same driver is up for the wildcard 2 times in the same season the choice will default to the next lowest driver meeting the guidelines mentioned above.

ARL WILDCARD RACE Rules and Regulations:

The following guidelines will be implemented ASAP to bring some structure and regulation concerning the ARL Wildcard Races. As you all know, these three (3) events hold significant importance and value during the ARL season, as double championship points are on the line.

To make this fair and rewarding for our active drivers, the BOD (Board of Directors) will be making the following changes starting with the next Wildcard Race (scheduled for Saturday, February 23rd, 2019).

  • Wildcard Races are an exclusive event in the ARL. To reward our FULL-TIME drivers, they will be given priority when setting up the initial grid of drivers. In other words, if your status is FULL TIME by the Wildcard Race weekend, you will be guaranteed a spot on the grid.

  • The balance of the grid will then be set by our PART TIME drivers.

  • In the event we have more than 16 FULL TIME drivers prior to any Wildcard Race weekend, two (2) lobbies will be established to accommodate AND REWARD ALL DRIVERS.

  • Lobby placement will be randomized amongst the FULL-TIME drivers, followed by the PART TIME drivers.

  • You MUST announce your intent to race the Wildcard no later than the THURSDAY of the event. This will allow adequate time for grid and lobby determinations. If you do not state by Thursday, then you will not be considered for the event.

  • Your intent to race announcement should be made on the GTPlanet forum

  • PART TIME driver eligibility will be based on current point standings, allowing the driver with the most points priority on the grid, followed by the next highest, etc.

  • Starting position on the grid will be set by reverse championship point standings, with the lowest FULL-TIME driver on the pole. Subsequent positions (2-16) will also be based on point standings and driver status (FT/PT).

  • All FULL-TIME drivers will be placed on the grid ahead of PART-TIME drivers, regardless of point standings.
Can i enter this race
In a nutshell, yes you have a chance to enter. The way it has been designed is to guarantee all full time drivers a place on the grid, provided they want to race and confirm their attendance. The race is also designed to be limited to 16 drivers/one lobby. Posted below is the priority order. The way it stands now, you are the second part time driver in line, and I have marked you as a Yes/confirmed. The bottom line depends on how many drivers ahead of you confirm.
While we want everyone to have the chance to race, we also would like to reward the full time drivers with first option of refusal. Of course, the way to guarantee a spot in the wildcard race is to achieve FULL TIME status, by participating in 65% of all races. While that may not be possible this season, as you joined during week 3, it is something to keep in mind for the following seasons.
***Also keep in mind, that everyone listed below has not responded up to this point. The deadline is Thursday evening. I would say your chances look good though.

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Confirm for wildcard

* I will drop if we have a 17th driver who wants to run and doesnt make it bc I confirmed the wildcard. But make sure you guys confirm before Thursday so nick has enough time to get everything together (alot of behind the scenes work goes into the wildcard and we need to give him as much time as we can to set it all up)
In a nutshell, yes you have a chance to enter. The way it has been designed is to guarantee all full time drivers a place on the grid, provided they want to race and confirm their attendance. The race is also designed to be limited to 16 drivers/one lobby. Posted below is the priority order. The way it stands now, you are the second part time driver in line, and I have marked you as a Yes/confirmed. The bottom line depends on how many drivers ahead of you confirm.
While we want everyone to have the chance to race, we also would like to reward the full time drivers with first option of refusal. Of course, the way to guarantee a spot in the wildcard race is to achieve FULL TIME status, by participating in 65% of all races. While that may not be possible this season, as you joined during week 3, it is something to keep in mind for the following seasons.
***Also keep in mind, that everyone listed below has not responded up to this point. The deadline is Thursday evening. I would say your chances look good though.

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I can't make it. Give the slot way.