Gran Turismo 5 arts & concepts (heavy edit)

  • Thread starter Big Ron
Nice work, Justin. In terms of composition, this is one of your best pictures to date. I really like the depth of field and the exposure. On top of that, the contrast is good and the borders found at the top and at the bottom look great. I can distinguish individual pixels in some places when looking at the image closely, but I will gladly ignore them. :)


Very nice MadMoss! One of the better rain edits I have seen, usually the spray is a bit foggy like smoke on a lot of these, but a few (like yours NB) get the opacity just right and it makes such a difference, and the changing direction of the rain in the top right hand corner as if it's coming straight at you is superb attention to detail! :)
The water spray, that's my biggest problem when doing rain edits, especially on my current one. :( Anyone wanna help a little bit? :)

BTW, very cool shot, MadMoss!