[Gran Turismo 5 @ E3 2010] (SEE POST 1!: New Vids, Pics, Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
I also find it extremely odd that nobody has uploaded videos of different cars on the Top Gear Test Track!? I was expecting heaps. Isn't E3 open to the public? Isn't Top Gear popular in the States or something, cause here in Australia it's huge.

1. Its a gaming event, not a car event.

2. Only press/media members are allowed. That means nobody in there (other then maybe that one guy) knows about cars or is a car enthusiast.
Sure it means the punters can take you out with them now but it also means that if they do the remaining 12-14 cars will then have a nice clean race ahead of them. Compare that to now where a single guy can destroy a race as long as he wants...

It's not a perfect solution but really being a punter is a lot more fun when you can just keep going and the first crash you are in doesn't result in you having to try and crawl into people to cause mayhem anymore.

A single player can still ruin the race for everyone with damage on....

For example:

.... the punter drives whats left of his wreck right into the middle of the straight where he causes a massive pile up and its still game over for everyone in the race... :dopey::dopey:

Just like you said though, damage has its pros and cons... I'm for it and it will make the whole racing experience better online... A lot more adrenaline pumping...

Also since theres private rooms there wont be any punters in the races I do... :) Thats for sure... I think in the end all the punters will be left to race with each other making public room races unbearable and similar to dectruction derbies..
Wow almost every feature that most of us wished for have been confirmed (aside from customization and weather) fantastic news.I am still however yet to believe that all cars will have cockpit view the Kokatu description is actually more baffling.
Found a tiny mistake in the shadow department:


There is a shadow of an unexisting billboard (center bottom-ish)
-> Hmm, I see! But thats ok, its still a pre-production prototype. So I won't worry about it that may cause mass-hysteria.
I'm not really worried about it, just thought it was interesting. (Making me wonder how the render engine works :))

Me too, i was wondering the same thing. There must be something for the light source to be obstructed to created that. Its weird to have a shadow and no objects its usually the other way around.
The Dutch webshop, 12game.com posted that the Dutch release date for GT5 is

November 5th.

And so far 12game never let me down when it came to preordering.
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The Dutch webshop, 12game.com posted that the Dutch release date for GT5 is

November 5th.

And so far 12game never let me down when it came to preordering.

I always order my stuff at Game Mania... and they usually give me the games on the first release date if there's multiple release dates for a game... I got Shift early for example and a couple of other games I pre-ordered.
Nice video roadrunner, thanks! Much longer clips than we're used too, lovely in 720p. The Tuscana rally stage is unlike anything I've ever seen in a game.
Was out on the town, catch me up guys, the cockpit view for all cars issue hasn't been resolved yet? Or do we have to wait until that twitter interview 5 and a half hours from now?