[Gran Turismo 5 @ E3 2010] (SEE POST 1!: New Vids, Pics, Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Guys is there any footage on youtube or anything from the G4 stream? I'm in Australia and was sleeping when it was being streamed live
That would be good.

PM me whichever picture you'd like to see

- Full replication of real world wind, weather, and sounds.

What does this mean?Weather?Wind?OMG!!!Maybe it's a mistake?

It's for photomode, if I read correctly

Guys is there any footage on youtube or anything from the G4 stream? I'm in Australia and was sleeping when it was being streamed live

The live feed online cut out I think, but I recorded it at home, and if you'll believe me, it was nothing to upload to youtube about. MAYBE 10 minutes of fooling around on Indy with some blonde, and a NASCAR driver while Olivia Munn made bad jokes, and there was a very short interview with G4 and Kaz about nothing new, either
I'm hoping that we can actually drive the car and park it for photo mode, but that may be to much to ask for.

Actually what you said were confirmed by Eurogamer. You can walk around the car to find the best angle to take pic from.
From Eurogamer:
It's all so pretty, in fact, that the developer's thrown in two different photo modes. The first one is a fairly standard affair for capturing snaps of cars as they whiz around the tracks. The second, however, is a little more elaborate. Photo Travel allows you to take your favourite cars to picturesque parts of the world, stroll through the stage on foot - from a first-person perspective - and take pictures of your motor until the last crows fall from the sky and the moon turns brittle and crumbles into dust.
Any news on the wind chamber?


You're making me go crazy >_<
Where did you get it?It's official?Maybe more? ;)

According to the description, its straight from SCEA. I'm just hoping there isn't a NDA attached to it otherwise it'll be gone in a heartbeat :scared:
GT5's Nascar sound was in some ways pleasing to me, the transmission whine. Is there any Youtube videos of it?
It just seems strange to have so little stationary footage available, especially after so many people drove those cars in the stream earlier. It is only a matter of time until those videos are uploaded. :)
With the online features, I can just see the elitist types making their own little club that you have to password to even see them race in their Premium damage modeling of a car. Spending hours secretly doing stuff normally found in The Burnout series.

I suspect most people want damage so hacks can be eliminated from online competition and won't re-spawn during the race. Of course if they take you out with them, you won't be able to restart the race either, so you'll be like every other pissed off real driver that gets punted off track.

Its very much a double edge sword. I hope you Damage Zealots enjoy both sides and react with just as much respect either way. Racing Incidents previously not in the game can happen at any time, I can see this especially happening in a multi-class environment like 24hrs of Le mans -

Or N24 -

The Realism Nazis, I got something for you as well. You demand realism and that's fine, but your missing several elements of real racing that can't be duplicated, yet and frankly I don't want to see. There is already a sect of GT enthusiasts with $2-3K in racing cockpits and $200-300 racing wheels. This is a sub-set of the hardcore Sim Enthusiast and because they couldn't get a game as fantastic as GT on a PC (GT would make the average Home PC cry) have demanded GT be more like [insert game]. Well GT isn't [insert game] and because its on a console with a much wider user base, it can't be all games to everybody, though Kaz tries.

You'll never make everybody happy and as long as everybody at PD understand that, I can full embrace the next edition of the GT series.

Some people seem to think it takes 6 years to put all in everything on your wish list and that anything less is worth complaining about to the choir because were the only people that understand where you're coming from.

Frankly I'm tired of reading what's in the game and how its not enough, they want more.

With the Collector's Edition including DLC, I'm pretty sure the code can be updated online, so you'll see continual improvements. I'm quite happy with the overall news and the game easily smokes visually any racing game on the market. I'm most happy about the online component, it was really the only thing missing from GT4 for me.

As somebody else said in this thread, you're going to buy it anyway....


There are over one thousand cars, divided into two classes: Standard and Premium. The standard classes are GT favorites like the Lamborghini Countach or the Ford Mustang. The Premium cars are newer automobiles like the Ferrari Enzo or the Lamborghini Gallardo. Those Premium cars will be the only ones that will featured "panel separation" and deformation. The developers have created fully modeled interiors for the Premium cars, as well as doing detailed modeling for the car's undercarriage and even the exhaust pipes! The Standard cars apparently won't have the exact interior modeling. For example, an Enzo's interior will look like the real deal, but your typical Mustang's will look like exactly like Mustang's.

sorry I'm at work can't read evreything.. so cockpit view resolved..?? ;o)
Hmm, wanted to see some proper gameplay footage of the nascars to see how they sound

didn't sound too good on the stream, but they are usually heavily compressed, but there was one part where the car was idling, still, and the guy blipped the throttle a little and it sounded nice. Just a short sharp stab
sorry I'm at work can't read evreything.. so cockpit view resolved..?? ;o)
The way it works is this:

1) There are 1000 cars in the game.

2) 200 of these cars will have a highly-detailed interior and can also be deformed by crashes.

3) The other 800 will have interiors, but they will be less detailed and more generic. They will take scrapes and scratches, but will not be deformed.

All cars have interiors. The difference is in the level of detail.
I find it weird that they call the countach a GT classic, it has never been included in a GT game before except for GTpsp last year. unless it has another meaning, it could just be randomly brought up without thought.

What types of mustang is he talking about? Because there is a mustang in prologue and wouldn't you know it has a fairly detailed cock pit view. :)
I wonder if some of the cockpits in GT5P are along the lines of what we should expect from Standard cars? There's no way that all of the cars in GT5P should be classified as Premium.
didn't sound too good on the stream, but they are usually heavily compressed, but there was one part where the car was idling, still, and the guy blipped the throttle a little and it sounded nice. Just a short sharp stab

:( I want to see!! I find it odd no one has uploaded any footage of nascar at all besides the car selection screen.

I also find it extremely odd that nobody has uploaded videos of different cars on the Top Gear Test Track!? I was expecting heaps. Isn't E3 open to the public? Isn't Top Gear popular in the States or something, cause here in Australia it's huge.
Its very much a double edge sword. I hope you Damage Zealots enjoy both sides and react with just as much respect either way. Racing Incidents previously not in the game can happen at any time, I can see this especially happening in a multi-class environment like 24hrs of Le mans -

Honestly you come across with a similar manner to the anti gay marriage crowd... you have all this fear of something that it sounds like you really don't understand and haven't experienced... a lot of what you say sounds like what you might dream up in your head to convince yourself of your position.

The simple fact is damage in racing has been around for quite a while now... even online damage in racing.

And surprise of surprises... it's not a big horrible thing that's gonna make you so sorry you ever wanted it.

Damage has it's time and place and it's got pros and cons in all of them.

Sure it means the punters can take you out with them now but it also means that if they do the remaining 12-14 cars will then have a nice clean race ahead of them. Compare that to now where a single guy can destroy a race as long as he wants...

It's not a perfect solution but really being a punter is a lot more fun when you can just keep going and the first crash you are in doesn't result in you having to try and crawl into people to cause mayhem anymore.

But really I think most of us are more interested in it as an important facet of racing than as a tool to fix punters. Damage is a big part of racing that has been left out of the GT series... it adds to the realism and makes it so much more deep of a game... racing with no damage to me is like playing chess where all your pieces are queens... it's just missing so much.

Don't be so scared and worried... there will be plenty of no damage lobbies for you I am sure and you can always turn it off... the realism Nazis aren't ruining your precious GT world... I promise :)
I also find it extremely odd that nobody has uploaded videos of different cars on the Top Gear Test Track!? I was expecting heaps. Isn't E3 open to the public? Isn't Top Gear popular in the States or something, cause here in Australia it's huge.

Most people at E3 aren't car enthusiasts and have probably never heard of Top Gear or the Stig :indiff: