[Gran Turismo 5 @ E3 2010] (SEE POST 1!: New Vids, Pics, Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Yeah but how many cars were in Shift? 67?
I suppose if GT5 only had 67 cars they would all have interiors..oh wait 200 of them do.

I didn't even mention that, but alright.

First, quality > quantity. GT have way too many cars, imo.
Second, compare how long NFS: Shift was in development to GT5.
So now it´s 40-100? That sounds better. I wonder why people didn´t really bother with that... few comments about it.

I think Rubenstein is a credible source, i don´t think he would lie.

If we went from 20/70 to 40/100 that´s another PR *** and it´s also good news for us. 👍
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It seems KY wants to show more stuff at GameCom and TGS

You know that GameCom and TGS are way more important than E3...
I didn't even mention that, but alright.

First, quality > quantity. GT have way too many cars, imo.
Second, compare how long NFS: Shift was in development to GT5.


Okay. How long was Shift in dev? I have no idea..maybe 2 years?
2 years = 67 cars. 4 years = 134 cars. 5 years = 168 cars.

Yeah GT5 does have an insane amount of cars. I can't imagine how long it would take to reproduce 1000 cockpits/interiors.
The standard cars look like they're somewhere between GTHD and GT5P-level quality externally, which is fine by me. 👍

Are you blind? GTHD cars are externally at the same quality level than GT5P cars.

GT5 Standard cars quality is far away from GTHD and GT5P cars.

I'm disappointed about these Standard cars. But 200 cars sounds okay. In NFS shift we got under 70 cars and it was okay. Race Driver GRID ~50 cars etc.

And 40 tracks and 100 variations sounds good.
And we will get very realistic physics, car customization, good online multiplayer, ultimate graphics, day/night transition and a lot more.
-> ...
It seems KY wants to show more stuff at GameCom and TGS

You know that GameCom and TGS are way more important than E3...
^ I agree, he already catered the American audience, and that was E3 was all about. :)

-> Next will be Gamescom which caters the Euro audience and later TGS which will cater the Asian & Oceanic countries. :sly:
This has been such a Letdown, If they come now that Customization is Premium Car Only due to them being new models, I guess wont buy the game :(
Are you blind? GTHD cars are externally at the same quality level than GT5P cars.

GT5 Standard cars quality is far away from GTHD and GT5P cars.

I'm disappointed about these Standard cars. But 200 cars sounds okay. In NFS shift we got under 70 cars and it was okay. Race Driver GRID ~50 cars etc.

And 40 tracks and 100 variations sounds good.
And we will get very realistic physics, car customization, good online multiplayer, ultimate graphics, day/night transition and a lot more.

Why can't they make the Standard cars look like GTHD?
I was looking for old threads, and i found this:

"Fifth wind says that reunion will happen in two forms, one greater than other and birdtamers will have freedom to decide which reunion they will attend. Greater reunion will ask for great sacrifice to be made in order to get all present and future treasures without new sacrifices needed, while smaller reunion will come in form already known, asking for more sacrifices if future treasures catches the eyes of the birdtamers."

Nobody ever understood this particular wind, but now i wonder if the sacrifices and differences are talking about the premium/strandard thing.

I don´t know if Amar received this messages cripted, or if he had solid info, but to me it´s still intriguing.

Reading now it totally makes sense with the standard/premium subject.

What do you guys think?
This has been such a Letdown, If they come now that Customization is Premium Car Only due to them being new models, I guess wont buy the game :(

well you will be an idiot,first game that come with day/night cycles and a fully dynamic environments,just because it doesn't have so many interiors as forza, well you are on your own but

Could people just stop speculating about how the standard cars look? Just wait until you see gameplay video of standard car until you go preaching they don't look as good. People need to remember this is PD and they have still a few months left of work and I'm sure that they'll look good enough.

I wish people would move on, there is nothing you guys can do about it even if you whine for days and days on every single post. It makes me sad :( Sure it's disappointing but after all the new features we're getting, I wish people would just stop trying to blow things out of proportions.

Ah well even writing this will have no effect on that whatsoever :P
No, based on the last 4-5 years of screenshots, videos, and demos showing only premium cars. I've never seen a game company spend so long pushing a game feature, then RIGHT before release, they drop the bomb and say "oh btw, we've only been showing you 20% of the game. Here's a small clip of the other 80%, which is nowhere near the quality you expected."

Firstly: Please don't quote me out of context like that again.
Secondly: Bull****.

They haven't been saying we'd get 1000 cars of that ("premium") level for 4-5 years. 1000 cars is a 1 year-old promise. Premium / standard is also 1 year old. The expectation was in your own mind - even a year ago, people were speculating that the standard cars would be GT4 ports.

Up until a year ago, nobody knew how many cars GT5 would have - it could well have been only in line with GT and GT3 (which it is, if you only count the Premium cars.)

Now let's stop worrying about what's coming next and focus on what we know: GT5 will be released on or around the 2nd of November.

Save your damnation until then.
Test Drive Lemans way back in the day had day night cycles and changing weather.

GT5 is the First game that did the most perfect with day/night cycles and a fully dynamic environments...

day night cycles on that game looked la trash...
That makes no sense. Why would the track have any effect on the damage model of cars? We saw in of the e3 videos the ford focus rally car hit a guardrail., which didn't move. If the track had movebale parts, I would understand.
It is not about the track, it is about the game mode or race type: Premium or standard. I expect that we can select this in Arcade and online mode and that it is predetermined in career mode races. When a race is set for Premium mode, this will show up in the race setup screen and only Premium cars can be used, with all the features unique to Premium cars (like extensive damage).

I don't expect that individual tracks will be either premium or standard. All the tracks use the same game engine, why should there be any difference?
It is not about the track, it is about the game mode or race type: Premium or standard. I expect that we can select this in Arcade and online mode and that it is predetermined in career mode races. When a race is set for Premium mode, this will show up in the race setup screen and only Premium cars can be used, with all the features unique to Premium cars (like extensive damage).

I don't expect that individual tracks will be either premium or standard. All the tracks use the same game engine, why should there be any difference?

I don't mean to be contrary, but could this attitude not extend to the cars? Why do they need to be separated into different modes, when they use the same physics, run on the same engine etc. ??

The difference in damage is not functional, only visual. Basically, I see no reason to separate the two car types.
I don't mean to be contrary, but could this attitude not extend to the cars? Why do they need to be separated into different modes, when they use the same physics, run on the same engine etc. ??

The difference in damage is not functional, only visual. Basically, I see no reason to separate the two car types.
There are two reasons:
1. It takes an enormous amount of time to create a Premium car. A car with so much detail, both inside and out.
2. Not all car manufactures allow their cars to show extensive damage.

Edit> It should be possible to have Premium damage for one car and not for another in one and the same race, but I think PD have chosen not to do that. It would be strange to have a Premium car show extensive damage after a collision with a Standard car and that standard one only show some scratches.
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I was looking for old threads, and i found this:

Nobody ever understood this particular wind, but now i wonder if the sacrifices and differences are talking about the premium/strandard thing.

I don´t know if Amar received this messages cripted, or if he had solid info, but to me it´s still intriguing.

Reading now it totally makes sense with the standard/premium subject.

What do you guys think?

Except for the part where the smaller reunion will come in the already known form. That part needs further analyses. I'm in a bit of a time warp right now, but I plan on doing some more research this weekend.
Could people just stop speculating about how the standard cars look? Just wait until you see gameplay video of standard car until you go preaching they don't look as good. People need to remember this is PD and they have still a few months left of work and I'm sure that they'll look good enough.

I wish people would move on, there is nothing you guys can do about it even if you whine for days and days on every single post. It makes me sad :( Sure it's disappointing but after all the new features we're getting, I wish people would just stop trying to blow things out of proportions.

Ah well even writing this will have no effect on that whatsoever :P

We haven't already?

It is not about the track, it is about the game mode or race type: Premium or standard. I expect that we can select this in Arcade and online mode and that it is predetermined in career mode races. When a race is set for Premium mode, this will show up in the race setup screen and only Premium cars can be used, with all the features unique to Premium cars (like extensive damage).

I don't expect that individual tracks will be either premium or standard. All the tracks use the same game engine, why should there be any difference?

Why would the damage model of the cars affect anything track related?
It might be true for ONLINE play cause people will use standard cars to an advantage over premium cars.
Changing the way a track affects cars based on what cars are on screen is borderline "mentally challenged".

I wonder how many minutes before the standard cars were reveled, Kaz's plane left for Japan? He was clearly out of the country and this reveal was nicely scheduled after e3 was over.
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Because GTHD car models are almost as detailed as GT5 Premium ones?

And, to be more correct, they can, it will just take too long.

Premium cars in GT5 looks waaaaaaayyyy better and more detailed then GTHD and prologue.
We haven't already?

Why would the damage model of the cars affect anything track related?
It might be true for ONLINE play cause people will use standard cars to an advantage over premium cars.
Changing the way a track affects cars based on what cars are on screen is borderline "mentally challenged".

Nah bro i want to see someone actually driving a standard car not some replay.Ii want them to switch from every view so i can see their is no cockpit for myself. Even the 20 tracks and 70 variation is not true were going to have way more tracks.
Nah bro i want to see someone actually driving a standard car not some replay

But replays usually make the cars look better, like gt5 trailers for example. Isn't that the opposite of what the guy was looking for?
Nah bro i want to see someone actually driving a standard car not some replay

Ummm replays are usually BETTER looking than in game... they usually drop the framerate and bump up the visual effects for replays. So are you waiting to see something that looks WORSE than what we see now to judge whether it looks bad or not?

People need to remember this is PD and they have still a few months left of work and I'm sure that they'll look good enough.

This is the mindset and mantra of GTP and it's what has gotten us here. Unreasonable optimism and denial.

First off they have 5 months until launch of which it's reasonable to expect 2 will got to certification and testing and 1 to pressing and shipping.

Then we have the fact that PD has been super tight lipped this whole time on anything remotely "bad" and has been showing us cherry picked content... there is no reason to believe they would pop out now and spill these ugly beans if they had any intent of fixing it before launch.

You want to know why GTP is full of dissapointed whiners right now? Becuase no one would let critical reason and thinking fly before so this is what you get.
But replays usually make the cars look better, like gt5 trailers for example. Isn't that the opposite of what the guy was looking for?

Again i want to see a video of someone selecting a STANDARD car driving on the track with all the views, call me desperate but i still feel we will have some type of cockpit view