Okay. I actually saw the E3 coverage of Gran Turismo 5 online, and while I love Olivia Munn and think she's truly lovely, follow her on Twitter and all... she did a pretty poor job covering GT5. Not even really lighthearted humor. She was joking and all with stuff like "don't have to say 'thank you' in English" or whatever. But really, that was pretty classless. Kazunori Yamauchi is racing game royalty. Then too, telling Kevin Conway that he's going too slow? A time of 49.05 is actually not bad around Indy in a stock car.
I think this is one of the reassuring aspects of G4 TV and why I am not as much a fan of this channel. There are quality comments for any number of first-person shooters or something, but for any racing game series that isn't the Gran Turismo series, it's always along the lines of "let's kick Gran Turismo while it's down." It's so criminal the number of cheap shots people take at Gran Turismo, but hardly anyone kicks down Need for Speed. Hardly anyone kicks down Forza Motorsport. Even fewer people kick down the Burnout series. I'm sure even fans of the Dragon Warrior series would hate hearing about the Final Fantasy series like Final Fantasy series is the only RPG game series (and I'm a Final Fantasy fan myself). Damn it to Hell... if you're not going to be at least semi-professional in discussing Gran Turismo, just don't discuss the series, alright? Leave the Gran Turismo series to people who actually care about and love the game series.
Now on to other stuff... I think the track like in Post #6162 (quoted by my man RACECAR) is either Special Stage Route 5 or Special Stage Route 11. The roads are too wide to be George V Paris. I do hope we get both of those tracks. I was disappointed track-wise with SSR11 in GT3. GT1 is still timeless to me, even if I could do away with that 90° chicane complex as GT1's version of SSR11 under the Start/Finish straight. Who knows? Maybe SSR11 will be much different from GT1 and GT3. I'm still very curious as to how these courses would look in the daytime. The Special Stage Route tracks have been exclusively nighttime courses. Especially if we could race any track at any certain time of day (like what rFactor demonstrates), it would be interesting to see how the tracks look when it's not nighttime. At least realistic time cycles where evening becomes night have to be considered for realism.
Needless to say, I'm still excited for GT5. No delay has suppressed my desire to play and love Gran Turismo 5.