Yeah, that's what I'd think... Where are those available? Best Buy maybe?
Umm, USB sticks are available everywhere. Seriously. The cigar store in my local mall sells 4 Gig thumb drives (and the stick really is in the shape of a plastic thumb) for $25, but you can get them at computer/electronic stores for much, much cheaper. My 8 Gig stick was purchased last year at The Source (what Radio Shack in Canada became) for $15 on sale.
Personally, I'd pay for DLC, so long as it wasn't stupidly priced.
Sigh. This is Sony we're talking about, after all.
i think the proper use of 'optimism' in this case, is wishing for FREE dlc..
Proper use would be more like "wishing for DLC that won't be announced, then postponed, then announced, then postponed, then announced..."
I'll be laughing (angry at the same time) If the "big announcement" is: "Gran Turismo 5 is getting release this week!"
Could be worse. Could be "Gran Turismo is being delayed until March Madness or thereabouts."
I am buying the signature edition so any future DLC I would expect to be free to those who spent $300 on a game. Call it a thankyou.
Now there's the true definition of "optimism"!
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