Gran Turismo 5 is to be released in 2007 !!!

  • Thread starter Nizar1980
I don't see that happening. 2007 is too early. The only way they could make that deadline (end of 2007) is by having around 50 cars and 10 tracks. It will take them about a month to create 1 car since the cars will be a lot more detailed.
WRONG! just I that have watched the PS3 demonstration from E3? they made a Unreal Tournament 2007 Demonstration that they showed in realtime... and that took them a month to make they said... I tell ya, that was unbeliveble graphics!

anyway i think PD will work on a car just a few days...
Modeling a car will take only a few days.. I've seen people do it. The "one month" thing is based more on programming than modeling or texturing. Fine-tuning the car's settings and physics and so forth. That probably won't change for GT5.

I imagine that it will be like GT3, though.. amazing to behold, but not as many cars as the previous game.
I have a question: what would you describe as 'innovation'? I imagine most people would immediately say "Damage" (something GT5 is supposed to have) or "Bodykits". But those have been showcased in other games already, is that considered innovative? Despite what you may think about PhotoMode, that is innovative, nothing like it has ever been seen, as far as I know.

And while we're on the topic, what innovation has PGR shown? I admit I haven't played the games, but they seem to be much of the same with improved graphics.

I'm glad you would be happy with only updated graphics and car/track lists. But you seem too geeked(hyper not being a geek) about what I said to realize I said nothing negative about GT4. I didnt say GT4 didnt have innovations. I said GT5 needs some (aswell). And who cares what other games have this is about GT.

Modeling a car will take only a few days.. I've seen people do it. The "one month" thing is based more on programming than modeling or texturing. Fine-tuning the car's settings and physics and so forth. That probably won't change for GT5.

I imagine that it will be like GT3, though.. amazing to behold, but not as many cars as the previous game.

True PD used a new method to model cars in GT4 that used far less time than GT3 did.
I have a question: what would you describe as 'innovation'? I imagine most people would immediately say "Damage" (something GT5 is supposed to have) or "Bodykits". But those have been showcased in other games already, is that considered innovative? Despite what you may think about PhotoMode, that is innovative, nothing like it has ever been seen, as far as I know.

And while we're on the topic, what innovation has PGR shown? I admit I haven't played the games, but they seem to be much of the same with improved graphics.

Don't forget that this time , damage and body kits will be with GT standards ! so it's another thing. I remember Ky said he wouldn't like to include damage unless he could do it right , so GT5 should fetaure a far more realistic damage engine than anything seen before.
Concerning the PGR series , the only innovation they have brought sofar is the real time replays ,which I hoped GT4 included. But even PGR2 doesn't surpass GT4 in the graphics category.
If you don't like the limitations in GT4, you have to blame Sony, not Polyphony. The PS2 wasn't even as well designed as the Sega Dreamcast. It has a stingy 4 meg of video ram. It does have a reasonably powerful 300 mhz processor and 32 megs of ram for a console designed in the previous millenium, but isn't what you would consider a powerhouse.

The PS2 has a performance budget to manage, and unfortunately the meager video capability eats up a much larger part of the processing budget than it needed to. As a result the rest of the game had to make do, and weak AI and the other things were casualties.

Frankly I think Polyphony made the right decisions, giving priority to the graphics and driving experience.

Since the PS3 will be many magnitudes more powerful, and will be able to outperform an equivalent 3ghz PC, I have no doubt that PD will give us most of what we want from the next Gran Turismo, if not all or even more. And personally, I believe that Polyphony did much of the work on GT4 in anticipation of the next gen PS3 which was delayed to match what Microsoft was creating. So it's entirely possible that much of the work on the next Gran Turismo is already done.
Let us all hope that maybe they have taken a look at the threads at this site, and put them to good use, like customization and what not. If PD and KY did this, GT5 series would definately be the game to buy. :crazy:
i think they should put more programmers that are really talented, and take there time.
ill wait, but 2010 is kinda too long, im expecting mid 2008.
they better have Ferraris, Porsches, and other cars that they couldnt obtain.
otherwise, im jumping ship!
D*mmit, a Ferrari, a Porsche, or a Lamborghini doesn't make a racing game!
True car enthusiasts appreciate any and all cars they can drive.
Just a note on hybrids.. be sure to look at the price vs the mileage. Most people don't realize that you pay so much more for a hybrid, that it can actually take several years before it actually becomes "cheaper" to drive. Yeah, you use less gas, but you spend a few extra thousand to get there.. got to make up that difference somehow.

In the long run, it can often be cheaper for you to get a "normal" car, even if it has less mileage.. the extra gas money is offset by the lower price of the car.

Also, you could find a used late model VW TDI for a couple g's less than a new hybrid that will consistently get in the neighborhood of 50 mpg, assuming you get one with a stick shift.
You want to save on fuel and be efficient simultaneously? Get something, anything really, diesel and convert it to run on bio-diesel. I've been tossing around the idea of getting an old diesel Rabbit pickup and converting it to bio-diesel. Fill your tank with McDonald's old fry grease and make the people in rush hour traffic hungry :cheers:

Amen to L8 Apex's signature. There's one known old Mercedes diesel running around in Alaska that has over 1 million miles on it.
It's not essential, any more than damage is, but it would be nice, REALLY nice to have some dream supercars like a real Porsche 911, a Ferrari, Lambourghini or McLaren.

Part of the joy of driving in GT is having hundreds of cars we wouldn't have a dream of touching, let alone driving, and having a sense of being behind the wheel.