[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Some quick questions I came up with, someone send them to PD

- Why 2010 and not 2009?
- NA/EU release date?
- New Tracks not seen in GT before?
- Changing Time of Day for endurance races?
- Changing Weather?
- Online Stats?
- Will youtube output be in HD?
- How much does damage effect handling?
- What is the difference between damage on racecars and damage on road cars, if any?
- Custom Liveries?
- Will their be dedicated servers for online racing?
- Will online racing be region free?
- In private online rooms what options can be customized?
- How customizable are single player arcade races? Can we customize who we race against?
-> ...
When is the next Conference?
^ Actually, the next one is not a video game conference; but a full-fledge motorshow.


^ Remember last year? There was a lot of developments regarding GT5 than the E3, Gamescon, & TGS COMBINED!!! ;)
I can post the questionS on the gamespot like it says! I forgot I am linked to gamespot through gamefaqs!

Troll much??? Mod this jerk needs to be perma banned.

What are you talking about troll? There is nothing trolling about that post, at worst it's an unhappy post that isn't praising GT... boy people around here don't take to being called fanboys very lightly but troll sure gets tossed around a lot.

It weakens your view when you make it seems like having damage will suddenly turn people who only want it so they can crash like in NFS into professional drivers.

What are you talking about? I said nothing of the sort... reading comprehension>you...

Lemme break it down for you:

Even top pro drivers collide with things at times, EVERYONE crashes into something if they race enough. Collisions do not mean you are a bad driver, even the top ranked pro drivers have collisions at times. Having damage will not magically turn anyone into a top level driver and the part about people who only want damage to crash like in NFS? That's such a ridiculous statement for the argument I can't even respond to it.

Most people that want damage so it's "more realistic" seem like nothing but wannabe race car drivers to me.

What is that even supposed to mean? Wannabe race car drivers? Is that supposed to mean people who are enthusiastic about race car driving? Like people who would be interested in a simulator?

I am not even sure what the point you are trying to make here is...

"Now you can manage your car's aerodynamics when its front splitter falls off!" Gimme a break, it's like a 25 year old guy goes to take 2 days of karate lessons and then buys himself a Japanese sword and suddenly thinks he's a ninja.

Seriously you are going off the deep end... do you only see the two extremes? You do realize you don't have to be some kind of car genious to appreciate damaged alignment, decreased engine performance and body damage?

GT only needs to nail down driving, all of us crashed a lot when we first began, and if it had damage that made the car hard/annoying to drive, then most would have just put the game down.

Wow... I never even thought of that... great point. That would totally ruin the game... well that does it, damage is out.

I wish someone would think of a way around this, some kind of arcade type mode or some kind of option to turn off damage if you didn't want it... but alas, that will never happen.

Besides, who would want damage that makes the game more challenging... surely people would just stop playing, not actually get better and get more value out of a game with more depth... nah, surely if that kind of thing happened there would already be games with damage out there that have people enjoying them, getting good at them and even getting good reviews!

I've been letting my friend's little brother come over and play GT5 at my house with my G25 wheel, and he crashes, a LOT, but GT doesn't punish him like other racers that pretend to be "hardcore" (see also: tacky, geeky),

I assume you mean GT5P and where I bolded it I think you misspelled "in depth and simulate"

but he still feels bad when he crashes because he ruined a good lap, and because of the fact that he can just keep driving, now he's a lot better than when he first started, I'd say he's better than most drivers on the roads today, even. This would've never happened with Forza or GTR or other games that damage elitists bring up all the time.

Does he feel bad when he bounces off another car and actually gets a BETTER laptime for it despite the fact he should have suffered worse lap time due to damage to his car?

You come to a forum about a game that touts being a simulator and complain that arcade type results are better than sim type? This is amazing... I think this is the first time I have seen a GT fan trollilng a GT forum...

Here's a hint... damage is not wrong for GT, simulators are wrong for you.
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I am going to represent GTPLANET.NET when I post on the Gamespot forums. So, please, think of good questions that Kaz would answer.
"Can we FULLY customize our cars?"

"Does upgrading engine parts actually affect the sound of the car?"

"When can we hear turbo spool and compressor surges more clearly?"
Just thinking of more questions

- Will Maserati be in GT5?
- Any more NASCAR tracks besides Daytona and Indianapolis?
- Will the tracks in the GT5P weather map be in GT5 at some point?
- What was the desert track in the Ferrari F458 video?
- Have you licensed F1 cars from any other constructor?
What is the offician NA release date?
Why did you choose to bypass the Xmas sales season?
Specify what kind of damage we will have in detail.
What is the official track count (actual tracks then variations)
Is pay DLC a plan for GT5?
Broad questions, lol. Maserati is too specific. I'd say: Which new manufacturers will be featured in Gran Turismo 5?

I have made a quick list of 5 questions:

1. Will there be dynamic weather and/or day night cycles?
2. Will there be a custom livery editor?
3. Will there be full damage on all vehicles?
4. Will there be interior damage?
5. When can we expect an NA/EU/AU release?
What are you talking about troll? There is nothing trolling about that post, at worst it's an unhappy post that isn't praising GT... boy people around here don't take to being called fanboys very lightly but troll sure gets tossed around a lot.

What are you talking about? I said nothing of the sort... reading comprehension>you...

Lemme break it down for you:

Even top pro drivers collide with things at times, EVERYONE crashes into something if they race enough. Collisions do not mean you are a bad driver, even the top ranked pro drivers have collisions at times. Having damage will not magically turn anyone into a top level driver and the part about people who only want damage to crash like in NFS? That's such a ridiculous statement for the argument I can't even respond to it.

What is that even supposed to mean? Wannabe race car drivers? Is that supposed to mean people who are enthusiastic about race car driving? Like people who would be interested in a simulator?

I am not even sure what the point you are trying to make here is...

Seriously you are going off the deep end... do you only see the two extremes? You do realize you don't have to be some kind of car genious to appreciate damaged alignment, decreased engine performance and body damage?

Wow... I never even thought of that... great point. That would totally ruin the game... well that does it, damage is out.

I wish someone would think of a way around this, some kind of arcade type mode or some kind of option to turn off damage if you didn't want it... but alas, that will never happen.

Besides, who would want damage that makes the game more challenging... surely people would just stop playing, not actually get better and get more value out of a game with more depth... nah, surely if that kind of thing happened there would already be games with damage out there that have people enjoying them, getting good at them and even getting good reviews!

I assume you mean GT5P and where I bolded it I think you misspelled "in depth and simulate"

Does he feel bad when he bounces off another car and actually gets a BETTER laptime for it despite the fact he should have suffered worse lap time due to damage to his car?

You come to a forum about a game that touts being a simulator and complain that arcade type results are better than sim type? This is amazing... I think this is the first time I have seen a GT fan trollilng a GT forum...

Here's a hint... damage is not wrong for GT, simulators are wrong for you.
Surprisingly enough, he doesn't crash into other people, he'll slow down to a stop before he hits something. I say that makes him a better driver/player than you who needs your car to blow up do discipline you into driving clean. :) Oh is my reading comprehension failing me again? YOu just want to be punished when you mess up so you can pretend to be a race car driver and then hit restart to start the race again, you want your car to wreck forcing you to waste however long you've spent on a race so you can sit in your sofa being subject to punishment that pro drivers get paid money to endure, but for free. XD I'm sure everyone will be very impressed by your heroism.

As for my question, can you ask if some kind of changing weather is in the game?

Also, is day night cycle in? Can we race while it's dark?
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Broad questions, lol. Maserati is too specific. I'd say: Which new manufacturers will be featured in Gran Turismo 5?

I have made a quick list of 5 questions:

1. Will there be dynamic weather and/or day night cycles?
2. Will there be a custom livery editor?
3. Will there be full damage on all vehicles?
4. Will there be interior damage?
5. When can we expect an NA/EU/AU release?

Too many yes/no questions. We should get Kaz thinking a little bit more. Little bit more analytical.
Surprisingly enough, he doesn't crash into other people, he'll slow down to a stop before he hits something. I say that makes him a better driver/player than you who needs your car to blow up do discipline you into driving clean. :) Oh is my reading comprehension failing me again? YOu just want to be punished when you mess up so you can pretend to be a race car driver and then hit restart to start the race again. XD I'm sure everyone will be impressed.

You are being totally ridiculous... So you are saying your buddys little brother never crashes or has any collisions but is still competitive? Yeah I don't buy it and no one on here does either. It's an established fact sooner or later you will have contact with something.

And yes your comprehension fails you, where did I say I need anything to blow up to dicipline me into driving clean? I said it makes for a more in depth experience when it happens. Again, it's a sim, bouncing off opponents bumper car style and going headlong into walls invincible is horribly unrealistic.

You make no sense, jump to extremes to make points and generalize the crap out of stuff to have any ground to stand on... seriously, you are a GT fan trolling a GT forum, no two ways about it... anyhow, hope you are full, I won't be feeding you anymore.
Don't know if I mentioned this, but my best guess about that desert-like track is Willow Springs Raceway. Just somewhat of a wild guess. Can't think of any questions for this deal.
There are only 37 comments so far, and the majority are written by 12 year old kids who cannot type. I think with gtplanet.net behind us, we can put ourselves ahead of the pace.

Do you think 7-10 questions is overkill?
You are being totally ridiculous... So you are saying your buddys little brother never crashes or has any collisions but is still competitive? Yeah I don't buy it and no one on here does either. It's an established fact sooner or later you will have contact with something.

And yes your comprehension fails you, where did I say I need anything to blow up to dicipline me into driving clean? I said it makes for a more in depth experience when it happens. Again, it's a sim, bouncing off opponents bumper car style and going headlong into walls invincible is horribly unrealistic.

You make no sense, jump to extremes to make points and generalize the crap out of stuff to have any ground to stand on... seriously, you are a GT fan trolling a GT forum, no two ways about it... anyhow, hope you are full, I won't be feeding you anymore.
Of course he runs into stuff from time to time, and he usually doesn't come in first, but you assuming that because there isn't any damage that he certainly will resort to bumper car tactic is ridiculous.

Again it's a sim about driving, not crashing. How exactly will badly-implemented facial damage give more depth to gameplay? Hey look, my car's shape changed... somewhat! DEPTH OF GAMEPLAY! In games like Forza and GTR, there is no depth lent by damage, since they're all extremely bad. I highly doubt that even Polyphony digital will be able to generate whatever kind of magical perfect damage that you have in your head.
You guys suck at questions

1. In what ways has the physics engine advanced from that in GT5P?
2. Have you settled on a maximum number of cars that will be on track at one time? If so, how many?
3. Can we expect any other existent formula 1 cars to be in GT5 other than the F2007?
4. Other than having to meticulously model 950+ cars plus their interiors, what has been the most challenging part of development for GT5?
5. Can you provide any additional insight on how advanced car upgrades and tuning will be in GT5?

I'll keep 'em coming
my questions

- Will they have (live) skid marks on the road? :scared:
- Will they include destruction derby style track? 💡
- Will they have Fiat 1100D (1965) in the game? 👍
Broad questions, lol. Maserati is too specific. I'd say: Which new manufacturers will be featured in Gran Turismo 5?

I have made a quick list of 5 questions:

1. Will there be dynamic weather and/or day night cycles?
2. Will there be a custom livery editor?
3. Will there be full damage on all vehicles?
4. Will there be interior damage?
5. When can we expect an NA/EU/AU release?

get rid of that interior damage nonsense. ask about mechanical damage instead. will the car be fully immobilized if it takes too much damage?

or try to clear up the supposed rollover info. or ask if us loyal prologue owners can expect a spec 4 update which features the cars and track people are playing at tgs
1. Will there be dynamic weather and/or day night cycles?
2. Will there be a custom livery editor of some sort?
3. Other than Lamborghini, which new manufacturers will be added to Gran Turismo 5?
4. What percentage of Gran Turismo 5 will NASCAR and the WRC consist of?
5. Will all vehicles have fully detailed cock-pits?
6. Will there be full damage on all vehicles? Performance hindering?
7. How many cars will appear at the starting grid?
8. When can we expect a release date for locations other than Japan?
8. When can we expect a release date for locations other than Japan?

He'll just say SOON. So we should avoid these questions. Probably IGN is asking that themselves too.


During some interviews you have laughed at the 2010 release date and also mentioned that the game will be released shortly after GT Mobile. Now, the release date is in fact in 2010. What has caused this?
6. Can you confirm that there will be 70 unique tracks in GT5, or are track variations included in that count?
7. Can you provide us with some examples of little details in the game that add to the sense of realism?