[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

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So I think that Head Tracking will be in GT5. I think GT5 will be first console game to use this feature, as well revolutionize all racing games in a way. I bet in 3 years, or even patched up NFS games, DIRT games, even FM3 will have such feature.

First console to use head tracking? Yes.

Revolutionize racing games? I don't think so... head tracking has been around for quite a while in the racing game world, and as I have explained in a lot of detail before, it's not what you probably think it is and it's not going to bring a revolution to racing games.

It might get more widespread since both major consoles are going to have head tracking ability soon, but what it will do for racing games? I think not much...
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The head tracking feature is what I assume will be the "major advancement". Considering the details leaked are true no mention of weather at all has me worried. Head tracking was mentioned so PD never held anything back in that silly leak.
Head tracking sounds cool. So you look left and your character turns left. But if you turn left you're not looking at your tv anymore lol. Is there something I'm missing here?
Head tracking sounds cool. So you look left and your character turns left. But if you turn left you're not looking at your tv anymore lol. Is there something I'm missing here?

Not quite. If you turn your head so you're looking towards the left of your tv screen (say, where the avatars are <<) the cockpit view will turn to show you out of your left window. So to speak.

Here's a vid that explains it better.

Skip to about 1:40
Looks terribly dissorientating due to the nature that only slight head movements constitute a much larger camera angle. The deadzone i guess helps a little but on anything below a 40'' TV i could see this getting very annoying.
But of course it's an option, so i have no gripes about them implementing it. It's good to know that Kaz has been thinking outside the box. Yes many expectations will not be met, but i bet there will be a hell of a lot of surprises also:).
Dan, dissorienting is exactly the word I use for it. I have explored head tracking on PC racers for quite some times, both on small screens and big screens and the result is exactly that, dissorienting. Combined with the need to hold your head still to avoid unwanted camera movement, head tracking just doesn't work well with racing. It's a cool gimmick but just not a killer app.
I don't agree that at TGS we are going to see one major feature being announced for GT5. What I believe is an overall presentation of GT5 including release date, general announcement of all GT5 features.

If GT5 is going to be released in Dec then the TGS is the only gaming convention left this year to do so.
Devedander and IVORBIGUN have it right. Head tracking is really a headache when you get into playing it for any length of time, save for those few oddballs who can't get enough of it. For most people, being faced with constantly shifting camera movements because they can't sit stock still is really disorienting. It works fairly well for worn vision devices, but not TVs or monitors.

And IVOR is right that the simple unveiling of the features of GT5 which have been smothered under ninja-level secrecy until then will be major enough. If there are any blockbuster announcements, which I expect at least one major revelation, it's simply going to increase our blood pressure incrementally as we have to wait for it to ship.
...unveiling of the features of GT5 which have been smothered under ninja-level secrecy...
I'm sure that a few hints will be thrown our way at TGS.:D
I have a 40" screen and sit about 2 metres away.
I don't move my head to much, maybe a little tilted in some corners :lol:, but mostly move my eyes around the screen eg; rear-view, speedo and tacho and apex points around the track. Head movement is pretty minimal, so I hope PD hasn't been prolonging the release to get this right.
If it is in the game we will require a camera yer?
There's got to be more than 20 tracks in this game if they incorporated at least Nascar and WRC. By looking at GT5:P's home screen it looks like there are already more than 20 tracks... Including one in LA (Which would be Buttonwillow probably, hopefully) I would crap my pants if they put some of the best roads from around the world in this game too but that is very unlikely. Like maybe have the Dragon or some other canyons in the game... but I think the dragon would take the cake. I would be very surprised if the places listed in GT5:P's home screen aren't in the game though. What point would that make...?

They should have the touge run from the Best Motoring series. That would own, taking the Amuse S2000 down there :)
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iam just really hoping it isnt headtracking.

please be anything but.

ok it might be a nice gimmick for all 5 people with a ps-eye for a few minutes or so until they realise how cumbersome it is.

that said after the disappointment of past shows and gtpsp sony might just be lining us up for that sort of kick in the balls.
This game has been hyped up so much partly due to the humongous amount of time it takes per version to come out that I think we will all be left a little bit disappointed.

I have a sneaking feeling that PD have concentrated to much on content ie the amount of cars included in the game instead of more genre busting improvements.

I hope I'm proved wrong but I'm dreading the first review telling us that all the cars still sound like hair dryers/hoovers and that it doesn't even have skidmarks etc.

We don't have long until we find out anyways and we will all buy the game whatever reviews it gets cos we love it.

I just want it to blow my socks off though so much!!

PD please make the Forza crew weep next week.
PD please make the Forza crew weep next week.

I'd quite possibly be the happiest gamer ever if this was the case

Heres to PD producing the most epic racing sim EVER!
1 week to go and the anticipation is killing me, and things aren’t made any better by my PS3 getting the flashing red light of death and I won't have the money for a new one until TGS starts!:banghead:
I'm just hoping that PD actually HAVE something to announce.

Sure maybe all the casuals aren't aware of the details of that leaked list, be we all are.

If all PD have for us is an explanation of the features on that list, that will be a MAJOR disappointment for me.:nervous:

Come on PD, Whip out some amazing weather or a robust track builder. Show me the "real" damage model and tell me it will be for every car.:sly:

Don't disappoint me by saying "20 tracks with 60 variations? Yeah that's correct":yuck:

Gamerscom was not a really happy time to be a GT fan. He's hoping PD knock it out of the park for TGS:tup:
...Gamerscom was not a really happy time to be a GT fan. He's hoping PD knock it out of the park for TGS:tup:

At GamesCom we had that complete data list on granturismo.com and real gameplay of GT5 (not GTHD neither Prologue, pure GT5). I personally think, the E3 was far worst than GamesCom, that trailer really disappointed me, I hoped more information from the american convention.

And speaking about TGS, I want all: release dates, packs, cover design, versions, cars, features, tracks... All! :)

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