[Gran Turismo 5 @ TGS 2009] (SEE POST1!: New vids. Interviews!)

  • Thread starter SrRd RacinG
Oh dear, not another confusing translation from another page of possibly poorly worded Japanese text. At least there's no "170 cars with damage" this time and it looks like all of them will have it. That's a big plus in my books and worth the wait.

Exactly what I was just about to post! Maybe they took note of the backlash after the leaked docu, or maybe held back info to prevent a further backlash...
●クルマ - Cars
・950台以上 - 950+ vehicles

●コース - Courses
・20ロケーション以上 - 20+ locations
・70バリエーション以上 - 70+ variations

●物理シミュレーション - Physics Simulation
・新自動車物理シミュレーション - New vehicle physics simulation
・車両の転覆 - roll over
・ダメージ - damage
・コース内可動オブジェクト - Moveable objects on the track
・新世代ハイブリッドカー、EV対応 - New generation hybrid car, EV support

●アーケードモード - Arcade Mode
・シングルレース - Single Race
・画面分割対戦 - Split screen

●GTモード - GT Mode
・マップ - Map
・ガレージ - Garage
・自動車ディーラー - Car Dealers
・チューニングショップ - Tuning
・チャンピオンシップレース - Race Championship
・ライセンス試験 - License Test

●オンライン機能 - Online Features
・ロビー - Lobby
・テキスト・ボイスチャット - Voice/text chat
・プライベートロビー - Private lobby
・オンラインフォトアルバム - Online Photo Album
・オンラインリプレイアルバム - Online Replay Album
・YouTubeへのリプレイ映像のエクスポート - Youtube upload

●フォトモード - Photo Mode
・フォトドライブ - Driving Photo Mode
・フォトステージ - Stage Photo Mode

●グランツーリスモTV - GT-TV
・新ユーザーインターフェース - New User Interface
・PSP®へのムービー書き出し - PSP export
・プログレッシブ・ダウンロード - Progressive download
Will PD show us anything new? I'm tired of seeing the same Tokyo Route with different cars. Info is nice, but new visual info would be even better. Animated pits are great, but please show us some new locations or anything.
September 24th (the wood), at the SCE press conference which is held in Tokyo game Shaw business day, 'sale day of [gurantsurisumo] 5' became “2010 March schedule” and announcement.

In addition, concerning the function which 'can take over the car which is sold on October 1st and procures 'in [gurantsurisumo]' PSP® edition to [gurantsurisumo] 5' it was introduced.

Were announced 'the more up-to-date information regarding [gurantsurisumo] 5' are as follows at the meeting place.

- Car
950 above units

- Course
20 above locations
70 above variations

- Physical simulation
New automobile physical simulation
Turning over of vehicle
Movable object inside course
New generation hybrid car, EV correspondence

- Arcade mode
Screen separation and opposition

●GT mode
Automobile dealer

License test

- Online function
Text Voicechat
online Photoalbum
Onlineplay Album

Export of the Replay image to YouTube

- Photo mode

- [gurantsurisumo] TV
New user interface
The movie writing out to PSP®
Progressive download

Someone was faster ;)
20 locations.....thats not terrible...how many will forza have?

Can we guess what those 20 will be?

Top gear track
Fuji... and 11 others..

20 locations isn't terrible, but if you think of the rally stage you saw on e3 trailer, it makes me think that there probably aren't many stages in the game
A new racing Mini in one of those videos I noticed.

Oh dear, not another confusing translation from another page of possibly poorly worded Japanese text. At least there's no "170 cars with damage" this time and it looks like all of them will have it. That's a big plus in my books and worth the wait.


I hope the same!
1st list
1000 cars premium, standard etc
20 tracks 60 variations

2nd list
950 cars.. (all the same kind?)
20 locations, 70 tracks

next list what?.. 900 space ship.. 20 galaxy 70 planets
Still it seems GT5 has wrong and horrid looking steering animation. Come on bring 1:1 animation support for 900 degree wheels!
20 locations isn't terrible, but if you think of the rally stage you saw on e3 trailer, it makes me think that there probably aren't many stages in the game

Well if you consider that NFS Shift has 22 tracks and GT4 had around 50, yes it is terrible.
Oh my. 70 is actually the variation? That better be a translate error! It looks like the 20/60 dilemma will continue...maybe. I hope not.

My interpretation: 70 different tracks and variations from 20 different locations (countries?)
20 Tracks with 70 variations sounds a little bit unbelievable to me for GT5?
But hey we will see soon only 6 month...

i think that with locations they mean country.. japan, italy, germany.. and we have 70 tracks in 20 different country.
I find Locations to be reffering to countries and if thats the case, then we could see a even bigger GT4. Wow, I will have no life when this game comes out.
My interpretation: 70 different tracks and variations from 20 different locations (countries?)

Yeah that does make sense because if you take it like this (20 Tracks 70 Variations) each track would have an approximate number of 3.5 variations. Some track can have more or less. For example a real world track do not have a reverse variation but they split in different sectors. (Suzuka: East, West and the complete one so that makes 3 variations) But then again it's a case of wait and see.
i think that with locations they mean country.. japan, italy, germany.. and we have 70 tracks in 20 different country.

Thats what i think, but who knows eh. The majority of the sites i've seen with GT5 TGS info state 20 Locations and 70 tracks.
●クルマ - Cars
・950台以上 - 950+ vehicles

●コース - Courses
・20ロケーション以上 - 20+ locations
・70バリエーション以上 - 70+ variations

●物理シミュレーション - Physics Simulation
・新自動車物理シミュレーション - New vehicle physics simulation
・車両の転覆 - roll over
・ダメージ - damage
・コース内可動オブジェクト - Moveable objects on the track
・新世代ハイブリッドカー、EV対応 - New generation hybrid car, EV support

●アーケードモード - Arcade Mode
・シングルレース - Single Race
・画面分割対戦 - Split screen

●GTモード - GT Mode
・マップ - Map
・ガレージ - Garage
・自動車ディーラー - Car Dealers
・チューニングショップ - Tuning
・チャンピオンシップレース - Race Championship
・ライセンス試験 - License Test

●オンライン機能 - Online Features
・ロビー - Lobby
・テキスト・ボイスチャット - Voice/text chat
・プライベートロビー - Private lobby
・オンラインフォトアルバム - Online Photo Album
・オンラインリプレイアルバム - Online Replay Album
・YouTubeへのリプレイ映像のエクスポート - Youtube upload

●フォトモード - Photo Mode
・フォトドライブ - Driving Photo Mode
・フォトステージ - Stage Photo Mode

●グランツーリスモTV - GT-TV
・新ユーザーインターフェース - New User Interface
・PSP®へのムービー書き出し - PSP export
・プログレッシブ・ダウンロード - Progressive download

Thank you for a proper translation 👍
...just thinking about suzuka, 16 player Private room races... with all GTP members...

i will have no life at all..
Pretty sad we're getting newer, more exciting information from handycam vids then we are getting from PD

I'm amazed that there still isn't one single official pic or new video yet on PD's website. Just the same o rehashed list that we've known about for a month now that is about as vague as you can get.

Dan Greenwalt was right, they are slapping PD around right now. Don't get me wrong, GT5 will own FM3 quite easily when its released next summer, but PD's marketing is about as horrible as it gets.
I just wish it wasn't with that ratio of 20/70, cause since when does PD mention location(country?)/tracks instead of track/variations? Either way, I don't like that "20."
And the first indication of what seems to be livery's...

And it's on the window which forza does not alot you to do...

lol.. score.

FM3 allows livery on windows now, FYI.

I love that street and environment they show the Mini on. Sweet. That mini also has a case of hubcapitis. What the?
I think locations means continents... That's right!!! Kaz found 13 continents that even your geography teacher didn't know about! He's that great. :P

I was a little dissapointed when I read the news this morning. I really did expect to be playing this in December.

After watching the videos, however, I'm even more excited. It's all just so well made. That pit crew got me epically excited for no real reason. So much so I made a word. Everybody remember that clip of NASCAR cars peeling out infront of their crew? That'll be in the game.

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