Distinct =/= accurate. Which I think is largely what the issue is people (quite rightly) have been complaining about for a long time.
Slip, I sometimes think we communicate from completely different universes.
First of all, it was pretty clear I was talking about
street cars. Cars you can actually drive beside going down the highway. I notice that you didn't post video of any pedestrian cars from Forza 4, because they wouldn't sound the least bit realistic. Without a racing muffler or something. How about posting a video of a VW Beetle?
Another point on this subject is that I have never said that many of the car sounds in GT5 couldn't stand improving. I have concurred a number of times that they should do what they can. However, I have also said a number of times that I don't care, I find them acceptably off considering the similar off sounds in other racers that don't sound like live race cars either, like Toca or GTR Evo. I have also said that people making things up, such as saying the cars in GT5 all sound like hair dryers or vacuum cleaners isn't helping their cause any. And as many times as I get jumped on by some of you for making misstatements, I'm frankly not impressed when you let blatant stuff like this slip by.
Another thing I have to point out is how little people even bother to fathom basic audio technology, and yet try to sound authoritative on it. Samples sounding like they've been "messed with" is inevitable when you have to compress and pitch-match a number of recordings of an engine, and with racing trannys their particular whine and match them, at various rev points. I don't blame any race game developer for not getting it perfect, because it's bleeding hard. Not having an engine sample beat like an echo is bleeding hard. How about getting tire squeals right? Yep, it's hard. Now what I will frown at is giving a team a pass, which supposedly has a better, easier to code for system with a more flexible memory structure but who can't give the cars around yours their own characteristic sound, for whatever reason. I won't bark at T10 much on that because like PD, they probably had to shortsheet Forza 4 in certain places to produce those graphics, those physics and 16 cars on track in-game, finally. But ignoring something so obvious and letting it slide is less than impressive.
It's just like the tire modeling differences between Forza and Gran Turismo. They're both off, and I like aspects of both, but of course around here, GT is the one who gets it all wrong. I should be used to this kind of political correctness anymore...
As GT5 was released a few years ago now, which is plenty of time to optimize an engine. Hell a good number of options have already been discussed in this thread already and PD have a track record of being able to do just that.
On this, I should reiterate something. Even with the crater that GT PSP made in GT5's development cycle, PD have probably been working on GT5 and the game engine for four years or more. On most systems and with most developers, four years is about the time you throw in the towel on further optimizations.
I know that we've both hashed out what likely moves PD would have to do to improve GT6 on PS3, and our ideas plus many more based on Cell/RSX technical details we don't know are likely going to be employed if PS3 is the target system. And it could well be.
But having said that, there is only so much that the PS3 can do. RSX can't suddenly find hidden lighting routines to allow ray tracing or ray casting in real time, in order to allow for amazing lighting and reflective effects. Nor can it magically render 100 million more textured and illuminated/shaded polygons per frame. The Movie Maker is probably still not possible because the ram space hasn't changed, or if we do get one, it will likely just produce small snippets. 16 car fields will likely still be the limit, multiclass racing will just be dual class or none at all, and night racing will still have haphazard lighting effects with very few cars casting headlight beams. The HD Course Maker I want will likely have to be made for PS4. In fact, a lot of things will have to wait for PS4.
Many things won't, and as I've said, I'll happily buy a GT6 for PS3, and I won't be expecting that it's just GT5 with a "6" pasted on the case, because PD can still do a lot of magic with the PS3. Just providing us with Race Mod for most or all cars and a Livery Editor will make a couple million fans happy campers. A better online system powered by Gaikai, and with physics matching offline play, will make most fans shout for joy. If PD can carve out enough processor power for a proper tire and suspension model and refine overall physics more, and give the bots more lifelike behavior, GT and PC sim fans will throw a huge party together. I'm going to be keen on any mention of damage, because this has been an even bigger peeve for many fans than sound. Rumor is that there will be tracks in abundance, who wouldn't love that? amar212 insists we'll all be happy, and I expect I will be.
However, it's the stuff that PS3 can't do that's going to have me praying that if PD isn't producing GT6 for PS4, they can churn out a GT7 in short order, because the PS3 is just too old and too limited to deliver that experience I expected from GT5. As I said before, GT5 seems like a game made for a more powerful system, and it's that system I want Gran Turismo to call home.