Gran Turismo 7 Bug Reports

I don't know if this has been reported but mileage in Qualifying Time Trial (aka while waiting for Daily Race to start) is not coutning towards the Daily Workout mileage counter.

Just did two laps of Deep Forrest Raceway before the race and it only registered the 11.5 miles of the race itself (aka 4 laps instead of 6...)
I don't know if this has been reported but mileage in Qualifying Time Trial (aka while waiting for Daily Race to start) is not coutning towards the Daily Workout mileage counter.

Just did two laps of Deep Forrest Raceway before the race and it only registered the 11.5 miles of the race itself (aka 4 laps instead of 6...)
In GTS qualifying did not register either in the dailies and the lobby races until you exited off the track BEFORE the race started, if you did this the mileage was counted...
For example, if you entered into a daily race or a lobby race in GTS, went into the qualifying or pre-race practice, drove 4 laps or so, and stayed on the track when race started those miles for the 4 laps didn't register for daily miles...
I also see the same happening in GT7.
Found out the trophy problem... When redeeming the codes from the 25th anniversary edition, it installs the PS4 version as well as the PS5 one. I was playing on both versions without knowing it since they're right next to each other, so I earned some trophies on both. The new issue is that I've finished all the menu books on the PS4 version, and now I can't earn the trophy on PS5. Anyone know a workaround to this?
GT Auto won't apply anything or save decals and Showcase won't load anything.
Everything just gets stuck on Please Wait Rendering/Applying at 0%.

I'm on PS5 and this issue started yesterday. Was working fine before though.
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So... not so much a software bug, but rather a factual error.

The E46 M3's SMG II was a single clutch transmission that had a clutch that was electro-hydraulically actuated. Other than that, the transmission's internals were IDENTICAL to its 6MT counterpart. If the SMG II actually was a dual clutch, doing SMG II --> 6MT swaps in real life would be A LOT more complicated.

The only dual clutch transmission that BMW made for public consumption was their DCT (it's literally in the acronym: dual clutch transmission).


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The Toyota Prius and Toyota Aqua have an issue where under 50% throttle and at around 80% battery charge the engine rapidly starts and stops multiple times per second as if it doesn't know whether to charge or not. Quite annoying. Shared a video of it on YouTube.

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I also just happened to check and I can't buy any car. From any dealership. It's sold out or not showing anything

I Had a Samba Bus with an Porsche engine swap, I did some setup changes on it and notice my rims has default back to original rims - I went to GT auto the change my rims back. After I change my rims, I lost my engine swap with no way to recover it ??

Anyone else came across this?
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Delete save data from console and cloud. I had this problem also. I fixed it this way. I am on ps5 so did not try ps4 if it happens on there also. It remembers your progress and your credits.
Hey I remove data from console no result. But I don't know how to delete it from the cloud, can you tip me? thanks
Here is my problem:

In many Missions it won't put my best time on Friends Ranking Board, only the time from first attempt is there


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In GTS qualifying did not register either in the dailies and the lobby races until you exited off the track BEFORE the race started, if you did this the mileage was counted...
For example, if you entered into a daily race or a lobby race in GTS, went into the qualifying or pre-race practice, drove 4 laps or so, and stayed on the track when race started those miles for the 4 laps didn't register for daily miles...
I also see the same happening in GT7.
I made sure to exit off the track as I remembered this from before.

So I was sitting on the menu with the counter counting down at the bottom of the screen so it should have shown 5.6 miles completed.

I'll do some video footage this morning.
In the Lobby in Multiplayer, if you press start, and then exit out to go back to driving, the upshift is the bong from not being able to select something.

Seems like the RE Amemiya and FD RX-7 don't have their steering angle adapters actually added to the vehicle judging by how they behave.

Also had a bug where my invitation logo was on every brand in Brand Central, after winning it in the roulette.

Selecting Off for letting me new every new song that's playing doesn't save.

Edit: added additional bug
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Does anyone know why Boost/ catchup doesn't work in private lobbys? How fo I report this issue. We play most Tuesdays and we have one person who loves a smash up, so when you spin out at the start and spend the whole race 20 seconds behind first, even though you are driving clean it's properly boring. GT sport boost worked fine but it doesn't work even slightly on gt7
Here is the video re the Daily Race Qualifying Time Trial lobby not counting towards Daily Mileage...

You can see the video starts on 0.00 miles and if you skip to the end it still says 0.00 correctly exiting to the menu.
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  • No compass icon
  • Menu Card complete
  • I don't get any reward
  • It doesn't go any further
Im not sure if this has been posted yet but Ive had this problem as well. Solution is after you go back to café, you have to click X, not O after you get confirmation of the reward so the movie starts playing about your reward cars.
So its not actually a problem, just poor design.
Im not sure if this has been posted yet but Ive had this problem as well. Solution is after you go back to café, you have to click X, not O after you get confirmation of the reward so the movie starts playing about your reward cars.
So its not actually a problem, just poor design.
No, this is not solution.
Even if I set the Units to “Miles”, the Settings sheets show speeds in km/h and Ballast in kg.

A 1 kg increase in Ballast reduced the PP by 8.71

A further 1 kg increase in Ballast only reduced the PP by 0.05

I’m seeing a mixture of small and large PP changes when I make small changes to Ballast, Ballast Positioning (and also changes to gear ratios, by the way)

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The Toyota Prius and Toyota Aqua have an issue where under 50% throttle and at around 80% battery charge the engine rapidly starts and stops multiple times per second as if it doesn't know whether to charge or not. Quite annoying. Shared a video of it on YouTube.

This is very similar to how in any manual transmission car the engine rpm will pop up and down as the rpm gets too low to run. Then sometimes if you downshift while that's happening the transmission will pop out of gear and the engine will rev freely. This happened several times in the fuel mileage challenges where I was trying to keep the rpm as low as possible while at high throttle. But that exact phenomenon has happened throughout several iterations of GT so it must be something with how the code the operation of a manual with an AI clutch. For example, the granny shifting it does if you don't let off the gas between shifts. Technically I suppose it's true because we're not letting off the gas, but in practice nobody actually intends to do that, but that's the way PD wrote the code.
Anyone stuck at Menu Book 19?

I completed the first two races, i did the last one, won, and the server disconnected right before i won the car. Server went back on, noticed i got the 3 stars gift ticket but didnt got the car reward and the race doesnt shows as won so i did it again. Won the race, but the not the car prize. I bought the last car, it shows acquired in the menu book, but not completed so i cant get the #20
Will be a few repeats here just to confirm issues:

All on PS4 Pro

16:9 photos instantly crash the game when taken, but only in race replays. Scapes work as intended
Certain cars lose custom gear ratios, switching setup sheet will cause it.
Occasionally races will never load and sit with the loading icon just spinning.
PP entry requirements are worded incorrectly, even with exactly 650.00PP I was unable to enter an event that said 650 or less.
Anti-lag doesn't seem to function on any car. (Yes it is switched on.)
Boost pressures seem low compared to the real cars numbers. Seems to build slowly on cars that it shouldn't too.
Steering lock is heavily artificially limited on controller which makes some corners extremely difficult to navigate.
Tyre grip falloff is excessive on road tyres.
Weight transfer seems incredibly subdued.
Hard curb strikes seem to count as collisions and fail license tests etc.
PP calculation is inconsistent, very small changes that lead to almost no change in laptime can give huge PP swings.
Airborne cars seem to fly too far and dart in random directions when landing, even on flat ground with all 4 wheels.
Cockpit camera adjustments don't save per car like they did in GT Sport. The range is also extremely limited.
Alpinestars suit ver2 is labelled as suit_06 when importing from GT Sport.
In cockpit view the driver arms will sometimes just always be on the gear lever, even at an RPM that they shouldn't be.
Some races have bugged payouts of only 5000 Cr.
Photos cannot be exported to USB and are too low quality compared to Sport. Option for compressed PNG would be nice.
Audi R18 '16 driver names don't change on the livery when changing between numbers.

Few things I'd like to see changed:

Move wide body kits into the same menu as the other car body parts to avoid excessive menuing.
Cockpit view needs a GT Sport style camera system that doesn't move about. Could easily be added as another option.
Option to sort real car paints by model once you sort by manufacturer.
Mark all the races to win cars for a menu, even if you already have the car. If you already have a car, it doesn't show which race you can win another one in, despite the prize being available.
Give some form of forecast/weather information pre race.
Ability to buy some tuning parts while in a championship - even if it's just tyres.
Allow certain race UI elements to be turned off individually.
Option to show spring rate rather than natural frequency.
Power/torque graph in the setup menu should explicitly show what RPM each peak is achieved at.
Number boards as templates in the livery editor.
Lack of detail on the new version of Kyoto Driving Park is disappointing, to me the track looks far more barren and less interesting than it did on GT Sport, missing trees etc.
Option to save the replay while watching it, literally took me 20 hours of playtime to find how to save it.
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Getting stuck in loading screen at ‘Applying 0%’ when I try to exit GT Auto after applying new parts and/or livery.
I'm having this same problem as of today. I was going through my garage and the showcase to add custom liveries, and it got stuck on 'Applying 0%'. Now any changes I make to any cars in Gt Auto will get stuck on 'Applying 0%' and I have to close the game and reload. Since this has happened I've also noticed the Showcase menu's are becoming laggy for me and it sometimes takes a while for the images to load, or they don't load at all.
Does anyone else gets constant disconnects in lobbys ? I keep getting "host ended session" even halfway trough races.
So, i reported the "stuck in menu bug" to Sony Support, finaly. I also did sent them a link to this threat, that in case they really read it, it might get a chance to get recognized, though! Since i am stuck in menu Nr 19, since March 4th, 20:13 (MET), i could not really enjoy playing GT7 the way i´d love to, like the majority of you guys in this thread. I wish the best of luck for everyone of you, that they will fix this ASAP! Cya at the track!
Hey did you fix it? I’m also stuck at #19. Got all three cars but it doesnt shows as completed
Anyone stuck at Menu Book 19?

I completed the first two races, i did the last one, won, and the server disconnected right before i won the car. Server went back on, noticed i got the 3 stars gift ticket but didnt got the car reward and the race doesnt shows as won so i did it again. Won the race, but the not the car prize. I bought the last car, it shows acquired in the menu book, but not completed so i cant get the #20
Same here