The game tries for 5-10 minutes to connect, gets nowhere, and eventually puts you in offline mode. If the PlayStation itself is disconnected from the internet, it'll load instantly into offline mode.I thought that Music Rally and custom races were supposed to be available during the maintenance, but nothing loads for me at all. Is this happening for everyone?
The annoying aspect of the Daily Race track/wall penalties are that it will ding you for minor infraction but not detect major infraction. Say you brake a bit too late and squirm over the limit a bit, you get a penalty. Yet the guy ahead of you drove straight through and was fine.race b ... the S turn... disgusting as well.The point is if you are new to this game seems fine. If you aint , feels terrible...
Well. They found a severe defect on 1.07, and they extended the maintenance. They said they're going to notify more as soon as they know the detail, and since there is no other notification, they perhaps still don't know about the detail.サーバーメンテナンス延長のお知らせ(3月17日更新)
and they probably nerfed dirt races.8.ガレージ
- 「ブランドセントラル」「ユーズドカー」「レジェンドカー」でのクルマ購入時やプレゼントカー獲得時に、ガレージの状態によって、ごく稀にアプリケーションエラーとなっていた不具合を修正しました。
- ワールドサーキット内のイベントの報酬金額を走行時間と難易度に合わせて調整しました。調整がされたイベントは下記のとおりです。
ワールドツーリングカー 800
・ル・マン24時間 レーシングサーキット
Hey! sorry if you are already aware but the bug preventing cars from being awarded/bought is fixed!So GT7 is 2 weeks old, and for 1 of those weeks the game has been basically unplayable for me because of the no new cars bug, and now it is literally unplayable. The game really did not seem that buggy before 1.06. 1.06 and 1.07 have to be two of the worst patches ever released for a game.
Hope the same for me, let's see in the evening.Hey! sorry if you are already aware but the bug preventing cars from being awarded/bought is fixed!
Successfully bought from the used car dealer and when I clicked on the license centre I was immediately awared the two prize cars![]()
Also worked for me with the Menu Book bug (completed but missing a car). Purchased my missing car, verified my archived book now showed the vehicle and watched the collection video again. Menu book finally un-greyed and the next book was offered. Unfortunately I was not re-awarded my missing car but at least I can move forward now. Hope this may help othersHey! sorry if you are already aware but the bug preventing cars from being awarded/bought is fixed!
Successfully bought from the used car dealer and when I clicked on the license centre I was immediately awarded the two prize cars![]()
If it makes you feel any better I think this update has killed my ps5, think even a reinstall hasn't worked for me, getting multiple different errors all pointing to a complete ps5 system restore or a ps5 that just won't play gt7, the past 24-48 hours has not been kind to me! 🤣Well now after a week of not being able to buy cars, a day of not being able to get in the game, and 4 hours of reinstalling the game after 1.08 stopped it from launching at all, I can finally buy cars again!
Annnd the F40 that I've been meaning to buy all week is from Legend cars is no longer available.... :extremelylongsigh: