Hey all,
Been following the thread for a while and the site for years but only recently signed up!
Just started dipping my toe into custom races, initially as a way to practice dailies, but am now just doing them as they seem like they can be a ton of fun.
Trying to make a grid of GT3/GT4 cars and manually balance their performance, with the GT3 cars detuned while still having a slight edge also starting from the back with the view of hopefully creating "rivals" that push me the whole race.
Got the stats pretty close, and am quite happy with how things are progressing, just wondering if anyone has any tips to help me level the field as much as possible, while still allowing cars to have their own personality and strengths?
Currently I've adjusted each cars CPU to be close to the slowest cars, firstly balancing Power/weight, and then adjusting to level raw stats (quarter mile, half mile, rotational G, etc) and then added a restrictor to my car to counter the ai throttle bug.
Should I be adding ballast also?
I initially wanted a no fuss approach, but I've already spent 3 days fine tuning, so at this point if it takes more tweaks to other parts of the setup to make it even more competitive I'm willing to do it!
Testing the setup with Le Mans, 1 hour limit, 20 cars, grid start, weak boost & slip, normal penalties & some variable weather.
I'm at the back with the other top speed GT4 cars, 3 GT3's, with the cars more suited to handling towards the top.
The pack seems to move around a fair bit, with ai always looking to overtake myself and other ai, some cars doing better on straights, and others being dominant in corners etc.
After 35 minutes I clawed my way up towards the top 10, with 7 seconds to the leader, and about the same to the back of the pack - then server maintenance kicked in and my race was over!
Will be trying again today, but thought I'd stop by in here, say hello, and see if there's any pointers for my next round of tweaks!
Thanks in advance!