Just like that, back to complaining and pointing out flaws. So, if they use same trend, we might get 1 new type of engine at end of month update? maybe a new chassis or 2 for current list of engines...?
Edit(At worst, since exact numbers varied last few months, and people "quoting" my numbers)
Any engine after this will be the new "WANT". All current swaps are basically played out as LS swaps in "THE LOBBY".
(ISSUES STILL "KNOWN", LOBBY still a mess, almost entire summer)
If they continue to drop one engine a month, we should have a nice selection eventually. With the discovery of these 6 star part/engine tickets added to the mix, (IM TALKING ABOUT THE PEOPLE GETTING THEM FOR DAILY MILES)
THAT ALONE should increase our current slim to none chances to a "hey, maybe they will give me one for my b day".
THE BONANZA WAS A BLAST! even though way too many people starting talking about "SWAP CLUB". I think the gtplanet member roster doubled in that time span.. Noobs everywhere asking for tunes etc. lol
Thanks to the community for helping each other out, and attempting to keep it from spreading like a GTA "god mode" on tube sites.
"You may have gotten a pile of motors, but only gtplanet was part of the "BONANZA"!