(Gran Turismo 7) If you were to purchase the McLaren F1 '94 currently in Hagerty's with just purchased credits, the cost is quite an eye opener.

No judgement mate, if you have the credits you have the credits, you don't need to justify how you got them.

But then the second question comes into play.. are you buying this car for 18.5 million? With how long it takes to grind credits, that seems like a massive decision. Imagine buying this for 18.5m credits, then a week later there's a car you want more.. but you know how long it's going to take you to try and get it.

Crazy. If I ever make 20m credits in this game, there's going to be a big part of me that wants to hoard the hell out of them.
I have purchased all the cars that I believe will count towards the platinum trophy.
So far I haven't purchased the Mclaren F1 or the latest Gt40... mainly because of the design decisions of PD
-The new low payouts are too much of a grind now - 20 hours for one car
-The 20 mill cap - means if the car I need for the trophy comes out the following day, there is not enough time to grind for it.
- I refuse to buy MTX as I am by nature, a grinder (and cheap, lol)

This would be less annoying if there was a variety of end game content after the Café Menu tutorial... but there isn't....
-Or if sport races gave a decent payout... but there isn't...

This game has so much potential. Its a real shame that they made the design decisions they did and released it less than half finished... I'll get this trophy and put the game down until they release some proper content
I've played every GT from 1 onwards. And this situation - it's not good. I've been a member here for 18 years. I remember booking a week off work for GT4 and loving it and bought a DFGT my first ever wheel...

Kaz needs to climb down and make a step change. I hope there's some late night board meetings going on.
I been here awhile too just got banned because I was an immature **** head. Used to talk to M5Power on AIM too, now hes too busy and too popular to talk to us regular folk!

I've had the same sentiments about Kaz, he should have stepped down a long time ago since GT7 is not like the previous GT games. The series fell off after GT4. Kaz can be replaced by younger more hungry developers. He can be a consultant or even a principal advisor to the game. I mean we can look at Elden Ring as an example, George R. R. Martin (Lord of the Rings) provided material and the developers at From Software and Bandai made a PHENOMENAL game. Spent 30+ hours so far and I still havent follow the main quest so many things to do, try out, and so many bosses to kill.
These past couple days have really almost made me cry because of how awful it is to be a Gran Turismo fan currently. I'm not ashamed to admit that the game is a huge part of my life. But I can't blind myself like some do. I have to be honest with myself and honestly what I've seen breaks my heart and makes me want to cry as someone who's been there since the very beginning.
As a previous diehard GT fan after GT4 and with my disappointment with GT5, I saw how fun Forza Motorsport 4 was. Still to this day for me rivals GT2 and GT3. I took the plunge and bought a x360 slim back in 2011, JUST to play FM 4. I regrettably bought GT6 and that was the last GT game I bought. Seriously, give the Forza games a try, the nice thing is they can be played on PC. I play it on my gaming laptop and gaming PC. This is something we may never be able to do for GT, unless PD/$ony wakes up, but then again you can't even play offline. Fricken atrocious, I bet they change that or at least change it when the game reaches end of life and they shut servers down. Because eventually they will shut down the servers.
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Seriously, give the Forza games a try, the nice thing is they can be played on PC.
To be clear, only Forza Horizon 4 and 5 can be purchased on PC right now. Discs don't work because they're exclusive to Xbox, and Forza Motorsport 7 has been discontinued because all Forza games up to this point only receive 4 year licenses minimum, so once those shortest ones expire the games cannot be sold anymore. You might be able to find a FM7 code on a key reseller site, but those are sketchy, so stay safe.

FM7 would be the best modern-ish GT replacement, but it's just not easy to get on PC these days. FM8 will release, eventually. We'll see how that game is.

It has outdated cars by now but my favorites were Forza Motorsport 3 and 4, especially 3. I think it comes closest to a classic GT experience, but don't just take my word for it because I haven't played any classic GT, only read and heard about them. FM3/4 are Xbox 360 exclusives though, no backward compatibility due to that licensing issue.
To be clear, only Forza Horizon 4 and 5 can be purchased on PC right now. Discs don't work because they're exclusive to Xbox, and Forza Motorsport 7 has been discontinued because all Forza games up to this point only receive 4 year licenses minimum, so once those shortest ones expire the games cannot be sold anymore. You might be able to find a FM7 code on a key reseller site, but those are sketchy, so stay safe.

FM7 would be the best modern-ish GT replacement, but it's just not easy to get on PC these days. FM8 will release, eventually. We'll see how that game is.

It has outdated cars by now but my favorites were Forza Motorsport 3 and 4, especially 3. I think it comes closest to a classic GT experience, but don't just take my word for it because I haven't played any classic GT, only read and heard about them. FM3/4 are Xbox 360 exclusives though, no backward compatibility due to that licensing issue.
The Amazon downloads if they do not work will probably get a refund. I would take the risk, Amazon is good with their customer service.
I been here awhile too just got banned because I was an immature **** head. Used to talk to M5Power on AIM too, now hes too busy and too popular to talk to us regular folk!

I've had the same sentiments about Kaz, he should have stepped down a long time ago since GT7 is not like the previous GT games. The series fell off after GT4. Kaz can be replaced by younger more hungry developers. He can be a consultant or even a principal advisor to the game. I mean we can look at Elden Ring as an example, George R. R. Martin (Lord of the Rings) provided material and the developers at From Software and Bandai made a PHENOMENAL game. Spent 30+ hours so far and I still havent follow the main quest so many things to do, try out, and so many bosses to kill.

As a previous diehard GT fan after GT4 and with my disappointment with GT5, I saw how fun Forza Motorsport 4 was. Still to this day for me rivals GT2 and GT3. I took the plunge and bought a x360 slim back in 2011, JUST to play FM 4. I regrettably bought GT6 and that was the last GT game I bought. Seriously, give the Forza games a try, the nice thing is they can be played on PC. I play it on my gaming laptop and gaming PC. This is something we may never be able to do for GT, unless PD/$ony wakes up, but then again you can't even play offline. Fricken atrocious, I bet they change that or at least change it when the game reaches end of life and they shut servers down. Because eventually they will shut down the servers.
Sorry but you are getting you're G.R.R Martin and J.R.R Tolkien confused as a die hard nerd i cannot let this pass......"YOU SHALL NOT PASS".....hehe
The Amazon downloads if they do not work will probably get a refund. I would take the risk, Amazon is good with their customer service.
They're good with customer service, but digital download codes are almost always no refunds at all in my experience. But still, if it's sold by Amazon, it's probably a good code.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone looked at comparing GT7 and iRacing for real world costs over time? I don't play either.
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Just out of curiosity, has anyone looked at comparing GT7 and iRacing for real world costs over time? I don't play either.
Probably going to do that this weekend. Iracing has a lot of variables depending on what series you want to do. I know that the economy of gt7 has caused me to buy a bunch of new cars and tracks for iracing though.
It seems PD is morally and ethical bankrupt.
A half baked game is raising eye brows, but €200 for a virtual car is nonsenses.

Three things come to mind.
First, linking a game with the real world seems a great idea, at a Management Team desk, but conflicts with real people and real life. Spending €70 on a game is for some already a lot of money. Tripling that amount for a virtual car is bizar.
Second, €200 for a virtual car. Megatransactions come to mind, instead of micro. Dutch law (where I live) started a investigation to see if these thinks can be banned at other games where you can buy a pack. I think it should be banned when young children can put themself in debt with this bizar figures for a virtual car in a game.
Third, it proves again that PD took a wrong turn an is unable to get to the right path. Make things perfect or close to perfect and similar to the real world makes things dull, detached and annoying.

So what is the solution?
Don’t buy it, keep reacting and perhaps management of PD can see, feel and hear that they can return to the right path. A fun racing game where people can race cars they could never afford in real life. And still see, feel and hear how that’s like.
If you spend 200€ on a digital car you are either rich or just a person who can’t handle money really well and doesn’t get what gaming is about.
Kids is a different thing, but kids shouldn’t be able to buy these trough the PS Store in the first, which I guess isn’t a real problem with PDs Microtransactions. But this ain’t kids who are posting here usually I guess, these are grown ups.
Don’t make something totally f’ed up out of it like 2K20 or something, there’s still worlds between them. GT7 has a disastrous launch because of different reasons and PD is full responsible for this situation, but don’t make something out of it that it isn’t, stay by the truth.

And btw all the ones who call themselves Fans seem to not even give PD the chance to turn this around or give them the benefit of doubt, no they are immediately money greedy corporates and all the previous titles and the efforts PD achieved for the racing genre don’t matter. Nobody here knows, me included, what intentions are behind this, it’s just guessing, but I’m very sure PD or Sony don’t expect average people to spend 200€ on a digital car. Looking back on previous titles and how the economy changed over time it’s more reasonable in my view that they wanted to take it a step further now with the Hagerty involvement for example, but haven’t counted in how players would feel about this with the MTs attached to the game, and that’s a big fault and doesn’t look very well I admit.
But the game is still totally playable for me (when the servers are working) , so the whole discussion here doesn’t reflect the real status of the game right now imo, it’s just lacking events and more rewarding events especially.
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Jergto said (my phone wont quote right now for some dumb reason)

"As a previous diehard GT fan after GT4 and with my disappointment with GT5, I saw how fun Forza Motorsport 4 was. Still to this day for me rivals GT2 and GT3. I took the plunge and bought a x360 slim back in 2011, JUST to play FM 4. I regrettably bought GT6 and that was the last GT game I bought. Seriously, give the Forza games a try, the nice thing is they can be played on PC. I play it on my gaming laptop and gaming PC. This is something we may never be able to do for GT, unless PD/$ony wakes up, but then again you can't even play offline. Fricken atrocious, I bet they change that or at least change it when the game reaches end of life and they shut servers down. Because eventually they will shut down the servers."

There's nothing inherently wrong with Forza Motorsport but if you've ever pushed a car to the limit IRL you know Forza's physics are absolutely trash and a joke. Of course people will disagree but that's how I feel. That's why I play GT and this is so devastating to me. I'd probably end up getting ACC or PC2 on PS4 rather than anything else.
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Is it my imagination or have they changed the rotation in the Legends dealership so that the more expensive cars (i.e. McLaren F1 and Porsche 917K) are sticking around longer than they would've done previously? Is this... an actual concession to players by PD??
Is it my imagination or have they changed the rotation in the Legends dealership so that the more expensive cars (i.e. McLaren F1 and Porsche 917K) are sticking around longer than they would've done previously? Is this... an actual concession to players by PD??
Most likely a function of the virtual inventory levels of each car, in other words the cars are not exactly flying off the lot. An actual concession to the players would be to drastically reduce the pricing of these cars so they can reasonably be achieved within the game’s economy.
Most likely a function of the virtual inventory levels of each car, in other words the cars are not exactly flying off the lot. An actual concession to the players would be to drastically reduce the pricing of these cars so they can reasonably be achieved within the game’s economy.
There are virtual inventory levels? I just figured the cars were set to a timer - each one got maybe three days on the lot, then went to 'Limited' stock, then on the fifth day got set to 'Sold out', then replaced on the sixth day. So is it not a regular rotation then?
If there are virtual inventory levels, surely some cars will never leave the dealer!
, then on the fifth day got set to 'Sold out', then replaced on the sixth day. So is it not a regular rotation then?
If there are virtual inventory levels, surely some cars will never leave the dealer!
We don’t know exactly what PD’s system is, but to me “sold out” implies that the supply of said vehicle has been exhausted. Further, there is absolutely no reason to display a car as “sold out” for a day, or even an hour. When a vehicle is no longer available, replace it!
Just out of curiosity, has anyone looked at comparing GT7 and iRacing for real world costs over time? I don't play either.
I'd imagine iRacing will cost a lot more unless you really limit yourself. Subscription cost is pretty open ended. Then again, cars and tracks are only $10-15, and I think it's like a couple grand to buy absolutely everything. Which is probably less than if you (kinda foolishly) just bought everything in GT7 for MTX credits.

Very different style of game though, iRacing encourages focusing on a small number of cars for a season and perfecting your driving. It's not very casual friendly, but if you think this would be fun then iRacing will be a good time.

1. Spend the first couple of days of the week learning your way around that week's track and getting your setup right.
2. The next couple of days practice racecraft in a live practice session.
3. The last few days of the week run live races trying to get a good finish for the week.

GT7 is encouraging people to get and try all sorts of different cars. The online racing is an afterthought rather than the central pillar of the gameplay.

Whatever the cost differential ends up being, I'm not sure I'd recommend someone picking one over the other purely based on price. If you want the best online racing experience available, iRacing is still probably it outside of private leagues (on whatever game the league runs). It has issues and people If you want a single player experience then GT7 should be the one to go for, but it's hard to recommend it for that either. Whatever you're looking for from a single player experience there's a game out there that does it better, unless what you're looking for is graphical excellence.
We don’t know exactly what PD’s system is, but to me “sold out” implies that the supply of said vehicle has been exhausted. Further, there is absolutely no reason to display a car as “sold out” for a day, or even an hour. When a vehicle is no longer available, replace it!
If people are looking at a Sold Out sign, it reminds them that other cars there might also "sell out" soon so they should buy them while they still can. You're right that the player friendly thing would be to replace that item with something that they might want to buy, but that's not the point.

The point is more FOMO. GT7: The Real Anxiety Simulator.
If people are looking at a Sold Out sign, it reminds them that other cars there might also "sell out" soon so they should buy them while they still can. You're right that the player friendly thing would be to replace that item with something that they might want to buy, but that's not the point.

The point is more FOMO. GT7: The Real Anxiety Simulator.
Naaaa it is for more realizm 🤡
Just out of curiosity, has anyone looked at comparing GT7 and iRacing for real world costs over time? I don't play either.
iRacing has its costs, every car is $12, and every track is $15, until you get 40% of the content, then you get a permanent 20% discount, you also get a 10% discount on purchases of 5 items at a time before you hit 40%. Every car and every track is the same price though, so there no single car that costs $200-$300, that’s just ridiculous on PD/Sony’s part. But to be fair, if you bought a PS5 and GT7, that same money could get you a decent used PC and a fair bit of content in iRacing, on top of the free content you get for signing up initially. The yearly membership fee, is about the same as PSN price per year, so that’s a wash.
There are virtual inventory levels? I just figured the cars were set to a timer - each one got maybe three days on the lot, then went to 'Limited' stock, then on the fifth day got set to 'Sold out', then replaced on the sixth day. So is it not a regular rotation then?
If there are virtual inventory levels, surely some cars will never leave the dealer!
They are set on a timer, but it's looking possible that higher value cars have been given longer timeframes of availability now. Everything usually lasts a set number of days on a pattern, and has done until now. So far the first ones to defy this are the 917K and F1 in the LCD, and the current Firebird, Supra and Viper in the UCD, based on the tracker at https://ddm999.github.io/gt7info/
I assumed the Limited Stock and 'Sold Out' days where you can still see it were to give you a sense of 'oh no I missed out so next time I'd better not let that happen again' FOMO and all that so that you spend and grind.
I have a PC too and I am not sure I would have something decent to play 3D games around 500€.
I bought a used PC last March for $250 CDN, then I bought $60 of RAM and a $200 Graphics card for it, which let me run iRacing on 3 old 1080 TV’s for triples on lower settings. For less than my PS5 cost me, including the 3 old TV’s. 👍

iRacing is basically just GT Sport on steroids and fully realistic, with more cars and tracks. There’s absolutely zero gamey features in it at all, even at the end of a race. If a car doesn’t have something IRL, then it doesn’t get it in iR. And if you get taken out T1/L1, you’re pulling over to wait for a tow truck and coming out of the pits 2 laps down after a tow and repairs are made to the car, if they can be made lol. It’s literally just racing, there is no “game” in iRacing at all.
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iRacing has its costs, every car is $12, and every track is $15, until you get 40% of the content, then you get a permanent 20% discount, you also get a 10% discount on purchases of 5 items at a time before you hit 40%. Every car and every track is the same price though, so there no single car that costs $200-$300, that’s just ridiculous on PD/Sony’s part. But to be fair, if you bought a PS5 and GT7, that same money could get you a decent used PC and a fair bit of content in iRacing, on top of the free content you get for signing up initially. The yearly membership fee, is about the same as PSN price per year, so that’s a wash.
Some tracks are $11.95.
For what its worth as of today 8/22/2022. You can get $1.6m a hour, of in game credits for doing the Tokyo 600pp race. It takes "about" 12 hours to get $19.2m. The cars is currently in legendary right now for $19.4m. Effectively this would have required, half of day of free time grinding. Its been about 5 months since this thread was created. The car I used cost me $300k, doesnt require glitched settings, and I have had it since mid April. Obviously this could be done in less time with a cheaper car.

I have aquired most legendary cars grinding Tokyo 600pp. I do not own the Mclaren F1 right now. And as I sit on $43m of in game credits while this car currently sits in legendary in "limited stock". The question Im asking myself right now. Is.. is it worth my spending 12 hours of time? Probably not, honestly most of the cars around that price arent. And can be out performed by cars far cheaper, that can be bought from Brand Central. I may regret it next time around when its more. But Im probably going to pass on it again. Mostly because it would more of a flex on the people I play with, than it actually be usefull to own. Its 2 of the $20m cars left I want I dont own, I feel is more important. And considering Im getting tired of money grinding, I have decided to hold on to the money for those. Just in case I never do grind tokyo again.