Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
Yeah seriously, what's the point of the credit limit? I really want this to be an interview question when (if?) the chance comes.
Seriously. In GT1-GT4 there are no credit limits. Gameshark cheat codes let GT2 have 99 million credits (and it adds up when completing races or selling cars).
Don't forget that the credit cap increases if you have the Lewis Hamilton DLC and completed up to Gold to get the increased money.

In reference to the original question I think PD set the cap at 20 million because it was the most expensive car so why would we ever want to go over that amount of money.

Personally I prefer having the credit limit on games that I play, it makes managing my game currency/money a lot easier which reminds me I should pay a visit to Sport soon to try and resume the grind to Level 50 and buying the last of those 20 million cars...
Yeah seriously, what's the point of the credit limit? I really want this to be an interview question when (if?) the chance comes.
This is a very technical answer, but I feel like it might have to do with integer limits; assuming that past GT games were 32-bit the cap would be 2,147,483,647 CR before probably becoming -1 CR (see: GT3 Seattle/GT-One speed glitch, maximum money that can be earned in GTA games).

It gets more complicated because in Japan 2 billion CR is the equivalent of 20 million in the West. GT5/6/Sport aren’t region locked and thus not programmed differently between regions like 1-4 are, so I guess the 20 million hard cap is a fail-safe if the language changes to Japanese.
Don't forget that the credit cap increases if you have the Lewis Hamilton DLC and completed up to Gold to get the increased money.

In reference to the original question I think PD set the cap at 20 million because it was the most expensive car so why would we ever want to go over that amount of money.
The 20m Cr cars were added post launch as DLC, the credit cap was already present however it was carried over from previous games.

Personally I prefer having the credit limit on games that I play, it makes managing my game currency/money a lot easier which reminds me I should pay a visit to Sport soon to try and resume the grind to Level 50 and buying the last of those 20 million cars...
A credit cap is unavoidable, all values will have a cap even if it is a figure you're never likely to reach. But having a cap that is set at an amount people must reach (multiple times I must add) is bad game design.
What people paid for? A pretty good challenge, a ridiculous amount of credits and an exclusive car if you beat everything. The cost for that DLC was peanuts.
The cost was pathetic for what you got. Locking an increase in the number of credits you can hold is no better than the total crap 3rd party publishers pull with DLC to ease the grind they purposely put in a game for that very reason.
It would be shocking if they realesed paid dlc with new content like cars or circuits and for example only players who bought dlc could play daylies on new circuits

You could easily have dailies available to everyone whether they owned a track or not. One might even think of it as advertising to encourage players to buy a track so that they can have it available all the time instead of only when it happens to turn up as a daily.

In reference to the original question I think PD set the cap at 20 million because it was the most expensive car so why would we ever want to go over that amount of money.

It's a soft way to force players to spend their money instead of just saving it up.

That said, it's daft. If players don't want to buy cars without the cap in place, there are more fundamental problems that should be fixed instead of a band-aid like a credit cap. And the tradeoff of removing the freedom to save if players want isn't exactly worth it. It's another example of Polyphony trying to force a method of play where it's not warranted and ultimately damages the enjoyment for most players, like their omission of AI difficulty.

This is a very technical answer, but I feel like it might have to do with integer limits; assuming that past GT games were 32-bit the cap would be 2,147,483,647 CR before probably becoming -1 CR (see: GT3 Seattle/GT-One speed glitch, maximum money that can be earned in GTA games).

It gets more complicated because in Japan 2 billion CR is the equivalent of 20 million in the West. GT5/6/Sport aren’t region locked and thus not programmed differently between regions like 1-4 are, so I guess the 20 million hard cap is a fail-safe if the language changes to Japanese.

There's no chance of this in 2017 when the game was released. The credit limit may well have ended up being a 32-bit integer, but this is a game that has patches that are tens of gigabytes. If the developers wanted to use a 64-bit integer for this single value in the player's save file, I would suggest that was well within their technical capability. If they chose not to then that's a design choice.
Plus the increase in the DLC completely negates that theory, it is now 10 billion in the Japanese language version.
Though I can assure you the JP credits are like this pseudocode:
credits = 100,000;
region = jp;
if region = "jp"
displaycredits = credits * 100
displaycredits = credits;

However, the 32-bit/64-bit integer stuff may likely also still apply under that.
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What I found in interview:
- strong focus on ray tracing
- back to earlier gt so singleplayer again important
- japanese culture important so maybe super gt races ?
I wish we’d get fully fledged SUPER GT championships, with all current cars like we had NASCAR in GT5 (or at least the current models) :dopey: and manual rolling starts with realistic start speed... Oh well, one can dream.
I wish we’d get fully fledged SUPER GT championships, with all current cars like we had NASCAR in GT5 (or at least the current models) :dopey: and manual rolling starts with realistic start speed... Oh well, one can dream.
I wouldn't rule that out to be honest...
Though I can assure you the JP credits are like this pseudocode:

However, the 32-bit/64-bit integer stuff may likely also still apply under that.

One wonders about the usefulness of the last three significant digits when purchasing cars then. There's no reason that the ones or tens digits should ever be anything other than zero, and the hundreds is pretty useless as well. So Polyphony could just use those two or three digits at the top end of the range and multiply the storage integer by 1000 to display to the player, a trick you claim they're already doing (with a different multiplier) with the Japanese currency.

So the 32 bit integer "limit" doesn't even fit, particularly not with the introduction of the raised cap. It was a choice from the start, not a limitation.
From my side I only bought the Hamilton DLC to unlock the credit cap. It was disappointing to see that I cannot save up more money than 20M. It was never cool about GTS. Imagine getting the money for your dream car, and at the same time you purchase it your current amount of credits are: Zero (0 Cr.) How's that looks honestly?

The cap only really makes a difference to the money you get in the game if after successfully saving up to buy an expensive car you don't want to buy it straight away, which i doubt many people do.
The cap only really makes a difference to the money you get in the game if after successfully saving up to buy an expensive car you don't want to buy it straight away, which i doubt many people do.
It's an unecessary restriction, there really is no need to have it set to a point that you must reach multiple times.It also means once you get close to the cap you risk losing earnings. Let's say you're on 19,700,000Cr and you enter a race where you win 600,000Cr, you've just lost 300,000Cr regardless of if you buy that 20mCr car straight after the race or not. There's no benefit to having the cap, the fact you have to pay for DLC that extends it makes the situation even worse. But on the grand scheme of things a Cr cap is not the biggest thing about GT Sport, though it is an easy thing to fix.
It's an unecessary restriction, there really is no need to have it set to a point that you must reach multiple times.It also means once you get close to the cap you risk losing earnings. Let's say you're on 19,700,000Cr and you enter a race where you win 600,000Cr, you've just lost 300,000Cr regardless of if you buy that 20mCr car straight after the race or not. There's no benefit to having the cap, the fact you have to pay for DLC that extends it makes the situation even worse. But on the grand scheme of things a Cr cap is not the biggest thing about GT Sport, though it is an easy thing to fix.
It has one benefit, it’s much easier to get to 0 Cr. to obtain the trophy :D
Kinda weird Playstation recently posted a link to the GT7 game page under the trailer in the YT comments. Both of which, have been up since June.

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Kinda weird Playstation recently posted a link to the GT7 game page under the trailer in the YT comments. Both of which, have been up since June.

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Yeah, I've noticed this a few days ago. Not just for GT7, but for Ratchet (which is supposed to release, err, soon™) and Horizon. If they're doing this, then it must mean a State of Play event this month or something.

But it's strange because is the only new game what disappeared in the list of the upcoming games in the PS5 Store
Other than it being possibly delayed to 2022, most likely reason is that they've chosen some new cover art for the game... *shrug*
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Other than it being possibly delayed to 2022, most likely reason is that they've chosen some new cover art for the game... *shrug*

Pragmata is in the “Coming Soon” section and isn’t due to come out until 2023. A delay to 2022 probably wouldn’t be a reason to remove it
It's an unecessary restriction, there really is no need to have it set to a point that you must reach multiple times.It also means once you get close to the cap you risk losing earnings. Let's say you're on 19,700,000Cr and you enter a race where you win 600,000Cr, you've just lost 300,000Cr regardless of if you buy that 20mCr car straight after the race or not. There's no benefit to having the cap, the fact you have to pay for DLC that extends it makes the situation even worse. But on the grand scheme of things a Cr cap is not the biggest thing about GT Sport, though it is an easy thing to fix.

Yeah I don't really know why there is a cap, but it's a minor thing and wouldn't bother me if they kept it.
Maybe I'm looking too much into it but from where PD still hasn't released a schedule for the next FIA season and the GT Sport time trials have been reduced now to one event to me it seems like even more of PDs focus has been shifted to GT7. I don't know what that means for the immediate future but this should most likely be a good thing in the long run.
FIA season begins February 27. Now, if it's only two events like that placeholder last week, that'll be something.