Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
That reads like a ChatGPT summary of Roflwaffle's article.

To be fair, it's probably easy enough to do a quick write up when 95% of the game can become completely nonfunctional the moment AWS experiences a blip. The joys of an always online game.
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Thats what i am saying...

Gran Turismo 7: Free Updates Fail to Steer Game Back on Track​

This literally reads like it was written by ChatGPT. It has the same style of writing (i.e. make numerous vague points, but never expand on them, plus a concluding paragraph).

Insane that people will post any old schlock as long as it criticises the game - while failing to offer solutions, mind you.
As much as I dislike waffle’s videos, he does sadly make some great points in his article
Rome wasn’t built in a day
The problem is you can’t completely rebuild the game from the ground up without making a sequel, and because GT7 is live service it’s unlikely PD is going to let the game die this quicjly
I bet PD could build a GT game from the ground up. Put aside the “but they won’t“ and “they’ll never” and “Sony wants to make money right now”, etc.

PD have use of certain licenced brands. We know they can build FF road car to MR road GT race car conversions and fantasy/concept cars. No matter if the car count is 150 or 400, we’ve played Kaz’ games for 26 years(half my life). They could build from the ground up every daggone time they make a new game. If they don’t solve the player concerns of utilising each and every car in any one of their GT games(which is a main concern that always comes up), all other features from weather to Sport Mode, are a nothingburger.
Well, some aspects of it are disappointing but overall it's fantastic IMHO.

IMHO it's also the most-polished driving game out there by a country mile.
What strikes me is that many issues rely only on choices easily fixable by PD (like game economy, content in terms of events for all types of cars, possibilities like selling cars, buying swaps and special parts which could have been there since day 1).

I am aware that they won't deliver tomorrow a much better AI, better penalty system for online racing, but many things could be fixed (and some have after nearly 1.5 year) that could greatly improve the overall experience without needind much effort.
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That reads like a ChatGPT summary of Roflwaffle's article.

To be fair, it's probably easy enough to do a quick write up when 95% of the game can become completely nonfunctional the moment AWS experiences a blip. The joys of an always online game.

Turns out they submitted it to the website themselves...
As I said there are absolutely problems with GT7 and many valid reasons to criticize the game.

#1 for me would be the inexcusable absence of singleplayer events.
Why isn´t there a 1 hour GT3 event at EVERY track, why isn´t there a 30 min GT4 event at EVERY track?

The overall package though I find absolutely fantastic.

Where else can I race a Hybrid Prototype around Le Mans and a tuned up 80s Nissan in the rain in the streets of Tokyo?
I can drive THE EXACT PORSCHE my dad had in the 90s around the Nordschleife and a GoKart in the desert of California.

I know it´s easy to loose view of the bigger picture - especially on the internet that is oftentimes an echo chamber for negativity,
but TO ME (not telling you how to feel) GT7 is fundamentally amazing.

Can it always be better? HELL YES
Is it still really great? Also yes.
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As stated in the article, GT lacks in events to actually use the cars they have and keep adding.

If they added ONE single thing I'd play GT7 repeatedly and I'd be happy with it.
ONE thing.

>> Multiplayer hoppers divided by car classes/PP limit <<
With all cars in the game, tuning allowed, tracks in continuous rotation.
(And no. Don't even mention the empty, boring, long to set, user created lobbies we have.)

We got so many nice cars, that they also keep adding for free, but no way to use them in a fun, competitive way online.
So what do I do with those cars? I spend credits to improve them aesthetically and in terms of performance.
And then just stare at them in the garage.
That's it.

Not having that particular feature makes me want to do 1 race, 2 at most, in a day. Why? Because we're stuck with only three daily races and they're also completely different from each other.
A/ Only one make racing with awful tires and awful handling, or a small selection of 3-4 cars allowed. Rarely tuning is allowed. Short race.
B/ Gr. 3 or Gr.4 only. Short race. Meta car every time. (Most of the time B race is basically another one make)
C/ Long race / Endurance

Personally, the ONLY one that comes close to my preferences in terms of race length and car roaster/handling is Race B. But then again, we're stuck with the same track and car(s) selection for an entire week.
When GT7 came out, they gave us a race with a free choice of cars, tuning allowed with PP limit. I believe the track was Deep Forest.
It was a good start. But then they removed it and never tried again to let us have fun.

Over the years PD forced me to buy
Xbox 360 + FM3 + FM4
Xbox One + FM5 + FM6 + FM7
and soon I'll have to buy an Xbox Series X + FM8.
Just to have fun.

fm will smith.png
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As stated in the article, GT lacks in events to actually use the cars they have and keep adding.

If they added ONE single thing I'd play GT7 repeatedly and I'd be happy with it.
ONE thing.

Multiplayer hoppers divided by car classes/PP limit.

With all cars in the game, tuning allowed, tracks in continuous rotation.
(And no. Don't even mention the empty, boring, long to set, user created lobbies we have.)
We got so many nice cars, that they also keep adding for free, but no way to use them in a fun, competitive way online.

Not having this particular feature makes me want to do 1 race, 2 at most, in a day. Why? Because we're stuck with only three daily races and they're also completely different from each other.
A/ Only one make racing with awful tires and awful handling, or a small selection of 3-4 cars allowed. Rarely tuning is allowed. Short race.
B/ Gr. 3 or Gr.4 only. Short race.
C/ Long race / Endurance

Personally, the ONLY one that comes close to my preferences in terms of race length/car roaster and car handling is Race B. But then again, we're stuck with the same race and the same car(s) for an entire week.
When GT7 came out, they gave us a race with a free choice of cars, tuning allowed with PP limit. I believe the track was Deep Forest.
It was a good start. But then they removed it and never tried again to let us have fun.

Over the years PD forced me to buy an XBOX 360 + FM3 + FM4, XBOX One + FM5 + FM6 + FM7 and soon I'll have to buy an Xbox Series X + FM8.
Just to have fun.

View attachment 1264971
They should increase the custom race payout too. We could make anything from that. 24 hours races in 1 hour, real 24 hours endurances, other endurance races, Le Mans Midnight rain, nurburgring midnight rain, etc etc but the problem is it is not worth it for now.
Also they should make custom race lobby with classes or PP limit or selected car only ex. only group C cars, only newer LMP, only Nissan GTR, etc etc, or no limit race for fun. It should be simple and will be good for the community. There is so much that can be done but updates are mostly lame.
Why isn´t there a 1 hour GT3 event at EVERY track, why isn´t there a 30 min GT4 event at EVERY track?
Eh, every track that's a fit for those kinds of cars, yeah, but I wouldn't want the same exact setup of race at every track in the game. There's a point where the same setup over and over just becomes bloat and a chore to get though (such as GT4's Special Conditions hall)
Eh, every track that's a fit for those kinds of cars, yeah, but I wouldn't want the same exact setup of race at every track in the game. There's a point where the same setup over and over just becomes bloat and a chore to get though (such as GT4's Special Conditions hall)
Nobody forces you do do anything - therfore I don´t really understand how that would be a chore?
What is a chore though is driving Spa and Le Mans over and over again since these are basically the only races with high payouts.

Having similar setups at every track would be liberating imo.
You can elaborate how VR changes the perspective on the flaws.
Not on the flaws. On the entire game. I don’t think it’s very hard to wrap your head around how the addition of a major feature can change your perspective on it.

Try it if you get the opportunity.
Honestly I think you're giving modern kids too much credit. You're right that they're not stupid, in fact they've got the opposite problem, they are surrounded by limitless information, instantly accessible anywhere they go. Simply grabbing their attention at all is hard enough but keeping it for any amount of time is virtually impossible without purposefully designing some addictive aspect into the game.

Back when I was playing GT2 and 3 all it took was a good game to create the addiction simply because there wasn't much else to occupy myself with. By the time GT4 came around the internet had matured and suddenly this here forum became the addictive aspect, and we got a taste of blending social media and video games. Nowadays, if it isn't competitive multiplayer then the kids don't want to play it.

For me, all it takes to keep me engaged is a boatload of nostalgia. Rewrap GT2 and make it pretty and you won't see me for months. GT7 has to solve the excellent problem of having to appeal to older naturally loyal audiences with nostaligic tastes and new audiences who aren't loyal fans yet and require completely new ways of engagement to become loyal. This forum has countless examples of how different generations of consumers butt heads and argue about how the game should be designed.
Don’t know what you do for a living, but solid post very well stated. You should consider being a writer. I haven’t thought about the younger generations perspective, now here in a GTplanet form your explanation helps me understand others.
This literally reads like it was written by ChatGPT. It has the same style of writing (i.e. make numerous vague points, but never expand on them, plus a concluding paragraph).

Insane that people will post any old schlock as long as it criticises the game - while failing to offer solutions, mind you.
I'm surprised the AI prompt article didn't pick up on me changing the oil in my Tesla, ri-

ONE thing.
It's always worth remembering that coming up with a principle for doing a process might be patentable. Searching the EPO reveals patents submitted for online multiplayer matching from both Sony and Microsoft, and may others, sometimes it's related to the network infrastructure, sometimes it's related to the principles of use.

Click through the drawings attached to this ...

... and you'll see how much the relevant parties might want to claim some pretty fundamental stuff as their idea - or at least prevent others from doing so (applied for but not granted patents prevent others from claiming originality).

Here's 3 cropped out from a simple search... that returned tens of pages.


I'm not saying that's applicable in every situation, but it's easy for average Joe consumer game player to think something is obvious, but there be much deeper things that corporations have to consider - a gamer might think Forza does this, it's a good idea Gran Turismo should do it too, but they might literally have to license the idea from the competition. It wouldn't surprise me if shuffle racing perhaps fell foul of something like this.
Not on the flaws. On the entire game. I don’t think it’s very hard to wrap your head around how the addition of a major feature can change your perspective on it.
That is not what you said though:
VR does NOT make all the legitimate complaints go away, but it does somehow change the perspective a bit.
This strongly implies that we can begin to look past the issues because the game supports VR. If you meant something else, fine.
That is not what you said though:

This strongly implies that we can begin to look past the issues because the game supports VR. If you meant something else, fine.
I think you read it how you wanted to.
I think I said the exact opposite. Especially when you read my entire post.

Either way there’s nothing to gain from this back and forth.

I hope you try VR one day, I hope it makes you enjoy the game more as it did for me.

Let’s move on.
It's always worth remembering that coming up with a principle for doing a process might be patentable. Searching the EPO reveals patents submitted for online multiplayer matching from both Sony and Microsoft, and may others, sometimes it's related to the network infrastructure, sometimes it's related to the principles of use.

Click through the drawings attached to this ...

... and you'll see how much the relevant parties might want to claim some pretty fundamental stuff as their idea - or at least prevent others from doing so (applied for but not granted patents prevent others from claiming originality).

Here's 3 cropped out from a simple search... that returned tens of pages.

View attachment 1265064

I'm not saying that's applicable in every situation, but it's easy for average Joe consumer game player to think something is obvious, but there be much deeper things that corporations have to consider - a gamer might think Forza does this, it's a good idea Gran Turismo should do it too, but they might literally have to license the idea from the competition. It wouldn't surprise me if shuffle racing perhaps fell foul of something like this.
I always thought each company/developer had their own patents, but Jesus Christ this goes far beyond anything I've ever imagined.
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They should increase the custom race payout too. We could make anything from that. 24 hours races in 1 hour, real 24 hours endurances, other endurance races, Le Mans Midnight rain, nurburgring midnight rain, etc etc but the problem is it is not worth it for now.
Why? You race because of the money or because of the race? I have about 97.000.000cr.+ I have all the cars, but I've never raced because of the money but for fun an what my mood is to drive...

I care only for sooner Sophy integration in GT7. That's gonna be a game changer for me.
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