It is a bad intention if you're being misleading. Any one can find anything on either side of the fence showing that the community is toxic. So yes, you are just speaking to speak, and being intentionally, or unintentionally misleading about the subject. Unfortunately for you, 3 screenshots doesn't prove diddly about one side being more toxic than the other.
The ones pretending that only the other side of the fence is toxic, or more toxic then the community they're in are only adding to that toxicity within the community they are against. This is only fueling the exact things you're pointing fingers at others for being a part of. People like this is the exact reason console wars exist in the first place and it's completely ironic considering the things you're saying. If that's what you really think, than you're really just part of this console-war toxicity.
This is not a university community or scientific community to waste time, especially since you already go with the assumption of "bad intentions".
On the other hand, the point I am trying to demonstrate is that the toxicity - of a part of the xbox community - is so big that even important figures from the Microsoft division participate, reward and promote toxic attitudes.
Now, with the cheap demagoguery that you handle, then prove that a Playstation manager echoes a toxic Twitter or YouTube user, its easy, righ?
Come on, are we seriously doing this? Toxicity at any level on either side is stupid and it's always there. Who cares if Xbox staff like some random dude on twitter with his nonsense opinions?
Besides, why do you even know that? Why are you looking up who Xbox staff follow and what they like? Suggests you're in deep in the toxic cesspit yourself.
NOBODY said toxicity at any level didn't matter. It was not even suggested.
Let's learn to read.
On the other hand, I was asked to provide evidence for my claims (which only I did and the other guy didn't). I did that.
In which world is it negative to offer evidence? The toxic thing is pointing without evidence.
On the other hand, and this makes me quite funny, is that I only invested 5 minutes of free time to find something toxic on the twitter of Xbox Games Marketing & Home Appliance Visionary at Microsoft, not a "random guy", which very much to his Regret further proves my point.
To make this funnier, I'm doing a research about tribalism in the videogame industry, so not only I have evidence, also I know more about it than you do.
Simplifying and assuming things about people is very toxic.
You guys have a very wrong idea of toxicity.