Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
So there are far more things to spend credits on in GTS, more cars and the myriad of tuning and customisation parts, but the payouts for events are even stingier than GTS.

I think it's pretty safe to say then at this point the game is indeed very much geared around MTs and pushing you towards them, or spending a ridiculous amount of time grinding. What a shame.

If people continue to just hand wave this, say they're optional so it's OK, then Sony/PD are going to keep doing this. You gotta make your voices heard folks, or it's only going to get worse.
tbh i disagree, there are a lot of races you can get easy cash with, i made about 850k in an hour earlier
you just have to unlock or finish the cafe menus to get better paying events
and MTS are just optional GTSport had them, and GT6 had the same with buying credits
@Samus yea I see what you mean… just tried to buy a Lamborghini veno I can’t I need the invitation… I thought if you had the money you can buy anything so I am so madd at that.. while it’s kinda rough having to get a Invitation to buy a car… at least the MTs money don’t trump it… you still have to be invited to get it. I’m cool with it. But like I got invited to buy Ferrari and I could see someone wanting to get it and thinking about getting MTs so they can get it and not miss out… so yea this is getting strange…
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Damn I watching a video last night also and he was explaining how the prices were different from his friends… thanks for the clearing that up…. I am also leaning towards what you were saying about those MTs…I’m going to give it a full month though before I make a final decision.
Ok Anyone can confirm for 100% how those invitations works? I am confused :boggled:
Ok Anyone can confirm for 100% how those invitations works? I am confused :boggled:
For the super high end cars you have to be invited to get them… you cannot just purchase them… the problem is they are expensive and you don’t know when you would be getting another invite… so I can see people actually getting those MTs…. Me if I want it I’m just going to grind it gives you like a week to grind before it expires so I will just do that… but Sony is not slick I’m start to peep game!
I'll point out to Polyphony that gearing the game towards MTs is a stupid move and is what got other studios in trouble. They should not go down the path of EA nor Take Two. I'm not sure if saying this will work though.
tbh i disagree, there are a lot of races you can get easy cash with, i made about 850k in an hour earlier
That really isn't much when cars can cost 20M and each car has countless upgrade costs. I'm currently working out the total cost of the car list because I've nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon, I don't think it's going to be pretty.
and MTS are just optional GTSport had them, and GT6 had the same with buying credits
So that makes it OK? No, it doesn't. They're giving you two options if you want to complete one key facet of the game, collecting all the cars. Grind for a LONG time, or pay extra money.

You know what a perfectly viable option is that they didn't include? Increasing the amount of credits you earn so the grinding is more in line with the older games. GT1-4 did NOT require the amount of grinding in the games afterwards.

That is always the issue with this type of MT and the fact they're optional doesn't magically make their effect go away. They were optional in GTS, I didn't buy any, and the result was I didn't get to drive a selection of cars because I wasn't going to do the alternative either, spend 50 hours of my life grinding around Blue Moon Bay or just playing the game naturally for 4 years.

Ergo, the MTs had a huge affect on my game despite them being optional and me not using them. The same is going to be true in GT7 if PD don't change anything.
For the super high end cars you have to be invited to get them… you cannot just purchase them… the problem is they are expensive and you don’t know when you would be getting another invite… so I can see people actually getting those MTs…. Me if I want it I’m just going to grind it gives you like a week to grind before it expires so I will just do that… but Sony is not slick I’m start to peep game!
This is what I was thinking. I just heard someone that was trying to say that it was just a discount. Unfortunately not :( Too bad. I hate this idea of limited time to buy a car. :(
Actually the invitation is kinda cool my invitation expires 3/19/22 that’s gives the player almost two weeks to get the car! What I will say to you guys is just grind for the cars yeah it’s going to suck… but I can see Sony using this technique to also make players say I’m just going to buy the credits and get it… I will never tell anyone how to use their money, however if they are making the game design like this that’s messed up! I am not saying they are… as I said before I got two weeks to grind up 1 million… I can do that but I don’t know if everyone is willing the grind.. that concept I like but the MTs might be a little fishy only time will tell!

@MroczMR they give you about two weeks to get the cars that’s enough time if you really want the car you can get it by grinding! I am actually going to grind up a Mill to get the LaFerrari
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So there are far more things to spend credits on in GTS, more cars and the myriad of tuning and customisation parts, but the payouts for events are even stingier than GTS.

I think it's pretty safe to say then at this point the game is indeed very much geared around MTs and pushing you towards them, or spending a ridiculous amount of time grinding. What a shame.

If people continue to just hand wave this, say they're optional so it's OK, then Sony/PD are going to keep doing this. You gotta make your voices heard folks, or it's only going to get worse.
I'm not often agree with you, loving the game, but yeah, the payouts are awful low and the price of MT way too high(and the whole concept is bad), you're totally right on this. But I guess it's the way they found to give us free DLC cars and track.
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Actually the invitation is kinda cool my invitation expired 3/19/22 that’s gives the player almost two weeks to get the car! What I will say to you guys is just grind for the cars yeah it’s going to suck… but I can see Sony using this technique to also make players say I’m just going to buy the credits and get it… I will never tell anyone how to use their money, however if they are making the game design like this that’s messed up! I am not saying they are… as I said before I got two weeks to grind up 1 million… I can do that but I don’t know if everyone is willing the grind.. that concept I like but the MTs might be a little fishy only time will tell!
This whole invitation stuff just makes me chuckle,congrats Kaz you sucessifully made every gt player think exotic manufacturers are a bunch of d**** for having such a bureaucratic system for buying cars,i'll stick with the japanese boxes(maybe that was the plan all along😂)
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The tech powering their weather system is mind boggling. A literal game changer not just for racing games but gaming in general.
When MSFS2020 showcased their stuff everyones jaw dropped. They belong in the dust now, imo. GT7 only needs their windshield effects to be on par with MSFS.
Anyone found any traces of a rain license?
Metaphorical speaking.

Actually the invitation is kinda cool my invitation expired 3/19/22 that’s gives the player almost two weeks to get the car! What I will say to you guys is just grind for the cars yeah it’s going to suck… but I can see Sony using this technique to also make players say I’m just going to buy the credits and get it… I will never tell anyone how to use their money, however if they are making the game design like this that’s messed up! I am not saying they are… as I said before I got two weeks to grind up 1 million… I can do that but I don’t know if everyone is willing the grind.. that concept I like but the MTs might be a little fishy only time will tell!
Pretty sure those invitations come and go. No big deal.
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This whole invitation stuff just makes me chuckle,congrats Kaz you sucessifully made every gt player think exotic manufacturers are a bunch of d**** for having such a bureocratic system for buying cars,i'll stick with the japanese boxes(maybe that was the plan all along😂)
This really made me laugh man… GT is weird but I kinda like the concepts… in many other racing games it pretty easy to obtain cars.. GT throws curves at you and your like what?!?! What’s cool though when you do see an exotic with this system it will be rare!
So that makes it OK? No, it doesn't. They're giving you two options if you want to complete one key facet of the game, collecting all the cars. Grind for a LONG time, or pay extra money.

It’d help to know whether collecting every car is necessary (to get 100% completion and/or receive the platinum trophy) as if not there are plenty I’d be happy to go without - Gr3 road car versions, many VGTs, etc.

As far as high-value cars go, I have a list of about twenty ‘must-gets’ I’ll be focusing on trying to collect over the next six months or so. Might take longer, but that’s fine, I’m taking the longer view. My Aston invitation to buy a One77 or Vulcan will expire unused...

We do need a list of all prize cars for cafe/missions/licences tho, so we don’t waste money buying models we end up getting as prizes too. I have 50-odd cars now after 3 days of play - crazy. The only one I’ve had to buy was the Ford pickup needed for a couple of races.

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When MSFS2020 showcased their stuff everyones jaw dropped. They belong in the dust now, imo. GT7 only needs their windshield effects to be on par with MSFS.

Metaphorical speaking.
The droplets and water effects must be a fps killer,the release build has way more water drops than in the State of Play footage,but still kinda disappointing,excited for full next gen GT
I'm liking this so far, been playing GT since the first one and it's nice to see Kazunori Yamauchis' lifes work evolve into what we have today. I'm on menu book one so I have a long way to go.
The droplets and water effects must be a fps killer,the release build has way more water drops than in the State of Play footage,but still kinda disappointing,excited for full next gen GT
Have you race when it’s pouring I thought it was pretty impressive!
One of the fun things I missed in singleplayer championships since GT6 is how you can sometimes struggle to find a car that works and other times you show up with something that completely annihilates all the opposition. Like in the Schwarzwald League (German cars limited to 700PP), instead of tuning up one of my 911’s or M3s I decided to downtune that 917 Living Legend from 818 to 700. Drop down the tyres from RH to SS, decrease front and rear downforce as much as possible, add 80 kg of ballast all the way in the front (which also changes the WB from 42% to 46% front), drop the ECU to 75% and the power restrictor to 74% and voila: race already won! 😁 That’s also my first experience with this car, so heavily detuned it’s still a missile on the track. This must be insane at its stock settings. 😅

I don’t even dare to touch all the other tuning options (for now) but playing around with tyre compounds, downforce sliders, limiting power output and adding/removing ballast seems a nice and quick way to tune a car without going in-depth on settings and parts.

On that note I have 2 questions:
1) what exactly is the difference between decreasing the ECU and decreasing the power restrictor? Aren’t both doing the same thing, being to limited engine power output? Having both available sure is nice as the effect from both seems to stack, at least in bringing down PP a huge chunk.
2) is there a way to completely reset a car back to stock? That means all the tuning, upgrade parts and GT Auto parts?

I actually wouldn't mind the invitational system so much if they actually bothered to craft a gameplay reason for it existing. As it is, there is no explanation other than it exists because it does. Who is inviting me to buy these cars? Why? There is nothing. Just a cold lifeless menu saying "NO!".

They could have made something interesting out of it, building affinity with a manufacturer before they'll let you buy their prestigious models, or even just tied it to general progression.

But as it is presented, it is just another barrier without explanation that is tied to a random roulette system and you can't help but feel suspicious with their intentions.
It’d help to know whether collecting every car is necessary (to get 100% completion and/or receive the platinum trophy) as if so there are plenty I’d be happy to go without - Gr3 road car versions, many VGTs, etc.

As far as high-value cars go, I have a list of about twenty ‘must-gets’ I’ll be focusing on trying to collect over the next six months or so. Might take longer, but that’s fine, I’m taking the longer view. My Aston invitation to buy a One77 or Vulcan will expire unused...

We do need a list of all prize cars for cafe/missions/licences tho, so we don’t waste money buying models we end up getting as prizes to. I have 50-odd cars now after 3 days of play - crazy. The only one I’ve had to buy was the Ford pickup needed for a couple of races.
The frustrating part is that the economy would be fine if not for MTX.
Earlier gt games had weird ways of limiting the players could get cars(used car rotation,special cars in certain days on GT4).
But then MTX rears its ugly head,it sucks.
The droplets and water effects must be a fps killer,the release build has way more water drops than in the State of Play footage,but still kinda disappointing,excited for full next gen GT
I think you’re right. GT5 before updates was good, imo. If we could have that but with higher resolution. It actually showed water spray on the windshield too didn’t it?

is there a way to completely reset a car back to stock? That means all the tuning, upgrade parts and GT Auto parts?
Yes and no; internal engine parts, no. You can’t undo port and polish irl, and that’s how the game works too.
If you want it all stock you need to buy a new engine.
Next up, watch PD say you can't buy a brand new engine for an old car because all new old stock has been used up and is permanently discontinued :P
I think the microtransactions are poor value for money. But all this doesn't reek of the game being designed around them, it just reeks of PD poorly thinking out its gameplay balance.

I think that just like GT5 and GT6 they'll rebalance the credit gain in this game through the early updates. After all, they want player retention above all else, and this stuff drives players away long term. They'll definitely want to change this sooner rather than later.
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Next up, watch PD say you can't buy a brand new engine for an old car because all new old stock has been used up and is permanently discontinued :P
Ooof. :lol:

And NOS parts. If they accurately depicted those prices. :lol: (I remember when I had a 260Z, a NOS wiper fluid tank costed $1000)
Actually the invitation is kinda cool my invitation expired 3/19/22 that’s gives the player almost two weeks to get the car! What I will say to you guys is just grind for the cars yeah it’s going to suck… but I can see Sony using this technique to also make players say I’m just going to buy the credits and get it… I will never tell anyone how to use their money, however if they are making the game design like this that’s messed up! I am not saying they are… as I said before I got two weeks to grind up 1 million… I can do that but I don’t know if everyone is willing the grind.. that concept I like but the MTs might be a little fishy only time will tell!

@MroczMR they give you about two weeks to get the cars that’s enough time if you really want the car you can get it by grinding! I am actually going to grind up a Mill to get the LaFerrari
This has been my invitation…


That’s one way to completely use up that 1.6 mill credits from the Deluxe preorder…. and then some. Still about half a million to go but I think that won’t be too hard, I barely bought any cars so far and have been saving up nicely for things like this.

Now, I would be really annoyed if this car can end up at the roulette tickets as well. I assume that every Legend Car and invitational car won’t ever show up on the roulette wheels?
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I think you’re right. GT5 before updates was good, imo. If we could have that but with higher resolution. It actually showed water spray on the windshield too didn’t it?
The impressive part of the rain in gt7 is the sound of the rain getting heavier while in cockpit,PD nailed it.
Makes even the waterdrops look better since it's so immersive the way the rain comes and goes.
I think the microtransactions are poor value for money. But all this doesn't reek of the game being designed around them, it just reeks of PD poorly thinking out its gameplay balance.

I think that just like GT5 and GT6 they'll rebalance the credit gain in this game through the early updates. After all, they want player retention.
This is exactly why I will hold my judgment.. I mean the game has only been out for 2 days, however I will not overlook what the people are saying about MTs… I think just by nature people are going to use them… cool but if your purposely designing your game to trap players into using them… yea I’ll pass… so far money for me has been extremely easy… a grind yes but fairly easy to get.. my payouts are starting to become bigger as I get more into the game.