Gran Turismo 7 PS5 Pro Update: 8K Graphics, Real-Time Ray-Tracing On Track

  • Thread starter Famine


I don't think gt7 is the game to sell us on a ps5 pro. Maybe if it improves VR, but how many of us play gt7 in VR?

Even if we come to realise the game now runs at solid 120hz, they didn't say or show this mode, is this really a reason to upgrade? I doubt it. I know pc players vouch for the 120hz is the way to play, and maybe this is just the new 30hz vs 60hz discussion, but I just don't see it justifying the cost of upgrading.

Maybe if you play one of those games that are a blurry mess at 60hz. Maybe.
The only reason people like 120fps is because it rarely drops below 90fps. There have been several academic studies to show that humans are not typically able to see more than 100fps
Dear Sony, remember the rip-roaring non-entity that was the PS4 Pro? A grand total of 6% (and that's generously rounded up) of the games available for it have Pro updates, what makes you think the PS5 Pro is going to be any more successful?
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The only reason people like 120fps is because it rarely drops below 90fps. There have been several academic studies to show that humans are not typically able to see more than 100fps
When using a FFB wheel though 120hz/frame rate display with 250hz FFB you reach the point that anything faster is beyond perceptible, but anything less does quickly become noticeable and makes things very inconsistent versus as natural as walking.

So now they can focus on the really, nigh near impossible challenges, of game play and having things that would be unimaginable, like unlimited automatic real time raplay saving, you know like you had with the my first original Gran Turismo back in the 90s, just stick in another memory card. but now with so many terabytes, limiting save space to a mere 500 ish megabytes is all they can manage from al that POWAH Even allowing local only replay saves would be sacrilege to even conceive with all the POWAH nowadays. Having plenty of fun modes like infected, flood, cat and mouse, or create your own leagues, well that is clearly still beyond all the amazing POWAH of even the 30th anniversary Pro bundle. It's like only the frames can be counted with the POWAH- anything more than counting is unimaginable, it's silly, it's just plain cra cra gone wild.

The most surreal part is the defense of it, especially while hardware sales tank and all the frame bean counters can't explain to the overlord exec and board masters why folks looking for fun aren't buying "theMOARframes" while small extremely vocal folks defend endlessly the perfection of the decisions that have created the mess.

Folks buy fun, and they buy fun their friends are playing so they can play with them. They buy for having a wide enticement of ways to have fun, livery,helmet, HUD, BODY KITS, TRACKS created and shared with friends, league races setup for friends to play together, serious and zany races with different game rules like race in reverse only, can only use gear once, cat and mouse. And they want to be able to spectate and watch broadcasts with their friends. The things that bring in the big chunks of fun times are being removed and those who aren't condemning it, because they don't care about what anyone else might enjoy, are ensuring the diminishing player base.

They got a lot right. But they are drifting off course, and it appears to be unclear if they're gonna catch it... or want to .. or realize it with endless praise when criticism is desrved. The recent physics update was in the right direction.

It's watching them get screamed at POLO POLO POLO right in their faces as they reluctantly whisper marco and stretch their hands straight up. Like someone is paying them off to throw the fight. Did the fanatec coop creeps infect polyphony? Is corsair looking to create turmoil at PD and scoop them up in a bankruptcy sale in the coming year?!

Even the broadcast trailer was built and likely just waiting for someone to go pickup from the car wash to get re-parked in the right spot:
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Watching the Pro preorders has been fun. The 30th anniversary has already sold out, scalpers delight. The Pro itself is still available for the moment.
Watching the Pro preorders has been fun. The 30th anniversary has already sold out, scalpers delight. The Pro itself is still available for the moment.
Watching? Where?
All I have is an estimated wait time which keeps getting worse.
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meanwhile PS5 Pro
It sure beats waiting in the freezing icey rain in the middle of the night for a store to open the doors to then fight your way to torn damaged box only to find it has been looted.

Though the space time warping "waiting room" with an estimated time that appears to be randomly determined or more maybe just more scientifically based on the number of butterflies landing on pink cars withing a dozen square mile radius seems almost even more diabolical. It's like having "must use and keep for 24 month" contracts to purchase would be too obvious. Doesn't show up as connected to PSN for a month, boom $5000 fine buddy boy. let the scalpers pay the price already.
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November update better bring many good stuff and actual interesting/playable(replayable) content.... This long wait has the game completely shut down for me.
Same for me. I don’t want to complain too much after putting around 450 hrs into this game since release.
Honestly I don’t expect huge changes especially for the singleplayer anymore but we will see.
But I have to say that even smaller updates and some new cars always brought me back to the game.
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Another case of the loud voice of the minority not representing the consenus?
The ridiculous overpriced console that people wont buy is sold out.
I forgot to check in the morning and this afternoon its unavailable.
Another case of the loud voice of the minority not representing the consenus?
Just a matter of numbers.
Even if 75% said "too expensive" that 25% standing at the door and waiting for the shop to open still are enough to run the storages empty.
Another case of the loud voice of the minority not representing the consenus?
The ridiculous overpriced console that people wont buy is sold out.
I forgot to check in the morning and this afternoon its unavailable.
The PS5 Pro is not sold out. Only the 12,300 30th anniversary bundle is. And the tiniest of minority scalpers did so and are selling them for 10x, for market manipulation and profiteering, not because of market demand.

Aliexpress will have the 30th anniversary skins and controller plate replacements by the Nov 26th release date or the latest before the new year anyways. fools rush in.
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The PS5 Pro is not sold out. Only the 12,300 30th anniversary bundle is. And the tiniest of minority scalpers did so and are selling them for 10x, for market manipulation and profiteering, not because of market demand.

Aliexpress will have the 30th anniversary skins and controller plate replacements by the Nov 26th release date or the latest before the new year anyways. fools rush in.
The standard Pro is sold out in my region (UK) on Sony direct.
When I say sold out I mean the current stock. It's no longer available for sale this afternoon.
I just tried the US site, cant even access that to see, its a waiting room.
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Dear Sony, remember the rip-roaring non-entity that was the PS4 Pro? A grand total of 6% (and that's generously rounded up) of the games available for it have Pro updates, what makes you think the PS5 Pro is going to be any more successful?
I've seen over four decades of gaming and collecting that mid life console updates tend to target very few games. Atari and Sega screwed the pooch royally on this with the 7800 and the 32X. Atari's issue boiled down to people being too cheap to drop $5 to $10 more on a game that had a sound chip in the cartridge. Around 2005-2010 that started to become the norm and those games sold well to a small community of enthusiasts.
Sega fractured it's customer base with the 32X. It gets better though, as there were three different hardware configurations required to play all the CD, LaserDisc, and 32X games. Even the Nintendo 64's Expansion Pak library is fairly small. Unless you're into less popular Zelda and GoldenEye style shooters you don't need the upgrade. These days instead of installing a module or wiring the game room for a small brownout we're throwing a $500 console away and spending $700 to replace it and have the honor of re buying accessories.
That said, I'm one of those people who buys the upgrades. I also have a use for my "old" PS5 as we have never had a Blu Ray player in the house and could use one in the living room.

The PS5 Pro is not sold out. Only the 12,300 30th anniversary bundle is. And the tiniest of minority scalpers did so and are selling them for 10x, for market manipulation and profiteering, not because of market demand.

Aliexpress will have the 30th anniversary skins and controller plate replacements by the Nov 26th release date or the latest before the new year anyways. fools rush in.
View attachment 1392287
Sounds like a much better deal. Will they have them in plus sizes for the OG disc edition??

PS5 Pro or a holiday to Japan... hmm...
Based on experience with one or the other, a trip to Japan. You get to guess which one I've experienced but it's not difficult.
Who are the idiots who pays for that sort of price, just to say you have one before everyone else ??
Even if I can easily afford it, I mean technically I could do it too, but why ?

Such idiotic thing.
Just be patient, we have come to a point where people think they are the best if they are first, but in my eyes, the first people are the true idiots.

So be it, they are free to be idiots in my eyes and I am enjoying it.

It doesn't change my life one iota...

Why encourage that sort of behavior to out doing each other, a true race to the bottom....

I am enjoying my popcorn watching people throwing money foolishly.

Being first to have such thing by paying an unreasonable amount of money doesn't come across as smart or intelligent... Only stupid people would do it and I don't care if you have a million in the bank, it is still idiotic.

Prove me wrong

The only reason people like 120fps is because it rarely drops below 90fps. There have been several academic studies to show that humans are not typically able to see more than 100fps

I want a true 120hz for years now, at least 90, but I am not in an absolute rush to do so while encouraging s of scalping behavior or price grouching by the manufacturer.

I will wait, it will come soon enough.
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Who are the idiots who pays for that sort of price
the first people are the true idiots.
Only stupid people would do it and I don't care if you have a million in the bank, it is still idiotic.
Looks like some GTPlanet members are interesting in buying the console.

Do you want to try that again without being insulting towards them?
Who are the idiots who pays for that sort of price, just to say you have one before everyone else ??
Even if I can easily afford it, I mean technically I could do it too, but why ?

Such idiotic thing.
Just be patient, we have come to a point where people think they are the best if they are first, but in my eyes, the first people are the true idiots.

So be it, they are free to be idiots in my eyes and I am enjoying it.

It doesn't change my life one iota...

Why encourage that sort of behavior to out doing each other, a true race to the bottom....

I am enjoying my popcorn watching people throwing money foolishly.

Being first to have such thing by paying an unreasonable amount of money doesn't come across as smart or intelligent... Only stupid people would do it and I don't care if you have a million in the bank, it is still idiotic.

Prove me wrong

Yet there is a massive cult following that thinks the $220 for the controller is legit a deal, and by that logic the 30th bundle is really priced enticingly at $999. 2 controllers, 2TB, Pro. Sony is not ripping folks off. It's not inexpensive, but not a rip off. And until GT7 offers unlimited automatic replay saves to use that 2TB, it's really in the hands of the game developers as always to make it enticing.

The 10x scalpers ruin everything. Go Get Em Taylor Swift and us Swifties!!

It's like building a hot dog stand, the stand itself may be the best AI driven autobot decepticon technology fat food can entoxificate folks with in record pace, but without a gourmet mouth watering drool inducing unstoppable salivating delicious weiner stuffed with the most amazing carefully crafted ingredients that you just can't resist shoving down your throat to get all the juicy deliciousness, well those robots just gonna have to wait.


And Does anyone know Ray's last name? I'd like to play at what I assume is his house... or Maybe Ray is just like Madonna or Cher or Dua Lipa, no last name.
Quite odd that everything else is repeated multiple times, and they didn't bother to repeat Ray's last name even the first time even. marketingese is one helluva a drugged-up-language. When you really gotta stretch 4 bullet points out to like a few dozen or more.

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Looks like some GTPlanet members are interesting in buying the console.

Do you want to try that again without being insulting towards them?
At $12,300 or $17,099 for the 30th anniversary Pro ?

Sure People spend their money however they want, i am not preventing them or forbidding them, how could I, and why would I even bother ....

But That's my personal opinion about that situation.

So my free speech stops at their hurt feelings ?
Why don't we say that to trump first....

Sharing opinions here no longer allowed?
We cannot say something being stupid as stupid anymore ?

I see myself as a Democrat, but I am now confused as to what is the new socially correct way to say something is stupid without saying it is stupid ?

I thought I was woke, but I guess I am not woke enough.
(Need more coffee)

Should we also ban the word stupid from the dictionary?

Who here is hurt because I said you are stupid for buying a Pro ?

Buy it, i dont care. Spend however much you want on it, i don't care.

I personally think it is stupid....

And I will eventually be stupid enough to get the PS5 Pro or PS5 down the line....

Relax people, don't forget to wear your thick skin when you wake up... Cheese.