Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.23 Now Available: Adds New Cars, Menu Books, Races, and Scapes

  • Thread starter Famine
I stopped playing GT7 3 months ago and I used to do over 10 000km/month since release...while hoping the next update would make things better or as it was supposed to be in regards to cars and track at the minimum, at least in my mind or compared to some other games.

I got tired of getting disappointed monthly, so I stopped playing the game.

I still follow threads and news on GT planet in hopes things will get better.

Unfortunately the more it goes, the less the pattern changes in regards to updates.

So I don't plan on playing for the next 3-6 months at least, so when added all togheter, that' ll feel like a semi-decent update over the long haul. Maybe I'll play for a week, a month, 2 or 3, we'll see and again... unless a major update full of relevant content comes in. It's not what I wish, cause I'd rather play every day, have fun and stay entertained...but the way PD and/or Sony does things just pushes players away instead of doing the opposite.
Like many others here I feel insulted and taken for granted by the way things are conducted as well as with all those weird and often times irrelevant content choices.

For anyone that's been reading the forums over the past 6 months(or even longer), it is more than obvious what people are expecting from GT.

I usually am on the positive side of things, but now I'm done giving Sony or PD the benefit of the doubt, being patient and keep getting frustrated by poor administrative choices and repeatedly getting frustrated almost each month by poor updates or broken promises. It is a shame in 2022 the way too many things are managed about this game, which is otherwise a great franchise.

The business side of things is killing the fun, killing the game...and I've been playing it since GT 1, so for 25 years running!

Now go do your homework PD, Sony or whoever, I don't care and make sure FAST that GT7 becomes what it was always meant to be/should be. Thanks to sites like here, it keeps many people hanging around meanwhile and looking from a distance, but everything has its limits and alots has to improve before there won't be anybody hangin' around anymore when GT8 comes, no matter how great it might possibly be...

Right now I'm sitting on 70+ mil credits and I can't see when I will spend it. I'm sick and tired of grinding in hope for..., YO THIS AIN'T NO FUN!!!!! never has been! car prices are ridiculous, always grinding the same races like a slave, not enjoying the game anymore because the payouts are stoopid for 98% of races, always doing the same 2-3 races 100 times in a ...row and well car prices are out if this world...where's the fun in that? And I'm an adult with time on my hands, patience, skills, long life true motorsport first hand knowledge, passion and experience and a 25 years history of loyalty with the how is this supposed to be appealing to a kid? a teenager? or even a new customer? if all of this became aversive to most of us???

Believe me I enjoy racing, really enjoy racing. I do that in real life. I might as well just stick to only real life if nothing changes. Been reflecting on all this for a loooooong while now and I'm not the only one. Hope someone intelligent with common sense reads this at Sony.

What tells you there's a problem with the game is when many people tell you openly on forums that probably the most fun they've had with GT7 was when there was the BONANZA glitch! Yo! not even racing!!! a freakin' roulette game!...and I confess I'm one of em', my son too, his freinds to, and my friends too, and so many people here too, oh wait and most of them have left already before me so they won't be here to even read this today...makes you wonder.

Meanwhile, cheers to everyone that's still left.
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Can't you see your driver in replays if you enable RT? (genuine question, I don't have the PS5 ver)
No, I love replays watch em lots of times, never in replays, can see a reflection of my senna helmet in the dash of the mp4/4, not a rear view mirror, obviously was taken out. edit, on ps5 RT always on.
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Surely even people who generally do like VGTs aren't going to be jumping with excitement
I wonder what percentage of the player base actually likes

Silvia - delicious. Everything else - meh

I would really enjoy even just some low effort single player content, like adding in some more missions, challenges, circuit experiences on different layouts etc (even without new cars/tracks) - surely wouldn't be too hard to add some more missions or something, give us another challenge and another opportunity to earn a nice amount of credits
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You know five people after this will still bring up the Pikes Peak car. You do know this, right? ;)
I'm sure it's the same car but running different aero packages and liveries, nothing @Famine posts will convince me otherwise :sly:

I'm hyped for this update, the VW is one of the coolest race cars from the last few years that hasn't been in any game I've played yet (or has been in unappealing games as unappealing paid DLC).
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PD could have it tagged as #bicycle in GT7 and it wouldn't change the fact the car in GT7 isn't the Pikes Peak car.

This is the Pikes Peak (and Goodwood 2018) car:
View attachment 1195973

This is the Nurburgring and Goodwood 2019 car:
View attachment 1195972
(although the Goodwood version used a slightly lower wing, with additional end elements, compared to the 'Ring version)

And this is the Tianmen 2019 car:
View attachment 1195970

It was also reworked again for 2020:
View attachment 1195974
I do admire your attempts to educate the unworthy :bowdown:
Goddamn, they never miss putting scapes in the game. Was there any update that didn't have new scapes introduced? Jesus there's already like what thousands of scapes in the game?

Anyway, no new track was a given. Not surprised, obviously still disappointed though.

Tomorrow is the big one... Selling cars!!! You just know it's coming. 😏 Called it here first folks.
I feel like they would make a big "to-do" reveal if it is something involved like the guy on Twitter N-somthing. Would be somewhat shocking if they dropped it in the patch notes
Love the cars, hate the grind. I'm still saving up for the legendary car trophy, can't spend money on much else. :(
You know five people after this will still bring up the Pikes Peak car. You do know this, right? ;)
At this point I think people are aware the ID.R comes in various specs. But in PD’s world we know there is some ambiguity with classifications.

The Quattro S1 is classified as the #Pikes Peak edition, but eligible in rally events. The Escudo also has the #Pikes Peak classification, but isn’t eligible in rally events. You’d expect the same for the forthcoming (well, leaked) 208 T16.

Amongst other rally cars the 205 T16 E2 has an additional #WRC classification. Fictional rally cars don’t have this.

I’m not even sure how many ID.R chassis have been built or available to scan. Which could be a bigger influence in choosing the Nurburgring record car.
You look at the updates other "live" games are providing and they might not be as frequent but they're far more in-depth and you can see how they'd help retention/bringing players back. Large amounts of contents, entire new quests, new game modes, etc.

These GT updates, they feel like random updates for the sake of it because it's the end of the month and they're just updating the build internally. Except it's actually an already released product.
I swear GT7 and Halo Infinite are competing to see which game can have the worst post-launch support.
I swear GT7 and Halo Infinite are competing to see which game can have the worst post-launch support.

Nah... There's worse out there... some of them are even going to shut down completely (Babylon's Fall).

But in terms of first party exclusives? Halo Infinite is killing it... ....... at disappointing their playerbase that is. Even Gran Turismo manages to outdo them in terms of support quite frankly.
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If selling cars is really going to be in this patch. I’m 100% sure we’ll get comically low credits in return, like, probably even worse than 1/6 of the original value. PD won’t ever be generous to the players unless they receive a severe backlash again (like back in patch 1.07 )
Disappointing. I like the addition of the IDR, I don't really mind the S14. The VGT... well I hate VGT so you can only guess my thoughts on that.
Scapes are a nice gimmick but should not be something they put so much time into. More circuits, races, and expanded sport is where the updates should be focused. More cars to fill out the garage is meaningless when you don't have races to use them. I still do not understand why we have formula cars if there is no race to use them. They are there just as a checklist of cars that should be in "the greatest car enthusiast game" that this pretentious game thinks it is
Oh god it's the ugly Silvia
Nah, they haven't added the S10 yet.

Disappointing. I like the addition of the IDR, I don't really mind the S14. The VGT... well I hate VGT so you can only guess my thoughts on that.
Scapes are a nice gimmick but should not be something they put so much time into. More circuits, races, and expanded sport is where the updates should be focused. More cars to fill out the garage is meaningless when you don't have races to use them. I still do not understand why we have formula cars if there is no race to use them. They are there just as a checklist of cars that should be in "the greatest car enthusiast game" that this pretentious game thinks it is
Spot on...why do we have the Mclaren MP4 F1 car when no races for it !

Why is people even mentioning GT8?? GT7 is not even a finished game and people waiting for another? LOOOOLLLL.... Polyphony has become slow and arrogant.
I don’t know how many times it needs to be said. PD are delivering monthly updates as agreed with Sony’s marketing department. We can set the clock by them and largely know how many cars are coming. Even what month tracks & track variations are due.

Forza Horizon 5 released in November ‘21 and had it’s first major (paid) update in July ‘22. ACC released in February ‘22 and will get its first major revision (and probably last) in September ‘22.

GT7 has been on the market for 6 months. We have no idea how extensive PD’s work is with regards to future updates. Spec 2.0, paid DLC, PSVR2, PC, movie tie-ins. All are highly probable. None would be expected so early in the games lifespan.
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GT7 has been on the market for 6 months. We have no idea how extensive PD’s work is with regards to future updates. Spec 2.0, paid DLC, PSVR2, PC, movie tie-ins. All are highly probable. None would be expected so early in the games lifespan.
You keep mentioning those things. Is there something you know that we don't? If so, tell your insiders at Sony to hurry it up.