Kaz, PS4 Pro, GT7 won't even hold 60fps at 1080P. It can't even do that if one car drives around a track, and the replay is watched.
Even the PS5 Pro runs like a broken mess at 1080P too. The graphics on 4Pro images looks blurred, you've ruined Gran Turismo. LOD's pop in right in plain sight and just help break the immersion. To be fair though, the garbage framerate does that all by itself. Real life doesn't move at below 30fps, or anywhere close. GT7 is a crapfest, no wonder the metacritic user reviews are honest/dire - with negative reviews being the majority. Your priorities are down the pan - enough is enough already...
Form over function, and every choice the studio has made just crippled the game over and over. Cars designed to look amazing at 8K, why, when the game can't run locked at 60fps at 1080P. Pointless. You chose to simulate everything, and have brought the game engine to its knees. It takes the design team so long to build new cars now, and that just hurts our investment even more. Well, we can pause the game, take a photo and it looks real when we squint - so all is good in the world.