Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.52 Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter notarjy
I swear the copying of the update (I remember the good old days back when games just needed to download and install an update) is taking much longer than usual. For me the update is finished about an hour 15 minutes after it comes out but now it's only 70%. Hopefully my PS4 isn't about to die or something.
Same here. Still copying.
I can't wait to download this new update over the weekend, I'm gonna have a lot of fun with these new features and add-ons. I hope you all enjoy the new cars that PD showcases in this update.
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so I went to check out the Mitsubishi GTO for the claimed "engine swap" and it turns out it now has two options:

The Suzuki Escudo swap, as well as a Challenger Demon swap. Time to find out what the others now have as well!

(and on another note, the Silvia S15 TC now has the V8 from the 2008 GT-R GT500 ;) )
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Some countries have poor structures and are prone to energy spikes, that are well know to fry HMDI chips on PS (any, 2, 3, 4, 5). In those places standby mode is like asking for trouble.
Out of all the places in the USA, only Texas would be that bad - and he doesn't live in Texas.
Another chapter of the world's famous "Van Turismo, The Real HiAce Simulator" 🤣
I just love having these "oddball" vehicles at my disposal in this game, it opens up a whole new universe of possibilities, and quite frankly, a whole new way of actually having fun!
Driving a van might not be the fastest way to go around a track, but it's sure to be the funniest!
We absolutely need more unusual vehicles like this, hell I'd go nuts if I could drive some Australian Utes or some sports car/truck mashup like a Chevrolet El Camino or a Ford Ranchero :lol:
OK, let's not turn this into another wishlist thread, I'll just go download the update now...
EDIT: this makes me think if PD in their build of the game have some kind of "photo studio" mode. Can we have it too please? :rolleyes:
It would be nice to be able to add flash to scapes photos

If ive missed something I appologie,but what nakes people think we are getting a big update with the pro update in November?
Just curious.
Happy Mood GIF by Pudgy Penguins
It would be nice to be able to add flash to scapes photos

Yeah, true. With Kaz's passion to photography you would expect them to keep extending that part, but I think at least Scapes itself are a step back from proper photomode locations, though improvement also have been made (like 1/1 shutter speed for race photos). Actual 3D locations (they even already have them, just let us use) and setting up the lighting would be incredible.
No problem with the PS5 update but gave up with the PS4 update. Kept getting the insufficient space msg with over 150GB of free storage, so opted to delete game and reinstall.