Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.52 Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter notarjy
I’m not really understanding some people’s urge to downplay the physics issues. It’s either denial or straight up lack of trust in constructive feedback. Not cool.
I have not seen stock cars wobble around and take off into space, and again, the statement made was that the stock suspension was a mess, and I said that was an exaggeration. Posting something from several iterations ago, that you said was addressed in the above quote, doesn't really help me to understand where the mess is.
Like I said, cars taking off into space was adressed in version 1.50. The wobbling suspensions were not, though. Part of the same problem.

Try following the advice I posted above if you want to see it. You’ll find I’m not exaggerating by calling it a mess:
Try driving a stock Honda S800 on sport hard tires. Hit some elevated inside kerbs mid corner and you’ll experience wild stuff.
Well, I posted this...

And you can see my suspension is doing ok. I have adjusted it. Does it need compression adjustment? Yes. Is it horrible without this? Not for the majority, in my opinion.
I fail to see the relevance of this. We’re talking about stock suspensions here.
Like, not to be difficult, but I can grab a car from my inventory and I run it, without having to do much at all. So, sorry if I'm not seeing why there's an uproar. If this was a game breaker, as is being implied, then surely there's an example from the 1.52 update, not the 1.49 update
There have been examples from version 1.52. Yesterday there was a post showing a stock Ferrari 500 Mondial behaving ridiculously on Eiger. And above I’ve described how to recreate the issue for yourself with the Honda S800.
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As for as the "wobbling" goes, I thought they updated the tires, no? I thought we ended up with a slight mismatch of tire model and suspension that was set up for the original model. I can feel downforce now, as In I can feel a pressure pushing down on the car at speed, where as in the past it felt more faked as in a grip multiplier. I also feel the tired gripping and chattering, which is usually more apparent on motorcycles than cars because of their tendencies to slide around. It is usually a mismatch of the tire grip and suspension settings, which is why it makes sense that it's being experienced.

This is a slow mo of drag slick, but tires will stick and release in this same way when they slide laterally. That's just my opinion, but I can't know without seeing the code.

I think the reason why GT7 can get rather stale is because PD don't seem to invest as much time into offering content that holds attention. The three cars are nice and evo meeting are nice and all, but we still lack events for MR cars, and we still have many other numerous cars too that often go unused because of no dedicated event(s) for them.

Which actually brings me to my next thought; the lack of events wouldn't be a problem or common complaint even still 3 years in if PD gave us a proper event creator. Sure, we have the custom race feature, but that only goes so far. Why not expand upon it and let players create and share their own events that'll show up in the event roster like the other events do? Maybe let players also choose if they want their event to be a regular, chili pepper, or (if on PS5) a sophy event? A little effort can go long ways to ensure that people will still want to play 'long term' or however Kaz put it 2 years ago.

I think also that a drastic overhaul of the ticket system is needed. At level 50 you should not be seeing a 3-star ticket at all. Only rarely should you get even a 4 star. What you should be getting during the late game (level 40-50) is 5 and 6 star tickets. It only makes sense given the high amount of money one needs to spend to progress during those 10 levels. Such a basic revision can go a long way to make players feel properly rewarded and continue to encourage their engagement with the game.

Agreed there. Not sure what kaz was thinking when he designed the event creator. Suppose he figured out giving players more choice is something to advertise for the next game. To be fair GT7 has content.. To anyone playing it for the first time. But to the fans of the series. It could be so much more. Wheres TPE? The track path editor from GT6? That was a cool and interesting feature. Make entire racing circuits from the convenience of your ipad and download them to you game. To be honest. I really expected this feature to make an appearance in GT7 by now.

What about other "missing features"? There are more..

Wheres the used car wheels from GT4's Gt auto.

Wheres the custom interior gauge modifications from GT6?

Wheres window weight reduction and carbon fiber bonnets? (Yes we did have them in the previous gt game)

Where's cape ring and Seattle Circuit and El Capitain and other GT tracks? Where.. I presume more GT tracks will return for GT8. Since GT sport took to making new original circuits that bleed over to GT7. These new generation circuits replace the old ones. But theyre not that good of a replacement. Professionally designed.. But fun? A few are. And a few like Northern Isle Speedway.. Are dead boring
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Agreed there. Not sure what kaz was thinking when he designed the event creator. Suppose he figured out giving players more choice is something to advertise for the next game. To be fair GT7 has content.. To anyone playing it for the first time. But to the fans of the series. It could be so much more. Wheres TPE? The track path editor from GT6? That was a cool and interesting feature. Make entire racing circuits from the convenience of your ipad and download them to you game. To be honest. I really expected this feature to make an appearance in GT7 by now.

What about other "missing features"? There are more..

Wheres the used car wheels from GT4's Gt auto.

Wheres the custom interior gauge modifications from GT6?

Wheres window weight reduction and carbon fiber bonnets? (Yes we did have them in the previous gt game)

Where's cape ring and Seattle Circuit and El Capitain and other GT tracks? Where.. I presume more GT tracks will return for GT8. Since GT sport took to making new original circuits that bleed over to GT7. These new generation circuits replace the old ones. But theyre not that good of a replacement. Professionally designed.. But fun? A few are. And a few like Northern Isle Speedway.. Are dead boring
Man you really named 3 completely pointless features, the most hated original track in the series, a track where the entire 3rd sector no longer exists, and a meh track outside of the scenery, and those are your complaints? Bait used to be good.
I would wager a lot of stock cars will bottom out there in real life, particularly with the speeds you can run with Sports tyres and beyond in the game. Having owned a C4, and bottomed it out, it's plausible. They're pretty soft compared to most modern cars.
I would wager a lot of stock cars will bottom out there in real life, particularly with the speeds you can run with Sports tyres and beyond in the game. Having owned a C4, and bottomed it out, it's plausible. They're pretty soft compared to most modern cars.
Yeah. Most sportscars arent meant to be doing anywhere near those speeds for long periods of time. Its why people upgrade to coilovers and better shocks to control the play
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That applies to all sports and street cars irl. They only drive so many miles before giving out. That's why now we don't purchase that many of them, especially the majorly expensive ones.
Im reading a lot of confusion in this thread. Let me state some facts rq

Physics are a constant work in progress. Its been that way since release. Every gt game in the last 10 years has had multiple patches to update its physics till the very last content update where the physics is in a "satisfactory" state by then or should be. Most of these patches if not all change the physics of every car in the game. This is how GT games play out. This means you will find one update's physics prefferable to another. Until perhaps a new update to the physics becomes your new favourite. PD is still working it out. Thats all there is to it
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Im reading a lot of confusion in this thread. Let me state some facts rq

Physics are a constant work in progress. Its been that way since release. Every gt game in the last 10 years has had multiple patches to update its physics till the very last content update where the physics is in a "satisfactory" state by then or should be. Most of these patches if not all change the physics of every car in the game. This is how GT games play out. This means you will find one update's physics prefferable to another. Until perhaps a new update to the physics becomes your new favourite. PD is still working it out. Thats all there is to it
Keep in mind that the July update, which caused the problem, was advertized with “new physics”. The changes were obviously more significant (and riskier) than the average tweak behind the scenes.
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I had a go with the new Evo menu book and I was a bit surprised at the handling of the Evo.

It feels like it understeers and then suddenly oversteers, which makes some turns feel more like a dog-leg - granted, it is likely not helped by my driving, but I haven't noticed this behaviour so noticably in many (if any) other cars.

I also wish that these no PP limit races were a bit easier to select a car/set-up for, since the competition are clearly tuned. I do these races with a stock car and then add tuning parts until I can compete. Though this can be quite good fun, it would also be a lot easier if the PP of the competing cars was visible from the outset.
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PD is still working it out.
Shouldnt be this way, since GT7 is still the same genre of game with the same underlying idea than GTS was. This is not their 1st or 2nd try and even then constant changes to something that in reality is rock solid just is awkward.

Different tyres, different traction, different tyrelife, fine, fin.
I had a go with the new Evo menu book and I was a bit surprised at the handling of the Evo.

It feels like it understeers and then suddenly oversteers, which makes some turns feel more like a dog-leg - granted, it is likely not helped by my driving, but I haven't noticed this behaviour so noticably in many (if any) other cars.
I think what you’re experiencing is simulation of Mitsubishi’s Active Yaw Control system. It constantly transfers torque to the wheels having most grip, eliminating understeer once the effect kicks in.
Shouldnt be this way, since GT7 is still the same genre of game with the same underlying idea than GTS was. This is not their 1st or 2nd try and even then constant changes to something that in reality is rock solid just is awkward.

Different tyres, different traction, different tyrelife, fine, fin.
GTS was garbage physics wise. Dull as Dull can get. boringturismo

dunt'ya dare compare 7 to that, physics wise at least. I hope PD never goes back to that direction of simcade.
GTS was garbage physics wise. Dull as Dull can get. boringturismo

dunt'ya dare compare 7 to that, physics wise at least. I hope PD never goes back to that direction of simcade.
My statement is: they have had some time already to get it to a state that shouldnt require any change anymore.
My statement is: they have had some time already to get it to a state that shouldnt require any change anymore.
Iracing has been using the same fundamental engine since what, 2010? Do they still do physics changes at all?

Anyway, none of the current sims has reached a state of physics "perfection" yet so I don't see any particular reason there'd be an expectation that no changes should occur...
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i was running an e36 widebody and it was bottoming out and making the wheel turn a hard left ...i jacked the car up to 150 and stiffened the suspension and it still had hints of it ... i then took a bone stock e36 and could not recreate it.... i cannt figure out if the widebody is affecting tire hitting but for some odd reason the widebody bottoms out even though it has a stiffer suspension , is taller and weighs less .... its a game, interesting to fuigure out what these guys design to mimic physics ..... i just want more road cars and let us do staggered tires
These new generation circuits replace the old ones. But theyre not that good of a replacement. Professionally designed.. But fun? A few are. And a few like Northern Isle Speedway.. Are dead boring
What do you honestly expect a half-mile mini-oval to be? Not much you can do with that type of track in terms of scenery. But there is a lot of things you can do with that track in terms of events. Same goes for BB Raceway. Two tracks that are seemingly neglected. 3 years in and still each track only has 1 event. Why does PD bother having them even in the game then if they're not going to do anything with them? :confused:

It is clear that St. Croix is supposed to be a replacement for the original Grand Valley (given the blue suspension bridge). Just as Tokyo is a replacement for the Special Stages (not including X, which in itself was a PS3-era replacement for the original test course). But other than those 3, I can't think of any other PS4-era original that is meant to be a replacement for a PS2-era original. You could argue that Kyoto Yamagiwa layout shares a lot of similarities with Apricot Hill, but I just don't see that as a direct replacement. :)
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i was running an e36 widebody and it was bottoming out and making the wheel turn a hard left ...i jacked the car up to 150 and stiffened the suspension and it still had hints of it ... i then took a bone stock e36 and could not recreate it.... i cannt figure out if the widebody is affecting tire hitting but for some odd reason the widebody bottoms out even though it has a stiffer suspension , is taller and weighs less .... its a game, interesting to fuigure out what these guys design to mimic physics ..... i just want more road cars and let us do staggered tires
My advice is to stay away from the E36 because it just sucks when it's tuned. Shame really.
Hey guys, brand spanking new here and have only played GT7 for a few months now. Upon hearing this new reveal for their new wheel, it makes me think and ask - G29/G293 owners, have you guys had any recent problems with your pedals? And as for all players; have you noticed your throttle input decreasing without TC or lifting your foot?

It’s very subtle if anything, but as I have been grinding out license tests and golding them, it’s very apparent in tests like Master IA-3 and S-4 that upon keeping the throttle flatout, the input fluctuates from 100 to 95-75% at random times. Of course, this would affect any car, but for cars like the WRX STI and the XJ220, these cars require very high throttle input to spool up, primarily the XJ220 (which I have tried over the course of 3 days with multiple stints per day). I have also only had this problem with the release of Update 1.52, and upon testing and recalibrating my pedals, I find no fluctuation between how much input I’m giving.

I would like to believe it’s just my rig and I may just need something else, but stuff like this turns my lap times from a 2:02.360 (my best with the issue) to a 2:03 with next to no differences in technique outside of adjusting the XJ’s AWFUL, AWFUL, UNBEARABLE understeer to find a smooth exit.

So yeah, somebody please let me know if I just need to git gud, find a better system that will last longer (even though I’m quite sure it’s not my pedals), or that you’re at least struggling with the same issue. Thanks!
Better yet, go get in your car and mount a gopro, and go stand on the brakes at 100mph. Not brake hard, but 100% of the braking force you can get, both feet all your weight(like everyone is doing on the game lol,) try and hold the wheel straight, and get back to me on how that goes. :lol:

I don't have time for the back and forth today, but if you'd like to continue the discussion come find me in the paddock at the Glen. I'll be here all weekend.
I test drive cars in part for a living and have done so for 20+ years.
In fact I have drilled the brakes in hundreds of cars from triple-digit speeds down to slow second-gear corners and I have never had a single one snap sideways into oblivion while braking like this in a STRAIGHT LINE on a LEVEL surface as a result, like some cars in the game do. So no, it’s not realistic whatsoever.
I hate the GT-Rs in GT7 for this exact reason—and they behaved that way before any of these recent physics updates. If I brake one of them the way I do in real life, they back their way into corners sideways to a silly degree that does not exist in real life. And the same goes for other cars that behave this way in the game. This isn’t conjecture, it’s a fact.
Certainly, I’m stating this in simple terms just to make the point about it not being realistic in game. For sure sometimes a car might get unstable depending on a variety of factors and the rear might get light and start to wobble which you have to account for as the driver. But I’ve never had a modern car even on stock tires spit itself 45° let alone 90° sideways on the initial pedal strike or very soon after like occurs in the game with certain vehicles.
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Hey guys, brand spanking new here and have only played GT7 for a few months now. Upon hearing this new reveal for their new wheel, it makes me think and ask - G29/G293 owners, have you guys had any recent problems with your pedals? And as for all players; have you noticed your throttle input decreasing without TC or lifting your foot?

It’s very subtle if anything, but as I have been grinding out license tests and golding them, it’s very apparent in tests like Master IA-3 and S-4 that upon keeping the throttle flatout, the input fluctuates from 100 to 95-75% at random times. Of course, this would affect any car, but for cars like the WRX STI and the XJ220, these cars require very high throttle input to spool up, primarily the XJ220 (which I have tried over the course of 3 days with multiple stints per day). I have also only had this problem with the release of Update 1.52, and upon testing and recalibrating my pedals, I find no fluctuation between how much input I’m giving.

I would like to believe it’s just my rig and I may just need something else, but stuff like this turns my lap times from a 2:02.360 (my best with the issue) to a 2:03 with next to no differences in technique outside of adjusting the XJ’s AWFUL, AWFUL, UNBEARABLE understeer to find a smooth exit.

So yeah, somebody please let me know if I just need to git gud, find a better system that will last longer (even though I’m quite sure it’s not my pedals), or that you’re at least struggling with the same issue. Thanks!
I’ve had my G29 (second one now replaced under warranty) for 2 years and it disconnects in races. I’ve seen YouTube videos on it being to do with poor grounding or a short circuit. Logitech’s website isn’t very helpful
So yeah, somebody please let me know if I just need to git gud, find a better system that will last longer (even though I’m quite sure it’s not my pedals), or that you’re at least struggling with the same issue. Thanks!
I've had a G29 for years now and have never had any issues with it, I have it overclocked too, kitten has chewed through cables and I've soldered them back together, still never had any issues at all.

The pedals do suffer from poor potentiometers though and there is an upgrade you can buy (or cleaning them may fix the issue for you).

There is also a settings page for pedal calibration on GT7 in game, open that up and have a look at how your pedals are operating on there.

1903cac1b2d42-96b5C9D7D20689ADD60.78214389268DE75F_message_440065181341884_1719004614616 (1).jpg

Hope this helps
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